Averill placed the ripped off hand near the bleeding stump on Selina's arm. And whilst doing this, Averill used his own Magic Powers to reconnect the hand to her arm, and like a magic trick, her hand connected to her arm.
The pain Selina was suffering through suddenly vanished like it had never been there, but she knew that what happened was not fake due to the extreme suffering her mind and body had went through. She could now guess that it was only a minute had passed, but that sole minute had felt like an hour for her.
Sweat and tears were dripped from her face as she gazed at Averill with her bloodshot eyes. Her lips parted ways and her throat began moving, yet her voice could barely be heard as her voice was too hoarse and weak. "-T-hank… yoU…"
When Averill heard her weak and hoarse voice, he returned with a grin on his face as he gazed at Selina. "I will give you a choice, just remember, I am giving you a choice to decide on." Averill's tone was sweet and soothing. "You will either start by doing what I want, or I will make sure you will suffer much worse. The girl who's by my side; Laura, she doesn't quite know how to make people suffer, which is why she only does thing with brute force." Whilst saying those things, Averill's tone was soothing and the grin on his face turned into his usual weird smile.
Even after having gone through that kind of pain, Selina's mind was quite sharp and clear, she could easily tell if someone lied or not, and she could tell that Averill was telling the truth.
"So, what do you choose?" Averill asked as he continued gazing into Selina's bloodshot eyes.
And in return, Selina was gazing into Averill's sharp red eyes. "I… I choose to follow your orders…" Selina knew if she wanted to survive, she had to follow what he tells her to do. Because not only was he strong, he had people by his side that were much stronger than anyone she had seen till now. She would have to guess that not even Batman would be able to face the woman whose name is Laura. After having said this, Selina collapsed and her conscious faded as she closed her eyes.
Averill stood up from his crouched position, his sharp eyes went over Selina for a moment before he muttered to himself. "A clown and a cat… This place is quite weird. At least there have people that I can use as bait." He then turned towards Laura as he spoke in a soothing and clear voice. "Place her on a bed or something. You will also be accountable for her till her use is done with."
"Ok." Laura replied with a short and single word as she gave a nod. She then showed a slightly confused expression as she asked Averill. "What do you want her to do after waking up?"
"I want her to antagonize as many people as she can within a short amount of time. Stealing, killing, anything works as long as they are being provoked. The ones I want her to provoke are people that have powers or are smart enough to compete against those with strength." Averill only wanted one thing in this world, and that was to find people that can be used in the army he is making.
Laura didn't show any kind of expression outside her cold one. "It will be done as you want it." Laura knew one thing from the short time she has been with Averill, and that was that Averill liked doing things by himself. And now that Averill started giving people commands, would only mean that Averill's wanting to test the people around him. It was clear for Laura that Averill was starting a screening, of who could be used and who should be thrown away. 'I will show Averill that I can of use for him.' Laura thought to herself as she picked up the sleeping Selina and left the room.
Averill was alone in the room now, he walked towards the window and gazed outside. It only lasted for a few seconds though before he spoke in a calm tone. "Why aren't you coming inside?"
And as Averill said that, Saitama walked in the room whilst rubbing the back of his head as he had a foolish smile on his face. "I wanted to ask something." Even the tone Saitama used was weird, almost like he was shy about something. When Saitama saw Averill turning around and raising an eyebrow, he couldn't help but to blurt out what he wanted to ask. "… You see, I'm getting hungry, and I wanted to ask if you could make the ramen dishes again? I've eaten the food in the fridge, but it wasn't tasty nor was it much." A silly smile was showing on Saitama's face as he eyes Averill, Saitama couldn't forget about the tasty ramen dishes that he ate with Averill in his Domain earlier.
Averill didn't narrow his eyes, nor did he show any changes on his face, his usual weird smile was still there, and his eyes weren't any different than usual. He kept his silence for a few seconds which made Saitama worried, but Averill replied in the end. "Go and tell Laura, then the two of you can meet me in the dining room." And as Averill's words ended, he vanished from his spot.
Saitama froze for a mere moment before he turned around and rushed towards Laura. He was too excited; he could finally eat good food and lots of it! "LAURAAAAA!" He roared as he ran across the mansion in half a second, and outside a room, he saw Laura.
Laura had already heard the conversation between Averill and Saitama, and in the end, she was quite disappointed in Saitama. 'Moron of a person…' And as she saw Saitama running towards her, she spun her body around before sending a kick towards Saitama's face.
As Saitama was way too excited about the food, he forgot about reacting towards Laura's kick that suddenly appeared. He braced himself as he didn't want to ruin the mansion nor didn't he want to attack Laura, so he allowed Laura's kick to hit him. Because if Laura's kick missed his face, then half of the mansion would vanish, and if Saitama blocked it or retaliated, then half of the mansion would still vanish…
*Bang!* Laura successfully kicked Saitama's face, her footprint was showing as a red mark on Saitama's face. Laura then stood tall in front of Saitama with a cold expression. "Why are you acting like a fool in front of Averill!? You aren't an idiot nor are you stupid, then why are you acting like a complete buffoon?!"
Saitama was still showing his foolish expression as he listened to Laura's insults. And as foolish as he acted, he replied with a foolish smile and tone. "Because this has been the only way I can act for many years, I don't know how else to act." And just like what Saitama said, it was true, as the strongest person and perhaps being in his world and universe, he didn't know how to act in front of others.
He couldn't be excited about anything as he was too strong for many years, the only thing that remained was how he was with others. And as everyone else was much weaker than himself, the only way he found acceptable to act in front of them was like a foolish person that only smiled and did funny acts. Because if he didn't do that, then he wouldn't know how he would be, perhaps only an empty shell of a person with endless strength… That thought scared Saitama, which was he was holding onto his foolish behaviour.