D-Rank Criminal

The fight starts, Lou and the two little girls running down to the lowest level of the building.

Every single floor is full of bald bodyguards wearing funny looking battle suits, but the thing is. The battle suit is effective, it can enhance the overall ability of the wearer.

But it was still not enough, based on Lou's 'Identify' ability. All the bald guards here only range from 130 to 150 stats while some of them only have some useless ability.

All of them are easy for Lou, he just casually smack their bald head into the concrete wall and planted them like a piece of art.

He call it 'Wall Art' but of course he did not use his full strength after all killing them in front of the small kids is too brutal.

While Lou is fending off all the bald enemies in their way, he did not notice that he already had a little fan.

That's right guys, we need the FBI here. Lou just entices Hanbei-chan while he defeat the enemy.

While going down Lou starts to notice that the amount of enemy that he defeats is starting to decrease while they are stat to get stronger and stronger.

He even started using two to three attacks to knock them out, when they were about to go down to the 99 floors Lou suddenly stopped.

He said," This is not going to work, as we go down the enemy is starting to become strong. We need to think a plan in how we escape from here"

Goemon said," I can fly out of here using my ninja tools but i can't carry all of us"

Lou said," I think that I'm fine if I try to jump from 40th floor, but i don't know how much damage I will receive from the impact, after all this is my first time doing this"

Hanbei shyly said," I can only make shikigami but they all are warrior type and beat type, I don't have anything that can fly"

Lou thought," Well that's fine, let just go in the 40th floor and i will jump from there, while Goemon will going to use a smokescreen to help us escape from them"

"I think that if I add more Strength Amplification i can resist the impact later"

Goemon nodded, while Hanbei feels sad, she can't help his benefactor in the time of emergency.

Lou and the girls start to run again, this time Lou starts to feel mentally tired, while his body starts taking damage from these bald guards.

The enemy starts to be desperate, they already using a suicide attack just to take down Lou.

When they reached the 50th floor, the boss of the bald group appeared.

The leader of the group is a tall muscular man with a horizontal scar across his nose. Like the rest of Paradisers, his head is bald and he wears a black, full-body battle suit, although his rank is indicated by unique flame decals emblazoned across its torso and thighs.

He proudly grin at them and said," This is your end boy, do you know that going against the Paradisers Group of Company is akin suicide?"

Lou smiled and said," Well you just take an important junior of mine and imprisoned her without her consent"

The bald man said," You don't care about the thing we do, you should just live your own life and did not middle"

"Come boy!, I'm Hammerhead a D-Rank awakener, will take you down here and let your corpse hang in the gate so that no one imitates you!"

Lou girn and said," Im Lei Feng, an Adventurer from City E, and still unranked will see if you really have the ability of a D Rank"

Hammerhead ran fast to Lou and punched him to his face, Lou easily dodges his attack and counter it with a punch to his side.


Lou said," You are pretty weak"

He use his 'Identify'; to see his stats, because Lou is still confused about how rank gives.

Name: Hammerhead

Age: 27

Level: 47

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Criminal

Strength: 189

Agility: 107

Endurance: 403

Mental Strength: 30

Intelligent: 8

Luck: 4


Enhanced Strength D+

Skull Defense B+

Enhanced Senses D+


Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant E+

Spin Attack A+

Affiliation: Paradise Group

Remark: Bald

Status: Frustrated


Lou thought," He sure is tough, from his stats he should be a tank type and he is good in receiving damage too'

Hammerhead come out from the wall and said," You are strong Kid, but it's not enough to defeat me"

Hammerhead suddenly use his low-rank Enhanced Strength and said," Now let me see if you can still defeat me"

He dashes to Lou again and gives him a straight punch, Lou waves his cross spear and smack his side.

And just like he expected, Hammerhead only slides into the floor leaving a deep mark on the concrete floor.

Hammerhead grin and said," Heheheh, you can't overpower me, now let's see if you can escape from me"

He ran and started punching Lou and at the same time, he started using his Enhanced Senses to dodge some attack from Lou.

While Lou staring at him attentively only attack if he saw an opening, and at the same time he starts using a minimal movement to conserve his mental strength.