A single day had passed by, but that wasn't something Saitama was aware of…
A cloud of dust appeared out of nowhere, if anyone were able to see the state of the planet, they would see that the planet was covered in dents and had deep cracks running through the inner parts of the core.
After a few seconds, the dust settled slightly, and two figures could be seen. A figure was laying on the ground with his head buried in the ground, whereas the other figure was barely managing to stand up straight with his arm reaching forward like the person had just punched.
It did take another couple of seconds before the dust settled down completely and the figures could now be seen clearly. The figure that was on the ground was a lookalike of Spectre's clone, whereas the one who was barely standing was Saitama.
Saitama was barely managing to breathe properly, his eyelids were drooping, almost like he would close his eyes and sleep at any given moment. "I… I finally did it����" It was then that Saitama fell backwards on the ground.
His clothes were ripped, his body was bruised up badly, cuts were apparent on his body and many bones were broken. Yet Saitama couldn't feel any of those pain during the battle, but now after he had killed the last one, all of the pain suddenly came to him like an avalanche.
"Ugh…!" Saitama gritted his teeth as he wasn't even able to rest properly after the hard battle which he was fighting everything he had and his life as the stake. Yet even with the horrendous pain that Saitama felt, a smile slowly appeared on his face. It was a smile full of joy and happiness, he had managed to fight a battle that he barely won after improving lots!
It wasn't that Saitama had only fought this one lookalike of Spectre's clone that had exactly the same ability… Spread across the humongous planet, half a dozen other lookalikes of the Spectre's clones were laying on the ground; dead.
One of them had his body ripped into two, another one had a fist going through his head. Saitama had managed to win against half a dozen lookalikes of Spectre's clones all by himself.
"haha…hahaha." Saitama laughed in a weak voice as his eyelids covered his eyes and his mind went blank as he fell asleep…
Another day passed by, somewhere far away in the Universe, someone or something was running at the speed of the light throughout the universe… Nothing could stop that thing, anyone and anything that stood would be get destroyed or die…
Strong beings tried to stand in its path, but to only end up being cut into thousands of pieces… Moons, planets and even suns that were in its path got destroyed without even being able to hinder the speed of that thing for a single millisecond…
The thing that was going this fast was in fact Laura… She kept flying non-stop the moment she left the mansion. Her figure was dashing through the dark universe, nothing could stop her, nothing will stop her either! Laura had a cold yet solemn expression on her face as she kept on flying forward. For every single millisecond that passed by, she kept upping her speed to go faster, she wouldn't allow herself to slack for even a single moment. 'More, I need to go faster!' She kept telling herself that as her body was hurting badly.
Laura's body wanted to stop since the first hour she began flying, yet she had forced herself to continue for almost two days straight without drinking anything, without eating, without even taking a small break to allow herself to breathe properly for a little while.
It was then that another alien stood in her path, it was a gigantic being at the size of a small moon. Laura could hear the gigantic being roar, an ugly frown appeared on Laura's face. It wasn't because she was afraid of that thing, it was because of something else…
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" Laura screamed as she increased her speed yet again as she used her claws to rip that alien into many pieces as she pierced its body, she kept flying at a high speed without even once lowering it.
Laura's heart was beating madly, her muscles and bones were itching and twitching crazily. It was almost to the point of Laura's body would collapse at any given second, yet Laura gritted her teeth as she kept going faster.
Only one thought was inside of Laura's hazy mind right now which kept her going through all of this pain. 'Averill…. Averill. Averill! You won't need to save me next time!!!' The thought of Averill kept Laura going, she didn't care if her body would get hurt, she would do everything for Averill.
Laura was still being haunted by being saved by Averill yet again, she had thought that she had grown strong enough. But she was proven wrong as she and Saitama couldn't even handle the clones of Spectre, Laura had to almost need to escape from the battle as she and Saitama couldn't defeat the clones.
Once again, Laura gritted her teeth as hard as she could as she kept flying faster. She did not ever want to feel that again, the feeling of being weak, the feeling of not being able to help the one person you care about. Because Laura knew one thing for sure, if she wasn't able to help Averill, all of hers and his efforts would have gone to waste, it pretty much means that the decision that Averill made to revive her was wrong, and that didn't sit well with Laura.
"… Averill, I will prove it to you…! I will get so strong to the point of you will never need to worry about me again, at that time, I will protect and help you!" Laura's voice could barely been heard, but the small voice that escaped her throat was raspy and weak.