Passionate gaze

In a secret location, half a dozen people were gathered, and amongst them was someone who had met with Averill previously – Batman, or also known as Bruce Wayne.

"I've already told you what happened, that bastard came into my home and almost killed a friend of mine!" Bruce slammed his fist onto the table which almost broke it whilst gazing at the others sitting around the large table.

"I know that you've said that, but we can't attack someone without a plan either!" A woman with black hair who was wearing red and blue came with a rebuttal, she knew that amongst them, Batman was the one who was most composed, but none of that calmness was apparent today. "What do we even know about him? Do we know his name? Do we know where he is from? Is he even from Earth? What about his strength?!" The woman or as often called as Wonder Woman asked Batman questions repeatedly.

As Wonder Woman asked those question, the rest of the people also gazed at Batman, wanting to know if he had a few answers. Because they all knew that Batman is the most resourceful person in Gotham city and possibility the world.

It was then that Bruce Wayne finally calmed himself down from his anger, he opened his mouth as he began speaking facts. "There are three of them, and they all have bodies similar to humans. Two males and a female, they seem to be under the age of thirty. The bald man and the woman seems to be underlings of the leader of those three, the one wearing military outfit, whom I suspect in being the strongest of them all. They arrived in Gotham yesterday when the pressure spread around the entire world, and within half a minute, they appeared in my home."

After taking a small breather, Bruce continued speaking. "From what I can tell, they are not from our Earth due to someone like their leader isn't someone who would hide his presence. Their abilities are unknown, I can't be quite sure if they can teleport or simply are fast enough to travel half the city within dozen of seconds. But what I am sure of is that their leader is strong. If I am not prepared, I will not be able to beat him in any way." Bruce concluded at this, he was telling them one thing, that if he was prepared and knew their abilities, he would be able to deal with them.

"That still means that you will not be able to defeat them unless you know their abilities and strength." A guy wearing a red suit with a flash mark on himself spoke out rather swiftly, his eyes were dashing around the entire room. "Though, if they ran half the Gotham city in ten seconds or so, would mean that they are fast. Yet they aren't faster than me." His voice contained haughtiness as he was pretty much the embodiment of speed itself.

"You shouldn't go by yourself, Barry Allen." A huge man with blonde hair holding onto a trident spoke out in a deep voice.

Bruce gazed at the people in the room. "If Superman was here, things would have been much easier. Though, we can handle these things ourselves. Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Hal, we will together find their weaknesses and strength." His voice was deeper than usual, he wasn't happy about that Alfred, his butler, almost lost his life.

"But we can't put our eyes only at one group, haven't you noticed that other groups acting up?" Wonder Woman raised her eyebrows as she gazed at Batman. She was slightly confused as Batman was pretty focused only on those three who invaded his home, and not the rest of the city, which was very strange in her opinion. "I have heard that The Joker is starting something, and I have even heard that Catwoman has started stealing from absolutely everyone." Wonder Woman didn't like the fact that they were only thinking of one threat and not the overall situation.

A grumble escaped out of Bruce's mouth as he couldn't deny what Wonder Woman said. "Hal, you go stop The Joker. And you Wonder Woman, stop Catwoman. The rest of us will head towards the three in focus, I have a bad feeling of them." Even if he was being angry, he needed to stay rational.

Whilst the men and woman of Justice League were planning on how to tackle the problem about Averill, the Joker and Catwoman. Averill was walking around the city.

Averill had placed Laura with Selina, and Saitama with Jack. He could guess that Jack and Selina would be targeted within a few days, but Averill didn't want them to die yet, which was why Laura and Saitama would protect the two of them from any real danger to their lives.

People were walking around and cars were stuck in traffic, Averill had his usual smile on his face whilst looking at everything around himself whilst walking forward.

There were many people who stared at Averill as he was quite unusual, he was wearing a black military outfit, his black hair seemed to be floating behind his head, his charming face was too beautiful compared to celebrities. Yet there were quite a few who got slightly scared when they saw the smile and the eyes of Averill, especially the sharp red eyes that were gazing around.

It was at this moment that Averill stopped walking as he felt a piercing gaze on him, he slowly turned his head to the side. He gazed at a woman who had a cheery expression whilst staring into Averill's eyes, the woman seemed to wear a white cloak which doctors usually wore, her blonde hair was reaching her shoulders on all sides.

The woman rushed towards Averill, after a few seconds, she stood in front of Averill, her gaze went from his eyes down to his feet. She took in all the information she could about him, what he was wearing, how he wore the clothing, his posture, his facial expression, his smile, his eyes, his eyebrows and even his breathing. Everything about him fascinated her.

Averill slowly narrowed his eyes, not because he was irritated about being gazed like that, but because of something else. He gazed at the woman who was staring at him, from anyone's point of view, she would seem like a normal woman, but Averill could sense something about her. 'I barely missed it, I don't think anyone would have noticed it, I do wonder if she even herself knows about it…' A grin slowly crept upon Averill's face.

"Hey, what's your name? I want to talk with you!" The woman suddenly asked him as she couldn't help but be more fascinated by him when he let out a grin. She had to talk with him, her heart and mind were telling her that he was someone she wanted to know and learn about.

"… Sure, let's head somewhere quiet and peaceful than the streets." Averill replied in his soothing voice, he wouldn't allow someone to escape his grasp when they seemed interesting in his eyes.