
Only when Garsam entered his room that he realized how tired he was, even though according to a clock in the wall it was barely the beginning of the lunch hour.

Entering his bedroom and putting his luggage on the floor he diceded to skip lunch and just eat a few of the fruits that his mom put in his bag. After finishing his food and with heavy eyelids he lied down on his bed and went to dreamland.

A few hours later Garsam woke up with a frown because of his grumbling stomach so he decided to have a shower and looking at the clock again it just happened to be dinner time.

After the shower and changing clothes he left his room since he didn't want to eat more fruits and all the food in the kitchen of his cabin were uncooked food, like they expected for a 7 years old to cook for himself.

Leaving his room and arriving at the stairs it was then that he realized that he didn't know where the dinner hall was, so while going down the staris he saw a few employees and asking them for direction along the way he finally found the dinner hall after walking for almost 10 minutes.

'This airship is a maze, with weren't for the directions i would be lost in here, i wonder how it can fly, it probably is because of magic.' Thought Garsam impressed with this airship size.

When he entered, the dinner hall immediately quieted down with many of the other students looking at him, most of them with jealousy and a few of them angry.

Not knowing what to do Garsam just walked to take a food plate already used to stares like those, since they were like the children back in the mansion, but not understanding why since back them they looked at him like that because he was a talented, but everyone here just like him was telented as well so it just confused him.


When he just sitted in a corner table a student, the one that peed himself, got up so fast that his chair fell down then started with a furious face to Garsam.

"YOU, what's so good about you that sir Ramon likes you so much? Aren't you just someone who didn't even learn miditation? My father is a mage and i'm about to become a mage apprentice!" Exclaimed furiously pointing his finger at Garsam's face.

Just when Garsam was about to say something a pleasant voice was heard just the table besides Garsam "Fanis you better leave him alone, sir Ramon almost killed you just for speaking back at him, what do you think he would do to you if he hears about this?" Said a beautiful girl with green hair and small nose about 10 years old.

With a pale face Fanis just look at Garsam like he was going to murder him then he turned towards the girl that spoke earlier with the same look and just left the room, and following him the members of his crew.

"Thank you." Said Garsam to the girl who helped him.

Giggling she sitted in front of Garsam like this was just a everyday occurrence, not minding the trouble or the enemy that she may have created.

"Don't worry about Fanis, we grew up together and he is just bark and not bite, he keeps saying to everybody that his father is a mage but the truth is that he is just a peak magic apprentice and according with my father without any hope to breakthroug anymore." Said the girl this secret like it didn't matter.

"Is your father a mage?" Asked Garsam curious.

"No, just like Fanis father, he is also a Peak mage apprentice."

"My name is Lisa by the way and what's yours?" Asked Lisa extending her hand.

"My name is Garsam" Responded him shaking her hand and smiling at her.

"So Garsam, why is sir Ramon so nice to you? are you super talented? or are your parents super rich that they gave him a lot of money? a recall that there are 2 descendents of official mages in the airship but he didn't even treat them nice." Asked Lisa quiet curious that a official mage would treat a mortal with such care.

"Humm super talented i guess? i don't know my talent test was not even the highest grade possible just a 4 and a 3.5?" Replied Garsam embarassed not knowing the actual reason that his senior brother was so nice to him as well, but he belived that was the main reason.

"What! a 4!?", "My god mine is just a 1...", "Mine is a 2", "he is a monster...", "I heard that a telented 4 is about 80% of chance to become an official mage..." Suddenly the dinning hall exploded in a heated discussion about Garsam's talent.

"Whoa, you are very talented, my talent is just a 3 in affinity and a 2 in sensing of mana and my father called me a genius, you are indeed a monster with this talent." Said Lisa with a little bit of jealousy in her tone.

"Th-Thank you?" i didn't know that, my family is of merchants..." Said Garsam even more embarrased and scratching his ears listening to all the discussion across the dinning hall, provoking a fit of laughs from Lisa, now that his face is red together with his hair, he looked like a tomato.

After a while when she finally stopped laughing she looked at Garsam who just started eating with his head down trying to appear that nothing bothered him.

"Indeed, you are very talented, even i'm jealous of you, since you have about 80% chance to become an official mage and thus living much longer, the teachers at the academy are going to fight to have you apprenticed to them." Said Lisa with a yearning to get a good teacher at the academy.

"Fight for me? but i already have a teacher." Said Garsam not understanding what she meant.

"A teacher? do you mean sir Ramon? with all the respect he is an official mage but with your talent you can get at least a great mage as a teacher, so you better not agree if he wants to be your teacher!" Exclaimed Lisa looking at him like he was just scammed of a opportunity to gain great powers.

"Hm... no... is not senior brother... is his teacher" Replied Garsam with his voice getting smaller and smaller thinking that he made a mistake by accepting a teacher he never saw.

"Hm? you mean sir Ramon's teacher? who?" Asked Lisa now curious that her assumption was wrong.

"His name is Sa-Samuel Dakra, yes Samuel Dakra was the name, do you know him?" Asked Garsam looking at Lisa when he finished thinking hard to remember the name, but the expression of rage that he expected for choosing a bad teacher wasn't present, instead she was with her mouth wide open like it could fit a egg inside.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THAT SAMUEL DAKRA AS YOUR TEACHER!?" She screamed, spooking Garsam and everyone still in the dinning room.

"What?!", "Are you seriously? isn't enogh to have that talent he has to be Grand Mage Samuel as his teacher as well?", "The mage world is indeed cruel..." Listening what Lisa screamed the all the students looked at Garsam, if before with envy of his talent, now also with a bit of admiration.

Calming down a bit she said with a straight face "Samuel Dakra is a Grand mage you know, a GRAND MAGE, my father said that he is alive for countless years and is a legend. That during the war against the elfs when he was still a great mage he was able to kill a Grand mage, spreading his name for all the human race." She spoke with cleary admiration.

Then she looked at Garsam like he was her new idol "You sure are luck to be his apprentice, with him teaching you dont even have to worry of becoming an offical mage, becoming a great mage shouldn't even be a problem."