
After Lou delivered his wifes back to their home safely, Lou went to the Dojo that Nobuna wanted him to enter.

And the map that she gave bring Lou in front of the old looking Dojo, for some reason Lou's body automatic defense system gives him a dangerous signal to not enter.

But who is Lou? Even if he is weak outside, he is strong inside, even if he need to enter the gate of hell he will do it to prove himself in front of his fiancee.

But some part of Lou's mind want him to go home and sleep peacefully, forget his promise to Nobuna.

And the other part is pushing him forward, for the better future, for his love once and for the thing that he can get from entering this hell door.

Lou who is in deep thought did not notice that someone is standing behind him looking at him attentively.

An elderly voice rang behind him and said," Weakness is part of human nature, that's why human continue to move forward and continue to improve"

Lou looks behind and sees a buff old man, he look old whos body is a like a bodybuilder, his face looks like your typical old man.

Lou's face crumbles when he identifies the elder's face, then he hurriedly look up at the Dojo signboard.

[ Ryozanpaku ]

Lou's inward shout,' Not this dojo!!'

He clearly know what this dojo means, Ryozanpaku.

The Ryōzanpaku Dojo is home to elite fighters who specialize in different styles of martial arts. The dojo is famous for its powerful members and is frequently challenged by other dojos and single fighters. So often in fact, that they charge its challengers and have a waiting list.

Although they are all immeasurably powerful, the masters of Ryōzanpaku are also very eccentric and prone to immature behavior.

They have trouble interacting with normal people, mainly because they unconsciously release massive amounts of ki, which sometimes makes the people they encounter feel nauseated.

And the worst is, Nobuna actually ask him to defeat one of the masters of this dojo, and he actually promises to defeat all of them.

Lou is not an idiot to die here, he still want to go and complain to Nobuna, because her request is impossible for him but we don't know in the future.

And the elder standing in front of him is nonother than Hayato Furinji.

Hayato Furinji, also commonly referred to as the "Elder", Miu Furinji's grandfather and the undefeated elder, headmaster, and strongest master of the Ryozanpaku Dojo. He is also known as "The Invincible Superman", and a member of the Furinji Clan.

Elder looked gently at Lou and asked," What business brings you here, young one?"

Lou's first thing was, of course, tactical retreat, he needed to think first before entering the door of hell.

Lou hamble said," Im sorry Elder, i came to the wrong place"

Then he ran like a wind but he suddenly stopped when he saw Elder already standing in his way.

Elder said," No, I think you come to the right place"

Lou nervously asked," How can you tell that?"

Elder take a piece of paper and said," You have the recommendation letter from the heir of Oda Clan"

Lou lips twitch seeing there recommendation letter that Nobuan gave him, he did not even notice when and how he got it from his pocket.

Elder look at the letter and said," Hohohoh ~ not only that, the letter says that you are going to challenge all of the masters in my Dojo"

"What a brave kid, and it say that if you ever fail, the master of the dojo has the right to punish you in any way that we want"

Lou angry shouted," DAMN YOU, GORILLA GIRL!!"

Lou did not expect that Nobuna already dug a big trap here.


Meanwhile inside of Nobuna who is doing her paperwork constantly sneezing.

Riku passed the tissue and said, "Are you fine Princess?"

Nobuna take the tissue and said," I feel that someone is cursing me this time"

Machiyo said, "And who might it be?"

"Maybe that stupid Lou for sure, after all, he did not expect that i throw him to that place," Nobuan laugh as remembering the first time she train there with her best friend.

Machiyo and Riku helplessly smile at their Princess, even themself did not expect to do that to his own fiance.


Back to the Ryozanpaku

Lou who is sitting in the middle of the dojo look like a chicken who is about to butcher for meat.

There are 6 masters in front of him right now, all of them releasing pressure that Lou never felt before, he feel that if he move wrong his dead for sure.

Lou can even see that all of their eyes are shining like a laser beam while looking at him.

Elder look at them and said," This time, a kid that recommend by Oda girl want to challenge all of us to a fair duel"

The man with a large scar in his face said,'' Are you sure you're an elder? This kid wants to challenge us?"

Elder said," Well, the Oda girl asks us to refine this rough piece of metal and bring his full potential"

The Chinese old man said," But, I can't see any kind of potential to this kid"

"And look at his expression, he looks like a prisoner that is about to execute"

A mustache man said," Then what should we do about this young man?"

Elder looked at Lou and said," Are you sure about this young man?"

Lou who nervously nodded his head, even though he knew that they will 100% destroy him, he need to at least see the difference between them and his current condition.

Elder smile and said," Good, then let's start, you can now pick you first opponent"


Lou who is about to pick, suddenly feels tremendous pressure encased on his very own position.

But this time Lou did not feel scared, as if his blood suddenly boil he looking at them and smirk," Okay this going to become fun"

The 6 masters look amazed at Lou who can still smirk at this kind of pressure, they thought that this kid would have a little bit of potential. Only a little.