Prep for the journey

Jake awoke in a bed, he felt strangely tired as if his mind had not rested enough yet. Nevertheless, he was in a small room, the room consisted of the bed, a table and the window. Jake grudgingly got out of bed and looked out of the window. He saw the same town he had yesterday, he was still in the village. All he remembered was that he had lost he fights, he then noticed a square at the bottom of his vision.


Active skill(owned): Eagle eyes ~ Eyes become increasingly sensitive and can view thing from far distances


He got exalted from this revelation. Shortly after the feeling of weariness clouded the feeling of happiness when he realised that he did not have his bow. He decided to leave the room and explore the building. He saw a staircase going down, he decided to go down. There he found the barkeeper and Rudolf, they were strangely silent. Also, the tavern was completely corpse free. Soon after Rudolf greeted him, he gave him his iron bow. He explained to him what had happened, and they were on there way. What as done was done, there was no need to stick around and talk to the barkeeper. It did not seem like the barkeeper wanted to talk either.

Rudolf explained that he had got a new skill, he could now sense attacks with his heat. He was talking about it like it was the craziest skill ever, Jake dismissed it like it was nothing. Rudolf got a bit annoyed at him. Rudolf then asked Jake if they should walk back to the "Dungeon Hall" or what they should do now. Jake certainly wanted to go to the "Dungeon Hall", he had twenty silvers he wanted to claim. He needed to buy gear for his journey to Blue city.

The walk back was uneventful and they soon found themselves in front of the same black door they had before. They walked into the same crowded city, they walked to the "Dungeon Hall". After entering they went straight up to the clerk. They wanted their money, strangely the clerk did not ask for any proof. He simply handed over twenty silver and that was that. Now, Jake wanted to get geared for the journey ahead.

They split the silvers in half and said they would meet up at the Adventure Hall at night. Jake was having a tough time considering if he should shop down here or up there. In the end, he decided to pay the old man he had sold the snakeheads to.

Jake primarily wanted to get new arrows as they had been running low, he also wanted to get a set of armour. The old man was sitting in the same spot as before, in his little store crowded with wares. Jake told him he had 10 silvers and what he wanted. "Don't worry, my boy, I will get you what you want", he then walked into the secluded part of the shop. He then came out with leather armour and a dozen arrows. He said that the price for all this would be 10 silvers with a smile. Jake inspected the wares before handing over the coin, it had seemed to be of good quality."

Jake had the day in front of him and was unsure of what to do. He decided to check his skill trees and look at what skills he could unlock.


Continuation to "Demon form"

Active skill: Energized kick ~ Focusing black magic on legs

Side effect: Legs harden

Side effect: Legs become complete black

Side effect: Legs gain a lot of strength and speed


Continuation to "Shadow form"

Active skill: Shadow shot ~ Shoot arrows without actual arrows

Side effect: arrows are 50% effective


Continuation to "Eagle eyes"

Passive skill: Dead eyes ~ See the kill spot on your target.

Side effect: Eyes go black


Continuation to "Powershot"

Active skill: Quickshot ~ Shoot 5 arrows in quick succession


As of now these skills felt quite mediocre, he was not in need of arrows, he did not have to shoot fast. The kill spot is quite obvious, and he is to weak to come melee with others. In reality, what he really wanted to do was improve one of his skills. He knew that the Adventure Hall had a training ground beside it and headed there. He wanted to improve his demon form as it had saved him multiple times.

After arriving at the training ground he found a secluded spot and started practising. Right now he felt that the movement of black magic was inefficient, he felt a lot of it leave his body. Also, it was quite a small amount circulating around his body. He could only fix one of these problems at once, so he spent the entire day circulating black magic around his body very slowly. At the end of the day, he felt as if he had improved his efficiency.

He walked over to the Adventure Hall and surprisingly did not find Rudolf there. He sat down and waited, really long, then eventually Rudolf came walking through the door. he had an entire set of armour now, strangely, however, it was quite damaged.

He told Jake about how he found this place where people could practise sparring against each other, without a risk of dying. He was there all day fighting to his heart's content and just generally having a fun time. Jake paid off a bit of his debt for the adventure token, then they proceeded to book a room and headed off to sleep. They were going on an escorted trip tomorrow and wanted to be at full energy for it.

The day was brisk, Rudolf and Jake went to the designated meetup place. They found the person they would be escorting, it was a midget woman with quite a large attitude. She had shouted at them for being late when they were 5 minutes early. 'This is going to be a fun time' Rudolf sarcastically thought to himself. Jake and Rudolf proceeded to get into the carriage and sat there, all they had to do was wait for something to happen and if nothing did, they would get ten silvers for free.