Good day? Maybe not!

Before dawn Lou clean himself, he don't want to be seen by Onodera's mother here.

He is reluctant to leave but he need to go, he forgot to give some instruction to Goemon to take care of Kanna.

And he is still thinking about how he is going to explain the house that he bought to his mother. Not only that, he still need to think about how he is going to spend the date price with Nobuna.

He has 7 days to do all this thing, first, he need to bring his family to his new house.

Second, he needs to think about what he is going to do with Kanna, he can't just leave her in the care of his mother.

Third, a good plan for the grand revenge of Nobuna, he need to think of a good plan for the incoming date with him.

And lastly, how can he get the vampire fang from the two girls within a month.

Lou walking back home, he can still feel the after taste of what he did last night. He did not even let Onodera sleep until midnight.

The infinite stamina has good merit but the thing is, Onodera is already dead tired after they do the deed.

Lou notices that Onodera was already tired, if not he will continue to rock him hard until dawn.

Onodera even said that she needshelp from Haruan when they do it again, she can't take Lou alone.

While walking Lou suddenly thought that he got a bunch of magic cores even though Slime Core is cheap money is still money. And not only that Lou got almost 20,000 pcs of Magic core he can sold it with big cash.

When Lou was about to check it, He notice that Lemon who transformed into a small pouch shining constantly.

He hurriedly asked,' What is happening to Lemon?'

System said,' Don't worry Host, your Predator Slime over ate ~'

'Over eat?' Lou asked.

System said,' That's right host, the magic core that you collect is already consumed by Lemon'

'You forgot to feed your pet, because she is too hungry she eat all the core that you store inside of her'

'Then why she is shining! If she just overeats then she only needs to vomit!' Lou said.

System said,' Host, did you forgot that magi core contains magic power and element particles, eating this can boost the monster growth'

'Meaning?' Lou asked.

System,' Meaning, your pet Lemon is current evolving to her next phase, she evolving from baby to toddler'

'Why not use your ability to check the condition of your self Host?'

Lou hurriedly used his ability to check Lemon status.

Name: Lemon ( Evolving )

Age: 0

Level: 13

Gender: Female

Race: Baby Predator Slime

Strength: 21

Agility: 38

Endurance: Nil

Intelligent: 7

Luck: 24

Racial Ability:

Shapeshifting ( new )

Sense of taste ( new )

Fast learner ( new )

Human Transformation ( new )


Heat Resistance B+ ( new )

Cold Resistance B+ ( new )

Water Resistance B+ ( new )

Wind Resistance B+ ( new )

Remark: Current in evolving stage ~

Lou asked,' How many days Lemon will evolve?'

System said,' Two to three days host, and you need to gather some blood from different female'

'Why?' Lou asked.

System said,' It will help her to grow faster Host, and it will also help to improve some of her aspect'

Lou nodded, he now know what to do, after talking and getting some information on how he was going to take care of Lemon, Lou started his morning exercise again.

After getting the stats he wanted, Lou walked to his favorite shop that sells soy milk for the girls that are waiting at home.

Today is a good day for Lou. Not only is his relationship with Onodear upgraded to husband and wife, he is also happy that Lemon is growing steadily.

He whistles while opening the door, he walk in the living room and suddenly stops.

Lou shouted," They multiply again!!"

Mikan who was in the kitchen heard Lou's voice, she walked to the living room and angrily asked" What happened, Lou? What multiply again?"

Lou point his finger while shaking to the new girl in the living room, it's fine if it's a bishoujo but it is another Loli!!

A young girl sitting with Yuu, a petite girl, with large silver-colored eyes, and small facial features. Her hair is indigo, and she wears mostly short, but leaving a large strand on each side, tied at the ends. she wearing tiger skin like as a hood,

The girl stand and politely bow," Good morning Lou-sama, i'm Maeda Toshiie you can call me Inuchiyo if you like"

"I'm here as my Princess order, I'm going to become your weapon instructor form now on"

Lou suddenly hurry asked," What princess?"

"My princess is your current fiancee," Inuchiyo said.

"Don't tell me-, No !"

Lou's face becomes pale, he hurries, takes his phone and call a particular number.

The other line connected.

"Hello~?" The voice seems just awake based on her voice.

Lou stan just like what he hunched, he nervously asked," Are you….. my fiance…?"

"...." The voice on the other line suddenly becomes silent, Lou knows that he is right.