Bounty Loot

Lou and the girls start collecting all the loot and corpses on their magic pouches.

They got 10 Orc Warriors and 1 Orc Leader with scrap armor and weapons to be recycled and melted.

Then 43 Red Boar and 1Giant Red Boar, 20 of the mare damage while the remaining is intact and clean.

While collecting the corpse, Lou notices a strange looking plant in the clift.

He used 'Identify' skill to see because this is his first time seeing that plant, it's colorful that he almost thought that it's a poisonous plant.


Five Color Clover ( Herb ) Rank A

A special kind of clover that only grows in a place full of sunlight and full of Nature energy.

Used for making universal antidote potion that can be used for all types of poison below A-Rank. consuming it has a chance to get poison resistance.


Silver Dragon Fruit ( Fruit ) Rank B

A fruit that can help the user to improve body strength and defense, it contains some dragon aura and it is good in improving stamina.


+ 15 to 20 Strength

+ 10 to 15 Stamina

Chance to gain 1 passive Silver Dragon ability.


Lou thought,' This is good, the herb can be craft as a universal antidote while the fruit can help Hanbei on her problem'

He then starts to climb the cliff and carefully harvest the Silver Dragon tree and Five Color Clover after that he stores it inside of his magic pouch.

Lou then go down and said," Let's rest first while I'm going to dismantle all the boar wi got"

Goemon said," I see a river not far from here Lou-sama, we can rest there"

Lou nodded and walk to the nearest river, Lou then give Hanbei 1 Silver Dragon Fruit," Hanbei-chan take this and consume it, this thing can help you to improve your physical condition"

Inuchiyo look at the fruit and said," Its Silver Dragon Fruit that can help anyone to improve physical condition"

Hanbei try to give it back but Lou push it to him and said," Take it, we know that you really need this to improve your physical condition"

"But…. You can give it to Mikan-chan or Yuu-chan.." Hanbei shyly said.

"Don't worry about them, Mikan still did not need this while Yuu is not really weak and she don't really need it," Lou said.

Hanbei is reluctant to consume it, while Lou is observing the change in her status.

10 minutes later they arrive at the riverside, he then checks Hanbei status if she already digests the Silver Dragon Fruit.

Name: Takenaka Hanbei

Age: 14

Level: 9

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Spirit Summoner

Strength: 8 > 24

Agility: 12

Endurance: 8 > 22

Mental Strength: 112

Intelligent: 87

Luck: 36


Spirit Summon A+

Brilliant Tactician A+

Spellcraft C-

Dragon Aura F- ( new )


Twelve Heavenly Guards A+

Shikigami B+

Leadership C- ( new )

Lou amazed how lucky Hanbei is, she actually got +20 strength and + 14 Endurance, and not only that she actually got Dragon Aura ability from the Silver Dragon Fruit that she consumed.

Lou smile at him and said," Congratulation your physical fitness is been cure, you are now healthy like others"

Hanbei pounce and hug Lou, while Lou gently patted her back, she whispered," Thank you for everything Lou-sama"

"Don't mention it," Lou said, and a second later Hanbei fall asleep.

Goemon walk and said," Lou-sama, Hanbei-chan need to get a good rest to fully recover"

Lou then lay her down in a clean sleeping bag and said," Inuchiyo-chain, can you stay and guard Hanbei-chan while she is sleeping?"

Inuchiyo nodded and sat beside Hanbei who was sleeping.

"Goemon-chan, guard us while I'm going to dismantle all the Red Boar that we get," Lou said.

Goemon nodded and then disappeared from the shadow of the three.

While Goemon is guarding around to see if their enemy is nearby.

Lou walks to the large three and starts to dismantle all the Red Boar, he takes it one by one and hangs it in the big tree.

Red Boar Hide

Red Boar Meat

Red Boar Tusk

Red Boar Teeth

Magic Core

After 3 hours of laborious work, Lou successfully dismantle all of the Red Boar, he actually got 23 pcs of Whole Red Boar Hide, 19 pcs damage Red Boar Hide, 2.5 Tons of Red Boar Meat, 80+ pcs of tusk and teeth and lastly the magic core.

Hanbei is already awake while waiting for Lou to finish dismantling all the corpses.

Lou smiled at them and said," Well it's time to go home, this 3 days of training is good and we got a lot of supply and materials"

The girls nodded and started their journey back home.