Whilst Laura and Saitama were beating the group of heroes that were in front of their home, Averill was also fighting a battle that shook nearby galaxies which made the nearest ones explode into dust.
Averill was releasing a huge amount of his aura whilst holding onto the new weapons that had appeared in his hands. He had swapped dozens or so already, and the more he switched, the more he could feel it, that he was getting closer.
God on the other hand wasn't doing all too well, he was able to fight against Averill towards a standstill, but no matter how much God tried to increase his output of power, Averill would always match it and continue fighting. God was clear about how much damage they had already done with their current battle, and he was afraid that even more would be destroyed if they continued.
The moment God was about to teleport himself to his own domain, an even more powerful aura gushed out of Averill.
"You better not escape right now when I am getting this close…!" Averill had managed to sense a small change in the air, almost like the Magic Powers he was used to, and Averill came quickly to a conclusion, that his opponent wanted to run away.
Averill threw away the weapons he had in his hands before grabbing the air once again, where a gun suddenly appeared. It was a handgun to be more accurate, the gun was covered in white marble and had black lines on it.
The moment Averill held the gun, he felt a shock going through his body. And without any kind of hesitation, Averill infused his own Magical Power and Aura inside of the chamber of the gun before firing it off whilst aiming at the presence that was trying to escape.
*Bang!* A gunshot was heard, but before anyone could hear it, the bullet had already hit its mark – God.
Averill wasn't finished yet; he quickly ran forward as he used his left hand this time to grab onto to air only to hold a handle of a weapon. He merely gazed down and saw it to be a black rapier with a white handle.
"Finally!" Averill roared out in a joyful tone as he rushed towards the presence with a gun in his right hand and a rapier in his left. It barely took him half a second before he appeared in front of the presence, he stabbed forward with the rapier whilst shooting off the gun as he aimed at different parts of the presence. "Ahahaha!" Averill couldn't help himself from laughing loudly, he had finally found what type of weapons that fit him the best.
On the other side, God was struggling for once. He had never been injured in his life, but he was getting injured by the bullets that had hit his body and the rapier that cut through him. God knew that his own body was indestructible, and his strength was omnipotent, but his body was getting injured and he couldn't kill Averill by himself…
Yet that didn't mean that God didn't have anything that he could do in the battle against Averill. The entire Universe could be his own Domain if he wished for it, and that was just what God did. "I am not someone that can be dealt with this easily, I will warn you only once, leave or I will eliminate you!" God's voice held anger and wrath beneath it, the space surrounding Averill was being suppressed by his powers.
Averill didn't feel bothered by the suppression that was around himself, he just smiled brightly whilst staring sharply at the presence. "No matter how much you try, it is just a waste… Let me tell you one thing; you're making it harder for me to not kill you on the spot, but if I kill you, this Universe will be destroyed too…" Averill didn't want to destroy this Universe yet, he still had plans to be completed, and he had the Mission that he accepted to finish.
"But before I let you go, let me show you something…" Averill's joyful tone slowly went deeper and his expression lost its bright smile as a smirk appeared instead.
A wild and ominous black aura slowly manifested itself into the air around Averill. The black aura began devouring the space and parts of the Universe, but Averill had limited it only to a small area around himself. Averill could sense that the presence in front of him was dumb-founded, and it was then that Averill suddenly vanished before reappearing in front of him before thrusting his rapier into the presence's body and shooting another bullet towards the seemingly head of the presence.
After having done that, Averill finally felt slightly calmer, he then flickered a finger which made a teleport appear beneath him, he fell through it before reappearing outside of the manor.
As Averill had left, God couldn't take it, he had taken too many injuries and a part of the Universe was even devoured. God knew that Averill had left for Earth. "Who was that guy…? Is he also a presence that has the ability to make his own universe? But why is he here in my universe…?" God was all-knowing of everything that happened in his own Universe, but Averill wasn't part of his Universe, which made it so that God couldn't tell what would actually happen in the future due to Averill…
And after having finally come back to his temporary home, Averill gazed at what was happening, or to be more specific, the aftermath of a battle. Averill could see Laura on one side with dozen or so heroes on the ground with heavy injuries. And on the other side, Averill saw Saitama holding a hero with a S mark on his chest to the ground whilst punching him repeatedly on the face.
Each of Saitama's punch on Superman's face made the ground shake and tremble, yet Saitama knew that the damage he was doing towards Superman wasn't enough to put him in a heavy injured state. And for the brief second Saitama was thinking of something else, he saw a fist coming towards his face.
Superman's fist hit right on the face of Saitama before sending him flying a hundred meters backwards. Clark was in a messy state, the superhero outfit he was wearing was covered in dust and soil and his face was bruised slightly. But his expression was still as solemn as ever and his eyes were staring towards Saitama.
Clark slowly flied upwards till he was ten meters above the ground, his eyes shined in a bright red shade before lasers suddenly appeared from his eyes which were aimed towards Saitama.