The kingslaying pheonix

At the start of the game, the player was forced to pick a speciality based on the difficulty they wanted. They were told that the harder specialities had more potential, but that is not the entire story, there were unique skills in the game only accessible to the darker specialities. The darker your speciality was the easier it would be to achieve these unique skills, the tricky part was just how troublesome it would be to unlock these abilities.

Jakes's eyes were reduced down to slits as he narrowed down on Terath. They both stood still staring at each other, Terath because he was wanted Jake to feel helpless and Jake because he did not know what to do.

Terath felt a slight tingle in his chest, maybe you could call it anxiety. However, Terath still felt a sense of over empowerment. After all, he was not just a goblin, no he was the self-proclaimed goblin king. Still, something in the human's eyes just felt wrong.

Jake now had his eyes glued on Terath, every step, every breath, every movement his eye made, Jake would catch. They continued their skirmish or you could call it one-sided slaughter. As Jake tried running backwards, he saw Terath leap forwards. His eyes were quick enough to notice it but his body could not react in time as he took a right punch.

Jake flew for a solid 10 meters before crashing through a tree. Jakes head now had a little crack in it. Jakes wrath was simply uncontrollable at this point, he hated being beaten up but loosing like this to a fucking goblin. And, one that looks down on him as well.


'If I cannot shoot him, then what use is my bow, I cannot fight him barehanded either'. Jake asked himself multiple similar questions until he did something drastic. He took his iron bow and held it by the ends so that it looked like a bent staff. His plan was to use his bow like a sword, well more a mace.

Jake stood up, only to receive a spinning kick into his torso, he flew 10 meters into another tree. His plan was ruined as his bow had got completely ruined and was useless. He threw it away, as he stood up again, his eyes were quick enough to catch Terath in the process of giving him a punch. It did not matter that he saw it, as he flew through the tree and landed at another tree further away. Terath stood still thinking the battle was over, but when the debris settled he saw a shadow. It was Jake and he was still standing.

Terath jumped forwards and did a spinning kick aimed for his jaw. Terath thought this would launch Jakes head of his body, instead, all he could hear was a crack as Jake flew into another tree. Jake stood up again, only to find Terath ready to punch him into a tree again.

Jake stood up again only to receive another punch, he flew even longer and crashed into a tree. His breath got beaten out of him, he tried to breathe but then got kicked in the chest. He would have coughed blood if he had any.

Teraths smile grew wider, his eyes starting looking at Jake like a child would candy. He kept on hitting him, one, two, five, ten, twenty, thirty times. Eventually, he lost track and simply indulges himself in the feeling of joy he had.

Jake stood up, this time he did not get punch immediately. Instead, he could feel Teraths Jaw on his shoulder. He bit down on it, cracking his shoulder into multiple fragments. Then Terath threw him into another tree. As Jake stood up again, Terath grabbed his left arm and threw him into another tree 30 meters away.

Theoretically, Jake should have passed out from the pain he was feeling, however it was too much for his mind to process. It was similar to mixing many flavours together and not being able to taste a single one, this was the position he was in.

At this point, Jake bones had been twisted, turned and broken in multiple different ways. He should have lost his limbs but something was holding them together. He had multiple different splinters sticking through his body, he was a total wreck.

He kept on standing up. Jake was right now pouring as much energy as he could into his body. Black magic and death energy would usually despise each other, not working together at all. However, right now Jake was forcing both of them through his body through sheer will. He filled his body to the brim with energy, and even above the brim. The body could not take it and tried to deplete the energy but Jake kept increasing it faster than it decreased. The reaction to this was small explosions happening in his body, his body desperately trying to release energy. You could see his skin bulging and bones twisting where the explosions happened.

Kicks, stronger kicks, his strongest kicks, knees, bites, punches, throwing, or anything else Terath could do would seemingly not end the battle. His joy turned into annoyance, his smile into a frown. He did not understand what kept Jakes bones together, or how we were standing up. 'Every nerve, bone and muscle was broken in his body' Terath thought. Terath wanted to see the extent of this, he appeared in front of Jake. He grabbed Jakes arms with his hands, then he started pulling. He was going to rip Jake apart.

On the other side of the fight, Rudolf was in a trance, even though he got stabbed repeatedly by small bone daggers he could not feel an ounce of pain. He was not focused at all, if anything he was opposite of focused, he was beyond distracted. He felt the emptiness in his mind, no thoughts, no senses just his consciousness. Honestly, the feeling felt wrong but it was strangely relaxing.

Rudolf started fighting against it, trying to conjure up thoughts, trying to move, trying anything but he could not do anything. He simply felt darkness, he felt the sense of calmness surround him almost as if he was being drowned. When everything else failed, he simply exerted himself, similar to tensing up all the muscles in your body. He kept on pushing his body, kept on exerting it no matter how heavy the darkness became.

In his stomach he felt something, it came as a shock to Rudolf. He had not felt anything for what felt like hours but in reality, was mere mili-seconds. He tunnel-visioned at the feeling, it had a completely distinct feeling from the darkness. It was a mix of passion and agitating, he kept on focusing on it, nothing changed. He exerted himself specifically at his stomach again.

Strangely he felt more of the thing whatever it was, he focused on it. He kept on bringing more and more, it got progressively harder. The energy started pulsating, he pushed his hardest to bring even more energy. He brought more energy and when he could not, he forced himself to bring more. The pulsating had spread to his entire being. He started straining the pulsing, trying to make it pulse faster. The pulse increased it's speed until it felt like it was repeatedly twitching and not pulsing. One last time Rudolf, exerted himself completely, increasing the energy and increasing the beat in his heart.

At that moment two large explosions could be heard miles away, and the vibrations in the air could be felt.

One of the explosions was fire, the other one was a misty ball filled with black electricity circulating through it. Rudolf and Jake had both learnt a new unique ability.


Unique skill (owned): Pheonix ~ Go into a ten-second defenceless state before realising a small explosion. All abilities and energies are completely refilled.

Side effect: Only usable once every 7 days.


Unique skill(owned): Kingslayer ~ all abilities are permanently 100% stronger.

Side effect: Left arm, instead of realising a mist it starts burning in a silent black flame if user enters into a form.


Terath had been launched away from Jake due to the explosion and crashed against a tree. Jake was still heavily injured, but when he went into his demon form, it felt different. His body was still broken, but due to the fact that he moved through energy and not through muscles, he could still function. He entered into demon form, as he got covered in flames he noticed his arm burning in a black flame. He felt ecstatic.

Terath was royally pissed off, he had just gotten successfully attacked by this ant, 'how dare he?' he thought to himself. Terath leapt forwards attempting to strike Jake again, but this time it did not go smoothly. Due to his new skill, Jake could clearly see Terath almost as if it was slow-motion. This time, Jake threw a left hook, which hit Terath and launched him into another tree.

Terath realised that he could not recklessly charge into Jake anymore. and started taking the fight more seriously as he slowly walked towards Jake. Two creatures were now circulating each other, one green, tall and bulging with muscles. The other one completely black, average-sized and his muscles were thin as bone.

After the explosion, Rudolf stood up. He was completely covered in ashes, actually, in a radius of two meters, there were only ashes. He shook them off, as he healed the stab wounds he had gotten. He had blown away all his armour and only had a shining red sword in his hands. As he looked around, he noticed that the goblin count had decreased by half. He was filled with energy and was pumped to fight. He and his sword were surrounded in a red flame as he took a step after a step towards the goblins.

Terath eventually decided to engage on Jake, he tried to go for a punch. He got countered and Jake sent an uppercut towards his torso. Terath stepped to the right before sending a left hook towards Jake's face. Jake ducked and went for another uppercut, this time for his chin. It landed and he sent Terath flying two meters up. He jumped two meters and kicked him like a ball towards the tree.

When Terath tried to stand up he got hit into a tree, when he tried to recover he got kicked into a tree. As he tried recovering his breath, Jake landed a punch towards his torso making him go through the tree, crashing at the one behind it.

"Still having fun" On Jake's face, there was a cruel smile.

When Terath tried to stand up, Jake sent a kick aimed for his head and it broke the tree with it. Terath was on the floor, coughing blood through his mouth. Jaked went forwards and stomped his head.

Three times.

Terath lay there completely still, not breathing with a mouth filled with blood. The fight had taken them quite some distance from the goblin camp, Jake started walking towards it. On his way, he took the splinters out of his body, each one hurting like hell.

He eventually reached the camp, his body was still a mess. However, with the help of black magic, it could still work. He saw that the gates had been blown up, as he walked through he saw a pile of ashes in the middle and multiple goblin corpses having their head completely severed, their neck had gotten burned, there was no blood on the floor. Further, into the camp he saw Rudolf, Rudolf was killing the last goblin, it got decapitated.

Jake called out to Rudolf, Rudolf turned to see Jake. Both of them cringed as they saw each other, Jake because Rudolf was completely naked, and Rudolf because Jake's bones had gotten completely twisted. Jake had not bothered twisting them back, because he knew the pain would make him fall asleep.

Either way, they quickly described what had happened. Then, Jake asked Rudolf to help him twist his arms back. Rudolf flinched but accepted, after twisting two bones back to normal Jake passed out. Rudolf took the blunt side of his sword and hit Jake with it until he woke up. Jake twisted two more bones before passing out. They repeated this until Jake had twisted every bone correctly, they were still broken but it was easier for Jake to move around now.

Either way, now came the fun part of the mission. They would finally get to explore what was inside the tents. In total there were 10 tents and they started going through them one by one.

The first two tents contained hundreds of small cloths, Jake guessed it was the sleeping spot for the goblins. There was nothing else in these tents which was quite sad.

In the third tent, they found something that made them gag, almost throw up. There were at least 100 human corpses stacked on each other on the left side. Each one was a woman, who was scarred and bruised. Then they realised, not every single one was a corpse, one woman raised her hand and whimpered "help me" before dropping her arm due to exhaustion.

On the right side, there were cages, each one the size of a dog cage, filled with a woman each. They were all pregnant, these ones were even more scarred and bruised, it was a gruesome sight. Rudolf imediatly walked forward and destroyed a few cages. The women did not move an inch. They were all completely destroyed, their will to live had completely been drained. "kill me", one said with an emotionless voice.

Jake and Rudolf excited the tent, then Rudolf decided to set it afire. As the tent burned, they could not hear one single scream.

They went on to the fifth tent, in it, there was a single large bed. Jake could guess who it belonged to. To their left they found chests. Inside the first chest, they found multiple silver coins. They counted them and it numbered up to 52 coins. They felt quite good but the disturbing scene from before had not yet passed so they did not celebrate. The second chest was a bit larger but of lower quality. Inside it, there were multiple weapons. Jake found a new bow and a few arrows, that he decided to equip. The bow was made of iron but the edges were sharpened. Rudolf took the largest sword and heaviest sword he could find, he could barely swing it but it would be good training he thought.

The third chest was filled with high-quality meat, Jake and Rudolf simply left it alone. When they exited Jake told Rudolf to burn the tent, Rudolf wondered why but eventually did it.

In the sixth tent, they found a bunch of Goblin children, they were sitting and holding their legs with tears in their eyes. The children should not be punished for their father's actions, therefore Jake and Rudolf decided to leave them alone.

In the seventh, tent there were more corpses. These ones looked like adventurers, that had been killed. These ones had been stripped of their armour, the armour was on the right side. Rudolf equipped a few new armour pieces, primarily so that he would not have to be naked the entire day. Jake found leather armour and replaced it with his armour, the leather was not as worn out and seemed of a higher quality. Again, they burned the tent.

The eight tent they found multiple different torture devices, Terath had not been kidding when he said he would skin Jake alive, as he saw a child with his skin peeled off. They did not investigate further and burned the tent down.

The ninth tent there was filled with animal corpses, Jake assumed it was for food. They burned it down.

The tenth tent was empty, it seemed as if it had just been built. Rudolf burned it down.

There was a lot of smoke coming out of the fire. The explosions and smoke had attracted quite a few adventurers. There was one party not that far away, that decided to go to the smoke. When Rudolf and Jake exited the tent they found a party of five standing at the gate.