Morning Exercise

Before Lou sleep, he visit the online auction house on the internet. He buyout 5 pieces of Flame Bug's Carapace and Sun Vine.

This two japtem have fire base property. Lou knows that Lemon has a chance to get some good ability Fire Resistance or Heat Resistance from it. After all, these monster parts are from fire attribute monsters.

After paying for delivery, Lou only needs to wait for 3 days for them to deliver it. After that he sleeps early because he still has class tomorrow.




Lou who is sleeping in his bed lazy picks the clock and stop the alarm, he gazes at the window and see that it was still dark. But he knew that it was already dawn, just like he planned to walk in his cabinet and change to his jogging pants and jacket.

His plan for today is to try to grind some stats by doing exercise, he yawn and walk outside of the house.

This is too hard for him to do because he is not a morning person, he usually woke up late but he push himself to do this for his future.

He start doing radio exercise to stretch his stiff muscles. After that, he starts to jug. He is still asleep so he carefully jug around the neighborhood until the park.

While lazy jugging, Lou cant help but to ask,' System, is there any list or guidance on how I can get stats by doing exercise?'

System,' Host you too early, I'm still sleeping talk to me after three hours ...'

Lou angry said,' You are a system, you should not sleep in a time like this!'

System,' System has its own life to host, so I need to rest to recharge some energy … ZzZzZz..'

Lou angry said,' Just give me the list of stats that I can grind in doing exercise!!'

System,' Yawn ~ sure here you go, and don't bother me again Host, I still need to sleep …. .ZzZzZz …..'


1 Strength - 200 Push Up, Sit up, or any exercise that need a lot of strength.

1 Agility - Running, Jogging or Sprinting 10 Km.

Note: Using Strength Amplification is not allowed!

Note: Can exercise once a day.


Seeing the requirements, Lou feel that it was too easy. After all, even if he doesn't use Strength Amplification, he can finish all of this every day.

And the thing is, Lou will neve get tired doing exercise, the thing he need to manage is time and mental energy.

When Lou arrived at the park, he suddenly sprinted at full speed. He would never get tired so he thought why not use all his strength to finish his exercise fast.

Because Lou has agility almost double a normal human can do, he sprint 4 metres per second, he only run for about almost an hour to finish the 10km sprint.

He did not even sweat or breathless, as if he spring is his normal walk.


Ding! Gain 1 Agility


After that, he walked to a nearby bench and started doing sit ups. Doing this kind of exercise is too hard for Lou but he want to do this for one reason. It was for a good full pack that he dreamed of when he was still a fatty man.

When the sun is about to shine, Lou successfully complete the 200 sit up needed to gain stats.


Ding! Gain 1 Strength


After completing his exercise, Lou start to walk back home, he still need to prepare to attend school later.

While walking home Lou buys a bottle of soymilk for the girls sleeping at home and for his pet too after all Lemon is now part of his family.

When he opened the door he heard someone already cooking in the kitchen, and then Mikan peek and surprise seeing him in his attire.

She asked," You exercise? Do you eat something or did someone tease you?"

Lou walk to the table and put down the soymilk that he buy, he said," Im just want to train my body, after all, I don't want to be bully by the Yanki, gangster and some idiotic man at the lowes building"

Mikan stare at him and nodded," Sure keep it up, you should do that long time ago, but doing it now is not too late"

"Go up and wash up your self, I almost finish preparing breakfast"

Lou nodded and walked back to his room to prepare to go to school.

After eating with Mikan and Yuu, Lou walk to his school, while walking he is hoping that he meet any of his future wife while walking to school

But he did not expect that the first person he would meet is a monkey, precisely it was Saruya whose face is full of bruises and lumps.

He walking in front of him proudly as if he won some major championship or he just saved the whole realm.

Lou called him," hey Saruyama, what happens to your face?"

Saruyama turn around and see Lou, he ugly grin at him and said," Nothing, I just feel good today ~"

Lou confusedly asked," With that face?"

Saruyama smile ugly and said," You don't know what happen to our duel to that three idiotic perverts"

"If you come you will see the glorious victory ~"

Lou suddenly remembered the three monkeys accepting the duel from three perverts yesterday. They ask him to come but he choose to spend time with his future wifu.

Lou grinned to him and asked," Then tell me, what did you do to make you happy even today?"

Saruyama," Well….."