Mysterious Gift

For some reason, Lou feels that Mikan is angry at him, she constantly stares at him angrily.

While Yuu is silent eating her breakfast beside him and His mother who tries to remember the thing she forgot.

Mirano suddenly stood," I remember now!!"

Lou asked," And what is it, mother?"

"Wait for me here, I will get something for you ~" Mirano hurried to her room and brought back an old looking box and a key.

She placed it down in front of them, she smiles while staring at her son.

Lou ahoge trumble, while he feels something is not right, he confused ask," What is this mother?"

Mirano happy smile at him and said," This is a gift from your Grandpa when you born, he told me that give this to you after you awaken your ability"

"But before that, he reminds me that never give this to you if you ever failed to awaken your special ability in this lifetime"

Lou tries to find the memory of his family, but he can't remember meeting any of her maternal family or even his father.

He only knows that his father die mysteriously and the only family he has is her mother Mirano and her cousin Mikan

Lou asks," Then you give me this because I already awaken?"

Mirano brightly smile," That's right, this should be given to you long time ago, but I need to keep my promise from your Grandpa so i only mention it now"

"I even thought that you will never be awakened, so I forgot this thing"

Yuu tugged Lou's uniform and show him her note.

[ Something mysterious inside of that box, be careful. I can't protect you this time because I already use too much power last night. ]

Lou face become tense when he read what Yuu writes, he know that You can feel something inside of the box, but she can't tell what is inside of it.

Lou nervously gulped and said," Well …. Grandpa will not give something dangerous right?"

When he gaze at them, he notices that the three of them already run inside of the kitchen, while their head is peeking in the door.

Mirano cheers while hiding," You can do it, Lou ~ !"

Mikan encourage him," Lou open it let see what inside"

Yuu [ Open it, let see what's inside. ]

Lou's lips twitch, he did not expect that they would leave him behind in front of a dangerous-looking box.

He thought,' Well I'm already a zombie so I'm practically immortal …... right?'

Lou start to convince himself that everything is alright, he braces himself and nervously pick the key and open it.


Lou deeply sigh and nervous open the box, he start praying inside of his mind,' God, Budda, Allah please don't let any monster come out from this box!!'

When he open his eyes, he see that nothing happen. Lou stare inside of the box and see a letter and an egg.

The three of them slowly walk beside him and see what is inside of the box, just like what Lou sees there's only an egg looking item and a letter.

Mikan take the item and asks," What's this?"

Lou said," I don't know, maybe a precious jewel that we can sell later"

Mirano smack his head and said," Don't sell it, Lou-Chan this is a gift from your Grandpa so take care of it"

Lou scratch his head and take the letter, he notices a strange-looking seal in the letter, he feel that he see this seal somewhere but he can't remember it.

Lou shrugged his shoulder and removed the seal, but who thought that the seal suddenly burn and disappear in thin air.

Lou nervous said," How spooky"

He take out the letter and see a first word that write on it 'Pass it to your Mother Idiotic Grandson!'

Lou lips twitch, he did not expect that the first thing he sees is the teasing word from his own grandfather.

Lou pass the letter to her mother and said," Mother you read it, this letter is for you"

Mirano took the letter and carefully read it, a few moments later she happily laughed and hugged his son.

Mirano happy said," You cool Lou-Chan ~ <3 "

Lou confuses," Why? And what did the letter say?"

Mirano happy said," The first thing is your grandfather congratulate you to awakening your ability, even though that he did not expect that you will awaken it"

Lou spat in the ground and said," Damn old geezer, he even thought that I will never awaken my ability!!" He get a glass of water and take a sip.

Mirano continues," The second thing is, your grandpa engage to you to someone"


Lou spew a bunch of water to his mother's face, while his mother face counties said," And not only that, your Grandmother find a bunch of Being to become your Fiance and same as your Summon Being"

Mikan shocked," What!! Bunch of fiances!!!"

Mirano smile said," There is a list of wife candidate in the letter, a Mermaid, Alien, Demon, Angel, Dragon, Elf, some Royalty and Human too"

Lou's face became bright, he thought,' At last, a group of bishojo is coming!!'

Mikan sees that Lou's face is elated, she angry stomp her feet and pout.

Mirano said," And for the odd-looking egg, your grandpa said that is your gift for your awakening day"

"Grandpa did not explain what kind of creature inside, why not try to hatch it"

Lou nodded, the egg hatching is simple. You need to draw a simple summon contract and drip some blood into it. After all, you can only hatch it after you made a contract with it. He said," Maybe a Dragon or a Phoenix appear inside of this egg ~"

Lou draw a contract and then drop some blood into the egg.


The egg crack and after that ... nothing happened.

Lou grab a spoon and ready to smash the broken egg, he thought,' Maybe grandpa made a joke to me again and give me a chicken egg'


Who thought that the eggshell explodes into pieces, the four of them see the creature from the egg.

Mirano, Mikan, laugh hard. while Yuu's lips curl up slightly.

Lou stared at the creature that came from the egg, Lou ask," May grandpa give me a Slime for my first contract?"