New Home ~

After half a day Lou finally successfully transfers all the items and appliances in their new house.

The lot that Goemon purchased is actually too huge for them to accommodate.

A 53,000-square-foot Mediterranean-style House. Not only does this massive estate come with 12 bedrooms, 23 bathrooms, tennis courts, swimming pools, a theater, waterfalls, playroom, reflecting pools and a garden that can accommodate 27 cars.

And 500sm for a storage area, 200sm for blacksmithing area with exhaust fan, 200sm for weapon storeroom, 100sm for food storeroom, and 1000sm for an underground training facility that complete with equipment.

Not far from the house is a small coffee shop that build for Lou's mother so that she doesn't need to go out and work for others.

Mikan who sitting beside him said," Lou, you actually buy a big lot"

"I don't know how many hours need to clean all of this!"

"Don't worry, you don't need to clean all of this, we install inscriptions in the whole house to be dust free and waterproof" Lou said.

Her mother who just come back from check the new Caffe sit in front of them and said," The Cafe is good, we can not start a small business with it ~"

"Do you like it mom?" Lou asked.

Mirano happy smile at him and said," Of course i like it ~ i did not expect that my Lou-chan already grow up ~"

Lou sip water and said," Don't worry mom, I'm big enough to earn money for our family"

Mirana smiled brightly and asked," So when are you going to give me a grandchild?"


Lou stared at her mother bewildered, he did not expect that the next thing her mother wanted was a bunch of small monkeys.

Lou helplessly said," Mom..… I'm still young and you too, but don't worry i will bring your daughter-in-law next time"

Suddenly Lou feel chill ran to his spine and silly look beside him.

"....." Mikan looked at him like trash

"....." Yuu expressionless look at him.

"....." Hanbei shyly stare at him

"....." Goemon contempt look at him

"....." Koneko passive gaze.

"....." Kanna smiling

"....." Inuchiyo scorn look

Lou thought,' This bunch of lolis'

Miran tease his son and said," So whos the lucky girl ~ Lou-chan ~"

"They-" Before he even tells her mother their name, he notices the hope in the eyes of some loli who is waiting for him to speak.

Now Lou starts to hesitate to tell her mom, fearing that someone will get hurt if he says their name.

Mirano looks at him and the girls, she is suddenly glad that someone already eye her son.

"Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry to have my grandchildren, I will wait for you girls to grow up into fine ladies" Marina said to the girls.

Hanbei, Goemon, Koneko and Yuu nodded shyly.

For some reason Mikan feels envious of these girls.

Mirano's eyes glinted and waved her hand to Mikan, Mikan was confused but she still walked to see what her aunt was going to say.

Mirano whispered something to Mikan and then her whole face became red, she nervously looked around and whispered back to her Aunt.

But Mirano only grinned at him and said," Fight! Mikan-chan ~"

Mikan shyly sit down beside Lou while keeping her head down.

Lou was confused and asked," What happened Mikan?"

"N-Nothing.." Mikan whispered.

The other girls look envious, they know that Mikan got the blessing of their future mother-in-law.

Mirano suddenly asked," Lou-chan where's Lemon?"

"Well... here she is... " Lou takes a round object from his pants and puts it down on the table.

Mirano confused," This is?"

"Lemon is starting to evolve at her toddler phase because she eats too much yesterday," Lou said.

"What is this Lou-sama?." Inuchiyo asked.

"This is Lemon, she is my pet Slime she is currently evolving," Lou said.


Lou nodded," That's right, Lemon is a baby girl"

Lou suddenly remember something," Goemon, can you get me a needle"

Goemon nodded and handed a long needle to him.

Lou stared at him and asked," Why do you have this?"

"I'm a ninja so I need to carry different tools wherever I go, '' Goemon proudly said.

Lou nodded and look at them," I want asked everyone to give Lemon a drop of your blood to help her to evolve fast"

All of the girls nodded, and then they stab their finger with a needle and give Lemon a drop of their own blood.


Ding! Lemon evolution progress ( 79% )
