Demon King Lou

Lou walked closer to Rikka and whispered," Hey Rikka, we are friend right?"

Rikka was confused but she still nodded," That right, Demon King Lou"

Lou asked," Can you help me to improve my weapon? Please!"

Rikka suddenly understand why he suddenly become nicer to her, she grin and said," So you already know my usefulness did you ~"

Lou embarrass said," Yes, Rikka-sama, please forgive this humble peasant for being not seeing your power"

Rikka proudly smile said," That's right, bow to me, maybe i help you with your problem mortal"

Lou expressionless said," All hail Queen Rikka ~"

Rikka patted his shoulder and said," I can feel your sincerity but not enough"

Lou's face becomes pale, somehow he feel nervou and scared at the same time, he is hoping that she will not ask anything excessive from him.

And Rikka did not fail Lou, she happy said," I will help you if! You do the villain pose and catchphrase you use in oru school play in the past"

Lou's eye twitch, he can still remember that stupid catchphrase that he use in that school play.

He embarrassedly said," Can I do something else?"

Rikka shook her head," No I want to hear that again, I want loud and clear okay!? Remember loud and clear"

Then she walks to the girls and even tells them the embarrassing thing that Lou is going to do.

Lou see the amused face of them, while that Idiot Rikka takeout a video cam to record Lou's embarrassing moment.

Rikka suddenly shouts," WAIT!"

Lou, who is about to do it, suddenly stop by Rikka, he feel that she has become an angel for the first time.

He thought,' Is she going to stop me to do that stupid catchphrase?'

But Rikka destroys Lou's dream again, this girl even gives Lou a black cape for costume.

Rikka said," Much better, then let's start!"

The girls giggle seeing Lou's sorrow face as if he is going to be executed.

Lou was reluctant to wear the black cape and stare at them. He was shocked to see his girlfriend Haruna and Onodera take their phone and start taking pictures or even video.

Origami even has an HD Camera while staring at him seriously, as if she dont want to miss anything.

Lou sigh and start to become serious. He placed her right palm and covered his left eyes. His contempt stared at them, the girls were shocked that Lou's aura suddenly changed.

Origami, Chika, Rin and Maya feel chill on their spine when they see Lou's emotionless eyes staring at them. As if she stares at them as they are his things or property.

Taiga, Koneko, and Goemon, trembled. Seeing that eyes make them feel that a Demon Lord suddenly appeared.

Nobuna, Onodera, Haruna, Rikka and even Sarasvati and Akane somehow feel the hot hand slowly touching their body.

Lou devilish grin at them and with a deep tone said," Mortal, bow down to this Lord, I the Evil Demon King Lou will all make you mine ~"

Lou, who always sees them like a sissy, suddenly evolves into the most dangerous being in the eyes of the girls.

Sarasvati and Origami got a nosebleed. These pervert girls!!

Chika, Sarasvati and Akane fainted.

While the others were beef red blushing and some became pale from fright.

On the other hand, Rikka who is in hyper mode, constantly taking pictures of Lou in every position he can get.

Lou wry asked," Can I go now?"

Origami stop at him while holding her nose," Wait a minute let me get some pictures first!"

After ending the pictorial, Lou escaped from them, he did not forget Rikka to upgrade his weapon.


Cross Spear


Enchant Weapon - Keen Edge < Enhance a blade's sharpness and durability. >

Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon < add fire damage >

Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill < Often chance the target's movement speed to be slowed by 30% and the time between its attacks to be increased by 25% for 5 sec >

Enchant Weapon - Agility < +10 Agility >


Lou's weapon now is glowing in the blue and red mix, even idiot know that his weapon is enchanted.

Rikka really is a genius when it comes to Enchanting, just from the abnormal mixt of element enchantments, Lou fully accepts that she is really a genius Chuunibyou Blacksmith.

(Note: Fire and Ice in the same weapon that's OP )

After getting his enchant, Lou walk to his teacher and get his protection talisman and the portable bag.

Before he left, he remind the two girls Ondoera and Haruna to not get away from their team and they need to stick together.

After that Lou with his two little bodyguards and guardian walk in the vast slime field to gain magic core and to experience what adventure means.


Meanwhile, in a special building, that was made to monitor the student. The three principals, Nobuna, Natsuki and the Pervert Principal monitor their students.

They do this to ensure that they are always safe even in the wild.

Nobuna asks," Is everyone ready?"

An unarguably a beautiful woman with pale skin. She still looks to be in her 20s. She has long, unkempt, pale blue hair which is tied into a right-side ponytail and blue eyes which seems to always be sleepy. Her most distinct feature is the pair of dark circles beneath her eyes. She wears a pair of glasses with a circular frame. She is Reine Murasame the Analysis Officer of the D City High School.

Reine said," Everything is ready, Principal!"

Nobuna nodded," Good, don't slack off monitor every student, don't let anyone of them endanger you!"

"YES!!" All the personnel answers.

Nobuna look back in the monitor seeing Lou's happy go lucky face while walking in the forest with his personal bodyguards.

She can't help but to curse,' Bastard'