Rise of the Phoenix (Omoro's Origin PT 1)

A young girl is lost in thought as she walks down the street.

'I was the popular girl. The one who was head of the cheer squad and always looked like she was glowing. Until the day I actually did glow,' she thought to herself. That day she ended up burning down the school. Now, she was a runaway. Still dressed in her fashionable, but near tattered clothes. She was so lost in thought she didn't notice anyone around her. That is, until a man bumped into her. "You lost, kid?" He asked.

From the looks of it, this man was a bum. But his eyes were different. As the young lady looked into them, she felt like the sun was shining in front of her. "I'm sorry," she said. "I just need a way to get as far away as possible." She knew it was a long shot, but just seeing this man gave her the same reaction as seeing the sun rise.

He pointed to a nearby open vehicle. "Take that. I have a feeling you will be safe, Ms. Katastroff." The young lady turned back to tell him how he knew her last name only to see that the man had disappeared. "Omoro. Take the car." A voice called out to the young woman.

"How do you know me?" She asked. She was starting to glow. The air around her beginning to smoke.

"Phoenix rise once more

You shall be reborn golden

Be ash never more."

The young woman kept turning. Hoping to see where the voice came from. With each step, her body began to glow brighter. Until she finally screamed as a huge flame burst from her body. The area around her appeared to be singed completely on contact with the flames. A single line of it began to spread from her position toward the nearby homes. She didn't think. After the school, she knew it was best to run. "Let's hope the car can get me out of here fast," she mutters as she runs to the vehicle that was pointed out to her. As she gets in, she begins to feel warm. She turns the ignition. Barely noticing the explosion behind her as she drives off. Something was telling her it's best not to look. "I have no idea where I'm going," she consents, feeling like the man hadn't quite left yet. "As long as the car can go, I'll keep on moving," she says. As the car reaches a full stop, she realizes she has reached the outskirts of a farm. Not just any kind, but with strawberries.