Batman, or also known as Bruce, had changed after the defeat he and the heroes of Justice League suffered versus Laura and Saitama not too long ago. The defeat they suffered wasn't like the ones previously, they had been crushed this time without any ray of victory in sight…
Bruce managed to catch Catwoman three days ago, and from the reports that he had gotten from Wonder Woman was that Laura had been protecting her as she caused mayhem in the city. That in itself was good enough reason for Bruce to capture Catwoman.
It was after that Bruce had captured her that he found himself asking her questions regarding Laura, Saitama and Averill, then Bruce's mind was in a daze for the next few days as he tried everything to get the information out of Catwoman's mouth.
Everything Bruce wanted to stop, there was something in the back of his mind that stopped him. The crushing defeat he felt had left a trauma in his mind, and Bruce would do anything and everything to find out ways to defeat such a person.
If Bruce had to say, Laura was the one his body feared as she had almost killed him. Yet his mind was shaken and scared of Saitama and Averill who was seemingly stronger than Laura.
One thing led to another, and Bruce found himself torturing Catwoman. He had pulled off her fingernails with a plier, he broke all of her fingers one by one, he used a knife to cut her, he stabbed metal rods into her body, he even blinded her left eye with acid. But no matter what Bruce did, Catwoman never told him what he wanted to hear…
On the other side, Catwoman or also known as Selina has been feeling that she was staying in hell for the past few days. She wasn't allowed to sleep and was continuously tortured by Batman… Selina was only able to see with one eye now as her other eye was blinded by Batman, and everything she saw was tinted in red as her eye was bloodshot long time ago…
Yet, after undergoing so much torture, Selina finally saw something in the darkness, it was like a light in the deep hell she was in, like a ray of light… She saw someone appeared out of nowhere, even without being able to see the person, she knew who it was; Averill. The moment she figured out that, her body gave out and she lost her consciousness, because she had a feeling that she would be safe now.
Bruce was about to hit Catwoman's face as she lost her consciousness, but before his arm could touch her face, a hand appeared out of nowhere and stopped his arm from nearing Catwoman.
"Wh~" Before Bruce could even say anything, he felt his body being raised up by his neck. It was then that he saw who it was, it was the person he feared, the one person he was scared of; Averill. Bruce's pupils trembled slightly, he couldn't figure out how Averill knew where he was as this location wasn't known by anyone.
Averill didn't say anything, he held Batman neck in a tight grip. There was a weird smile apparent on Averill's face as he squeezed harder by the moment.
"-Why, why! Why is a monster like you alive on Earth!?" Bruce asked in a deep and hoarse voice as he was barely able to speak. He didn't try to escape from the grip he was in because he knew one thing; that he wouldn't be able to escape unless Averill allowed him to.
Bruce was too frustrated with his current predicament, how would he be able to defeat a person like Averill who didn't seem to have any kind of weakness? He was faster than Flash and he was stronger than Superman, and he also had to underlings that could do the same. Bruce couldn't figure out any solution in fighting against Averill, Laura and Saitama.
The moment Bruce shouted those words, the grip that Averill held on Bruce lessened slightly. Those words that he heard caused Averill and the System to see another memory…
"Why is a monster like you even alive on our Earth, you should just die!" "You don't deserve to be even alive; you scum of human!" "I hope you rot in hell, devil!" "This death is too peaceful for someone like you, a demon who has no emotions!" -----
More and more shouts could be heard in the background as Averill's eyes focused on something else… This time around, Averill's body was crucified on a cross, he didn't have any limbs and blood was gushing out from everywhere. Huge nails were piercing his torso which kept him on the wooden cross.
The eyes of Averill had lost its shine and he was barely breathing. It didn't take long before the body which was crucified on the cross had turned into a corpse…
But the memory didn't end there, mere moments after Averill died, something else happened. Hundreds of sonic booms could be heard from the sky and not even seconds later, thousands of bombs exploded on the ground which killed hundreds of thousands on the ground who was attending the murder of Averill.
And not even half a minute after that, tens of thousands of soldiers fell from the sky in parachutes, all armed in a black military outfit from shoes to headgear.
Time seemed to be sped up as only five minutes later, the millions that were attending the place of Averill's death had also died… Half a dozen human figures that couldn't be seen clearly were kneeling in front of the dead Averill that was now laying on the ground.
"Lord, we promised to only serve you and no one else, yet we have failed to protect you." The person who was forefront and nearest Averill's corpse was speaking. "Lord, you were the one who saved us and kept us safe from our destiny which this world had decided for us. I promise you Lord, no matter how, no matter what, we will continue to fulfil your desire …"
The memory continued, but Averill and the System couldn't hear anything else and the memory ended there.
Averill's eyes narrowed slightly, and he grabbed Batman by his neck even tighter now. "You will not understand this, but I am grateful for your words because I have more memories to go by." A radiant smile appeared on Averill's face as he tightened so hard that it broke Batman's neck.
After having broken the neck of Batman, Averill threw him on the ground and didn't gaze at him any longer. He went and grabbed Selina, he touched the metal cuffs that were holding her back and they turned into dust. Averill held Selina in his arms as he turned around and made another portal near Harleen who was gazing at everything with a dumb-founded expression.
Harleen was in a daze, a daze so deep that she didn't even notice the portal appearing by her side. The reason for that was because she saw something, she saw another memory of Averill appearing in her mind.