New Problem

Lou asked,' Then how can I find them? After all theres lot of girls in this world, I can't just use my 'Identify' on each one of them'

System,' Don't worry host, if the right girl is nearby I will give you a notification'

Lou said,' Then what should I do after finding them?'

System,' Capture them ~'

Lou eyes twitch, he breath in and breath out and asks,' Capture them? By force or what? You just said that goddess resides inside of them so how can I capture them?'

System,' Capture them by making them fall for you ~'

Lou angry shouted,' FALL TO ME!! Are you joking, I'm single in my previous life. And as you can see I'm still trying to improve my relationship with my two future wife!!'

"And here you are saying to capture them and make them fall to me!!'

'And we even don't know if the girls that I'm going to find are beautiful or not, what if we find a dinosaur girl! Are you going to ruin my reputation!'

System,' Don't worry host, the girls that you are going to find are 100 % beautiful and cute. After all, there is a goddess residing them'

Lou said,' No, i will only going to do it after i see the girl'

While Lou and System bickering with each other, Goemon and Hanbei are almost finished organizing all the loots.

Hanbei noticed a piece of paper, she was curious and asked," Goemon-chan do you know what this is?"

Goemon gaze at the piece of a paper that she holding and siad," That is a ready-made summon contract, you need to be careful handling that, if you accidentally sign your name there you will become slave or summon being by the person that name on that paper"

Goemon take it and said," This is good one, there's no recipient in this paper, but this is low quality one, we can only sell if for couple of coins"

Hanbei stared at the piece of paper and thought something interesting, she said," Can I have this paper?"

Goemon confusedly asked," Why, do you want to get your own pet?"

Hanbei said," Yeah somehow"

Goemon said," Okay take it, and be careful using it okay"

Hanbei nodded and carefully hid it in her pocket, this contract paper is going to be helpful for him in the distant future.

After organizing all the loots, Goemon walked to Lou and said," Lou-sama, I'm done organizing all of it, do you want to hear the list of the loot we got?"

Lou nodded, he was curious what the thing they got.

Goemon said," Let me tell you how much money we got first Lou-sama"

"We got 57,000,000 $ cash, and a bunch of bank check worth 3 billion"

Lou and Hanbei were shocked. They did not expect that they would get lots of money from stealing Lacospo treasury.

Lou said," Lacospo is really rich, Take all the bank check and donate all of it to every poor school and orphanage all over this city"

Goemon ask," Are you sure Lou-sama, if you use it for yourself you can but high-rank weapon and armor for yourself"

Lou asked," What kind of Armor and Weapon can I get from 3 billion?"

Goemon said," You can get a Rank 5 or Rank 4 weapon for yourself and Rank 5 Armor"

Seeing Lou and Hanbei is confused, Goemon explains to them how Weapon or Armor is Rank and the price of it.

Weapons and Armor are ranked from lowest 10 to highest 1.

10-9 Rank is from E Rank Monster Parts - 100,000 - 500,000

8-7 Rank is from D Rank Monster Parts - 1,000,000 - 5,000,000

6-5 Rank is from C Rank Monster Parts - 10,000,000 - 50,000,000

4-3 Rank is from B Rank Monster Parts - 1,000,000,000 - 50,000,000,000

2-1 Rank is from A Rank Monster Parts 100,000,000,000 - 500,000,000,000

Goemon said," Not only that there are 5 quality of them"

Rare - Rare quality almost always has one or more attribute bonuses.

Epic - Epic quality always has one or more attributes bonuses and special effects.

Legendary - legendary quality always has one or more attribute bonuses and special effects. These items are usually made from high-rank materials.

Artifact - Artifact is usually items that come from a high-rank Boss or some Historic Ruins

Hairloom or Growth Type Items - A weapon that can upgrade itself.

Lou now understands how expensive weapons are, he said," Than what about the poor ranker, what kind of weapon they use?"

Goemon said," Usually, Poor Ranker use metal weapons like iron sword and guns, but this thing only works on low-level monster"

"And eventually after getting money from there loots, they buy another weapon for their self"

Lou nodded," Okay i decide to donate all the bank check"

Goemon asked," What about the cash here?"

Loe said," I think the house we staying is too small for us, why not take it a buy a lot and build a new house for us"

"And i think we can use the remaining money to make a small business so that Mother will not going to go out and work"

Goemon nodded," I will do that Lou-sama, I will find a good spot for you"

Lou nodded," I will make a good plan for our new house maybe tomorrow i can finish it"

Goemon nodded, she took a cell phone and called someone. After a few minutes she said that someone will take all of the money here.

Goemon ask," What about the Japtems here Lou-sama, in my list, we got 50 dangerous type weapon bunch of explosive and Battle Suit"

Lou said," You can dispose it however you want, but for the other japtems like bones, let Lemon eat it"

Goemon nodded," I understand Lou-sama"

Lou said," let's go Hanbei-chan, I will bring you back to Orphanage, I know that Sister Lily and

Father Orsi is already waiting for you"

Hanbei nodded, then the two of them walked back to the Orphanage.