Day 2 Training

Lou is currently held by Apachai and Kensie, why? Of course after seeing Akisame new training program that is going to be used in Chinese Martial Art Training.

Lou did not even think and escape fast, but he still got caught by them.

Lou angry said," Are you guys a demon, what the heck is that machine for?"

Akisame said," This machine will help you to improve your flexibility so that you can train Chinese Martial Art easily"

"Chinese Martial Art need a flexible body, adn your body is so stiff like wood, so i made this to help you to improve your body flexibility"

Lou look at the device in front of him, it looks more a giant compass for making perfect circle but there's some leather straps and robber tire, he don't know what kind of torture devise he made for him today.

Lou really want to escape but they pretty smart, they use acupuncture to immobilize Lou and then they let him sit in that torture device and tie his two legs in to it.

Akisame said," It's perfect, this device will your lower body to make it flexible"

"And your training for today is to compel a 180-degree split"

"WHAT!!," Lou shout," That impossible, are you really my master or you guys just want to torture me!!"

Kensei said," You really need this, although we starting to build up your body for pure strength, you also need a flexible body, this is more important than working the muscle"

"It's essential for a fighter to have a flexible body, and we already notice that your body is to stiff, and there no way a martial artist have a stiff body"

Miu asked," What can i do for Lou-kun?"

Akisame said," You just need to push him down slowly until his legs bend in 180-degree"

Miu excitedly said," Leave it to me, i will help him to get a flexible body!"

"And that machine designed to not to come off until you spread it to a certain degree"

"Now Miu take your time and teach him well… " Akisame gin.

"Yes, i got it"

"Okay, you can start now," The Akisame wak outside leaving Lou in the hand of Miu.

Lou nervous said," Mie-chan please go easy on me"

Miu said," Don't worry, i will take it slowly"

Lou nodded," Okay, i thurst you"

Then she slowly pushes Lou while Lou's legs start to spread apart, Loe feels that his ball will rip apart if this thing continues.

But he notices something, Miu is actually sticking closer to him and he actually feels that soft bug balls in his back.

"Can you still persist?" Miu asked.

Lou smileD happily and nodded," Ahh…. Think… I can still persist ~ <3…"

"Then i will push it again"

"O-Okay ~"

*Squish ~

"Ahhh ~" Lou feels in heaven even though he is experiencing hell.

"Are you alright, did I hurt you?" Miu hurry said.

"N-No…. Let's continue…." Lou said while experiencing pain and happiness.

Shigure who is about to go out to do a secret mention sees Lou's happy face and Miu who are sticking closer to him.

She walks behind them and sits behind Miu.

"Eh?"Miu notices someone behind him and then she sees Shigure's hand coming closer to Lou's back.

"You should push it like this…" Shigure then push it until the end.


Shigure looked at Lou and said," I will be back on Saturday.... I will personally teach you... so be ready.... "

She then walk and picks her bag. She then goes outside to do a special mission.

Lou who is feeling pain starts to get nervous, he can feel jealous in her voice even if she looks expressionless.

And Lou was sure that she would be hard on him in their training.

Miu looked at Shigure confused," What's wrong with Shigure-san …?"

Lou nervous said," Maybe she just left a notice for me… "

Miu thought,' But i feel something different from what she said'

Lou who locked in the position said," Can you help me fist…. I can't move right now.. "

"Ahh! Wait, I will help you now," Then she removed all the straps to let Lou go, Lou who slum in the ground couldn't feel his legs.

Akisame goes back and is surprised to see that they finish the training fast, because there is still time for Kensei to start training Lou.

Lou who followed Kensei asked," Master, what are we going to do now?"

"You just finish your initial training earlier so i will teach you how to properly balance your body when standing or squatting"

They arrive at the backyard and Lou see that there's a lot of wood piece burry in the ground, Kensai said," Your training is to pass all that obstacle while walking in squat position"

Lou hurry said," but my legs are still shaking from last training, can i really do it?"

"Of course you can, and to you also need to carry two jars full of water for your arm strengthening training"

Lou helplessly trains again with shaky legs, he is walking along the piece of woods that looks like a maze while carrying two jars full of water.

Kensei who reading a book said," You need to wave your feet too to properly develop your leg muscle"

"And you need to extend your legs first, then carry the weight using the center of your body"

"You can use the foot surface to gain balance, focus your attention to the center of your foot and find your own balance, by doing this you can easily do this training"

Lou tried it and found that it is much easier to carry the jar with two hands using this step, Kensei looked at his disciple and nodded, having a smart disciple is good merit, you don't need to show the moves because he can easily understand it.