Clean and Fast Operation

Lou is crouching in the bush, he is waiting for his first target, his target is the 5 Orc who are currently walking not far from him.

He used 'Identify' skill to see the Orc stats.

Name: Orc

Age: 4

Level: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Orc

Strength: 36

Agility: 11

Endurance: 35

Mental Strength: 0

Intelligent: 10

Luck: 9


Stench D+

Abnormal Strength E-

Roar E-


Bite C-

Smash E+

Seeing that they were just good in muscle power, Lou thinks that he can take them fast before they alert the other enemies.

Strength Amplification x 10 Strength 9 > 90 Agility 9 > 90

Lou dash with his cross spear and appear beside them, he slashes vertically and uses the almost range of the cutting edge of his weapon to take down the two fast.


After that, he uses multi thrust on the head of the other two and lastly horizontal slash to the last one who is about to roar.






For 2 seconds, Lou executes all of them cleanly and silently, after that he stores the 5 corpses in his magic pouch.

Then proceed to walk deeply inside of the Orc settlement. Not far from him, he sees Inuchiyo, Koneko, and Goemon destroy the other Orc.

While Hanbei scouts for any enemy that is possible to pass on their location.

After a few minutes the 5 of them meet in the middle of the settlement after storing all the corpses.

"My part is done, what about you guys?" Lou asked.

"..I'm done," Inuchiyo said.

"Same here, nya ~" Koneko said

"I'm done here too," Goemon said.

While Hanbei who riding on her wolf said," No enemy spotted, all clear"

"I will get all the corpses later and dismantle them, but for now let's see if we can get something valuable in this settlement," Lou said.

The girls nod and start to search for any loot that they can take, and a few minutes later they only get some raw ore, some herbs and leftover food from the orc.

They took the ore and herbs while leaving the leftover food, and they continued to venture inside of the forest.


And night pass, Lou's party got a dozen or more goblin ears for the quest, 30+ corpses of orc, a bunch of assorted ore and herbs.

They decide to rest near the river where Hanbei made a concealment formation for their protection.

"Bring all the Orc corpses and I will dismantle it," Lou said.

The girls nodded, they gave Lou their magic pouch and Lou took it to a distance to dismantle it.

Inuchiyo is the one who is going to cook for them while her helper is Koneko. Lou gives them large boar meat for dinner.

Goemon will scout around to see if their enemy is nearby and eliminate it if possible.

Lou walks to the large three and starts to dismantle all the Orc corpses, he takes it one by one and hangs it in the big tree.

Then he starts to dismantle it using his new butcher knife.

Orc Eye Ball for alchemist and intuitionist.

Orc Testicle for unknown drug

Orc Bone for making low-class weapon

Orc Blood for weapon or Armor enchanting.

And lastly the Orc Magic Core.

After half an hour Lou finishes dismantling all the orcs, he walks in the river and cleans himself. If that, he walks back in the camp only seeing the charred meat that the two girls cook.

Lou wryly smiled at them and asked," Did you guys know how to cook?"

Inuchiyo and Koneko shook their heads," No?"

"Then why did you guys volunteer to cook?" Lou asked.

"Well we just want to try to cook, but we overcook it, nya ~" Koneko said.

Inuchiyo nodded," This right"

"It's not overcooked, you just burn the meat," Lou said," Okay let me do this, clean the pot and fill it with water"

Then Lou started cooking, he made soup using boar bone, roasted meat, and a bunch of fruit for the girls.