Onodera's Mother

Lou stood up straight and bowed and said," Good evening mother-in-law, I'm Lou Takasu, please take care of me!"

Nanako stared at him bewildered, she asked," When did I get a son-in-law?"

Lou said," I always want to come to introduce my self, but I'm embarrassed to come ~"

She said," You still saying you are embarrassed to come? For me you already a thick skin enough"

Lou embarrass said," Thank you for that"

Nanako angrily said," That's not a compliment kid!!"

She sighed and asked," So what are you doing in my store? Do you want to buy something? Or do you want to court one of my daughters?"

Lou righteous said," if i can woo your daughter then it much better"

"But I don't know if you're going to be like by my daughter"

"Don't worry mother-in-law, I will do my best to be liked by your daughter"

Nanako started to like this humble but thick skin boy. She already experienced talking to different kinds of people so she can easily see that this kid is not kidding, he really wants to woo her daughter.

While the two of them were talking, they heard a voice coming from the kitchen," Mom, did someone come?"

Onodera walkout side of the kitchen and see Luo and her mom talking to each other.

Nanako grin at her and said," Yes there is a boy who want to try to woo you"

Onodera blush and said," Mooooom!! Wait a minute, that is my classmate!! What woo!? are you talking about!"

Nanako was confused," Eh!"

Onodera ran to her mother and held her arms, she said," He is Lou Takasu, did you forget, I told you that my classmate will come this evening!"

Onodera shyly looked at Lou and said," G-Good evening Lou-kun. Thanks for coming...."

Lou was dazed from her cuteness overload, he said," Y-Yeah."

Nanako asks," So he is the one you are waiting for?"

She grin at her daughter and said," So that's why you always checking yourself in the front mirror before this ~"

Onodera shyly said," Mooom! it's not like that, just checking myself that's all!"

Nanako look at Lou said," Well you look sissy for me, but your good enough but that thing is"

"If you want to use my kitchen you need to skilled enough in making sweets"

Lou smiled and said," Don't worry mother-in-law, I will let you see my skill"

She grin and patted his shoulder," That's good, son-in-law, even you look sissy it's fine to me but of course, you need some skill too not just look"

Onodera embarrassedly said," Mom! Lou-kun!!"

Lou and Nanako smile mischievous at her, Nanako really starting to like this boy, if he can cook to then maybe she really accept her as his son-in-law.

Nanako nodded," Then let me see your skill, let's go to the kitchen"

She then drag Lou to the kitchen while Onodera only helplessly follows them.

Inside of the kitchen, Nanako said," You can take any ingredients you want, but I will remind you that I don't like wasting ingredients"

Lou nodded, and then he took a bunch of sugar and food coloring. But before he cooks he barrow an apron and hairnet for cleanliness, sanitation, and safety.

Nanako nodded when she saw what he did, based on wearing an apron and hairnet, she already know that Lou knew how to cook.

He takes a non-stick pot and places it in the fire to start to cook. Lou candy is super easy to make. He only needs to add a little bit of water to sugar.

After the sugar is melted and becoming he takes it out from the fire and starts to mix it fast.

It was almost 15 minutes until Lou finished his preparation, Nanako walked, and checked what he did and asked," Are you making a traditional Japanese candy?"

Lou shook his head," No, this is only the base of my candy, i will let it cool for couple minutes so that i can start making candy"

But before that, Lou asks for a small scissor and a blow torch to Onodera for, Onodera takes one and gives it to him.

Seeing the melted sugar is already in temperature that Lou can hold it, he starts making his candy.

Lou's plan is simple. He wants to make Amezaiku or Sugar sculpture. In his precious life, Lou likes doing something interesting so he knows how to make Sugar sculptures from the internet.

He takes a small piece of soft cand and starts to mold it using his clean hand and scissors.

The process is simple. You only need to have a creative mind and fast hand before the sugar cool and hardens.

After minutes Lou finishes his first candy sculpture, a goldfish made from candy, he even uses the torch to make some part of the candy fish colored brown.

Just to finish his first candy, the candy already hardened, he placed it in a tray and started to make another one.

He makes horses, rabbits, flowers, dragons, and even monster character-like goblins and orcs.

After that, he makes an edible food paint and starts coloring all the sculpt candy in the tray to add color.

Lou then smiled at them and said," There it is, my first sculpt candy"

Nanako looked attentively on every piece of candy that Lou made, she was amazed by how detailed he made each candy.

She said," Son-in-law, do you know what you did?"

Lou confusedly asked," A simple Sugar sculpture?"

Nanako grin and said," You made a new product using simple ingredients, the thing you made is already in the level that you can sell it all over the world"

"I'm 100% that this candy will sell well everywhere and most likely for the kids"

Lou smiled and said," That's good, I hope you like what I did mother-in-law"

Nanako patted his shoulder and said," Good job son-in-law"

Meanwhile, Onodera heard Haruna's voice coming outside, so she hurried to walk to her.