My Girlfriend’s Dad: Part 6

Chase's POV


I dropped out. Everything seems useless now, I'm not allowed to even see my little sister anymore. I've tried more ecstasy, percs, molly, and even alcohol. I truly feel as if I have nothing to live for anymore. Football kept me sane, but my mind is ailing me. Every time I had a passing thought about Jackie's dad I had the urge to drink. Every time I thought about Jackie I just pushed it down. Now I have a hangover almost everyday. I sat the toilet bowl on my knees retching and vomiting for an hour. I just wanted to sleep, I couldn't think over this migraine.

I heard a ring from my phone and sighed. I perked up to see "Rainey CPS Case Worker", Pop up on my phone.

"Hello", I immediately answer trying to act less hungover.

"Hey Chase, I've got good and bad news", she spoke

"Yeah go ahead", I spoke.

"You already heard the news about your father? Correct?"

"No", I spoke.

"Your Father got released from the hospital, he has full-custody of your sister but he's giving you a chance to see her."

I gently moved the phone away from my ear. My lip started to quiver as I gripped the phone tightly and started to bite my lip trying not to sob.

I managed to get a few words out "You people are fucking idiots!", I hung up throwing my phone against the wall.

I took one dose of Vicodin to get me through the day. I couldn't think straight, I started mumbling to myself not in my right mind and before I knew it I was walking onto the street with my phone in my hand. I felt like I was having a fever dream. I felt like I was suffocating while I was walking, I started to sweat even though the weather was freezing cold. The building were moving towards my direction, I started to speed walk towards the only place that brings me comfort.

I can't think, why can't I think. I spoke softly out loud.

I started banging on the gate with both fists. I saw people run up to the gate "Sir! Sir! Step Away from the Gate."

"Just let him in", someone spoke.

I couldn't make out anything, the world was spinning. They hesitated to open the gate, I slowly walked to through the gate trembling.

Everything looked distorted and sounded distorted. I wonbled back in forth mumbling incoherently then I said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fuck up as badly as I did. I loved your daughter but I did. I-did, I-, uh I- fucked up. But, I love you and I can't help who I love and want to marry", I could feel myself rambling.

I started to feel heavy and couldn't feel those words leave my lips as my ears started to ring "I'm sorry, I'm so fucked up-", I had finally lost my balance and closed my eyes.

Lior's POV


He hit the floor so fast I didn't have the time to catch him. I sighed and kneeled to feel his pulse, as I tried to feel for his pulse he had started to have convulsions. Jackie was standing next to me the whole time while he was at the door. She screamed out of fear for him. "Jackie! Call 9-1-1 and hand me a small hand towel!"

She started to tremble in fear "It's all my fault", she cried, almost as if she were in a trance. "Jackie!", I yelled out of frustration as it startled her out of her trance. I moved a small table out of the way and let him seize. Jackie immediately threw me a hand towel then called 9-1-1.

Then all of a sudden his seizing stopped. My eyes widened in fear, I tapped on his shoulder, I caressed his face "Hey, Chase, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

I took his pulse and my heart sunk. I immediately took his shirt off as panic took over. I started doing chest compressions "Darling! Hand me some of the Narcan in the medicine cabinet!"

She clenched her phone and sobbed "Dad, please tell me he'll be okay."

"Please grab the Narcan, darling", I tried not to yell.

She fell to the floor and started shaking.

I sighed as she started crying hysterically. I now had two people to take care of. I continued doing compressions until a paramedic showed up four minutes later. He felt his arm "No pulse", he yelled.

He tapped my shoulder "Sir, let me take over compressions."

I didn't want to take my hands off of him, not even for a second. The paramedic gently pulled me aside as I snapped out of it and told him I suspected an overdose. They loaded him up on the stretcher as I watched helplessly watched them do more and more compressions. "Are any of you family?", the EMT asked.

Jackie stood up and walked beside me tugging my arm "Yes", I said on impulse.

The Paramedic continued compressions.

"I got a pulse! Load him up for transport!"

They loaded him up on the stretcher and allowed us to come with.

We stepped onto the ambulance as the EMT took vital signs.

Then all of a sudden the machine signaled a pulse dropping until we all heard an inevitable flatline.