Karate Body Technique

Lou and Sakaki look at each other, Lou looks at him waiting for what kind of training he will teach but he only looks at him for more than half of an hour.

Lou nervously asks," M-Master, what kind of training are we going today?"

Sakaki scratched his cheek and said," M-Maybe we do a punching routine for t-today?"

Lou looked at him suspiciously and said," Master,,,, I think you forgot what you are going to teach me today, right?"

"Shut up!" Sakaki embarrassedly said well he is right he actually forgot what he was going to teach him today.

Lou thought," Why not teach me a defense stance that i can use when i in pinch, i already have plenty of attacks and counter technique but i don't have any defense technique except my natural dodging skill"

Sakaki suddenly said," I remember now what I'm going to teach you for today, my lesson is about defense"

"Okay let's start, i get up," Sakaki and Lou then stand up.

"The first thing I will teach you is 'Naizouage' . This is a breathing technique in Karate that raises the user's organs to the rib cage, protecting them from enemy hits."

"This is important, using this technique not only prevent your internal organ to be damage it also protects it from being harm

Sakaki place both of his arms around his waist and exhale deeply," The first this you do is to remove some excess air inside of your lungs so that you have more room to move your organs"

"Then compress your muscle and push your organ up to your rib cage, the rib cage will be your armor for your internal organ while fighting a dangerous opponent"

Lou thought that this technique is useful after the remodels his bones, he 100% that his bone will be hard as metal and his rib cage is the perfect protection for his internal organ.

He try to copy his master but he can only push a small portion of his organ, Sakaki said," Your good, but this is not enough, you first need to have flexible muscle and ability to control your abdominal muscle"

"But don't worry, the muscle training and flexibility training that Kensei and Akisame will help you to improve this technique"

Lou nodded," Thank you master"

Sakaki laugh said," Hahaha, good let's proceed to the next one"

"The next defense technique is called 'Sensen Body'"

Lou doubtfully said," Why a lousy name?"

Sakaki smack his head said," Idiot, this technique name is simple but the effect is incredible"

"The technique begins by first relaxing the entire body before constricting all the muscles in his body at once, making it like steel and enabling him to bounce off attacks.:

"It is a feeling similar to clenching a fist for a punch making all of one's muscles explode simultaneously, likened to turning the entire body into a fist."

Sakaki try it and Lou heard a small booming sound coming from his body," If you can create that sound, you can use it to fend some attack that you can't dodge or block"

"No matter where your enemy attacks from, if you constrict your body and make it like steel, you can bounce off the attack"

"Also, up to that point, your body was lax, so it's like making your muscle explode all at once!"

Sakaki tries it again, this time Lou feels that pushing force coming or from him," See that? If i use all my strength i can throw you using only my muscle"

Lou nodded," It's cool, i did not expect that this lousy technique has a powerful effect"

"Of course mastering this technique need time and patience, you also need to improve your body like us"

Lou look at his burry body and shook his head," No, i don't want that kind of body, i want my body always lean but pack with power"

Akisame suddenly appear said," That's why I'm the one who training your muscle if not you will have a body like muscle builder"

Sakaki angry said," What's wrong having buff body"

"You look like a mafia boss if you have that kind of body! Emagine if i walk in the school having a body full of muscle that even my uniform almost explode because of the muscle"

"I will just choose to do lazy things at home rather than having that kind of body!" Lou said.

Akisame said," Don't worry, we will make your body fit not buff or bodybuilder body"

Sakaki irritate said," Okay, go out we will continue our training"

"Well, okay, hohoho ~," Akisame then went somewhere to do his work.

Sakaki then continues," The last technique that i will teach you is a simple technique in proper using your body balance"

"It's called 'Gamuku' an ancient Karate technique that allows the user to pretend to stand on one leg, but actually stand on the other leg. The opponent is fooled by the stance and defends for the wrong leg, even thinking that the user is stepping forward but actually is taking a back step. They then see the wrong leg move forward when actually the opposite leg comes in unexpectedly."

"This move uses the oblique muscles to switch the leg with the center of gravity, separating the balance between the upper and lower body. When most people kick, the upper body leans to signal which leg is being used. However, the center of gravity is actually on the grounded leg, which kicks the opponent."

Sakaki stood while one of his legs leaning in front, he asked," Do you know where my center of gravity is now?"

"In front of the course," Lou said.

"You're wrong, it's in the back," Sakaki then raises the front foot. He looks like Michael Jackson. His body is leaning in front but his body center of gravity is actually at the back foot not in front.

Lou looks at him and if you look closely you will notice that his body center of gravity is really in the back.

He just looks leaning because he is exposing his chest in front while his legs slightly bend.

Sakaki nodded, he could see that he understood how the technique works. He was really lucky to have a smart disciple in his life.

"Okay that's all, you can start practicing all the technique that i teach you, but i recommend you to forget the first one and try to master the second and the third because it's easy to master them"

Lou bow said," Thank you very match Master"

Sakaki embarrassed scratch his cheek again and walk outside so that Lou will notice it.
