Case 3: Accident Caused by Water Bottle

Inside of the underground training facility, Lou is currently embarrassed standing in front of Mafuyu and a girl that she brings.

The girl is flustered while bowing her head trying to avoid Lou's gaze, after all, that accident makes their current relationship awkward.

Mafuyu looks at them confused, she feels that something is not right on both of them.

But training time is training time, there's no time to be embarrassed by each other.

Mafuyu cough to get their attention," This is Aoi Kunieda, a 3rd-year student in this building, just like you, she is going to attend a School Tournament"

"And this is Lou Takasu, 2nd-year student, he is the preview winner of the Training Course Program, and just like you he will compete for School Ranking Tournament"

Lou embarrass reach his hand and said," I'm Lou, nice to meet you"

Aoi flustered grab his hand," I'm Aoi, n-nice meeting you"

Mafuyu said," I bring Aoi here because i can't find a right training partner for you Studnet Lou, the other people that i want to invite is currently hospitalized because of some minor incident"

Lou inward shouts," Hospitalized can still be categorized as a minor incident!'

"Student Kunieda is strong enough to be your sparring partner, not only that, she also a Martial Art Practitioner like you, in her family dojo"

"Okey, I think it's time to start the sparring, you will guys do a hand to hand combat training"

Mafuyu look at her watches and said," I need to go, i will attend a Teachers Meeting so i cant supervise you guys, but don't do lazy thing, Student Kuneida, i want you to pummel this stupid boy until he can't stand up on his own"

Aoi slowly nodded, Mafuyu looked at them and left after giving some words.

Lou and Aoi left standing still in the middle of the training hall, Lou embarrass said," L-Lets change to our training uniforms first"

"Y-Yes" Aoi shyly nodded and ran to the girls changing room.

After a few minutes, Lou and Aoi come back after changing into their own training uniform, just always Lou wears an easy to move clothing.

While Aoi is wearing a traditional Japanese article of clothing known as a hakama. Her hair is also tied up with a simple piece of hair accessory.

Lou who already calm himself said," Ok let's start, we can chat later after the training"

Aoi calmed her nerves and nodded.

Then they both start the sparring, Lou can fight Aoi barehanded now easily into the lime the other time he needs to use his ability to overpower him.

But still, Aoi's palm is packed with power, just from speed and impact in the air. Lou sure that her smooth hand can destroy even solid rock.

Meanwhile, Aoi was slightly shocked at how much Lou improved when they two fought last time.

Even though some of his moves are still rough, she can easily see that he trains with a master.

She doesn't know if they use all their abilities if he can still fight back with them.

After an hour of exchanging fists with each other and getting hit by rock smashing palm by Aoi, Lou finally concedes.

Not because Aoi.s hand hit too hard, but because he can see that Aoi is already tired moving around.

Aoi who is too tired to move around slump on the floor, she lies while breathing hard, fighting a tireless opponent is really hard.

A few minutes later, Lou comes back with a big bottle of water that he usually brings when he trains with Mafuyu.

"Here, take some water," Lou passed it to Aoi who was sweating hard on the floor.

"Thank you," Aoi took it and drank some of it. She really needed water this time, she forgot to bring it and she was too tired to walk to buy it in the canteen.

Lou sit beside her and said," I'm sorry on what happened last time"

"I did not really intentionally do that thing… "

Aoi flustered hearing what he said, of course, she knew that he did not do it intentionally, she understands it but she is still a girl.

So even she fully understands it, but the other will not, they will only make fun of that incident.

"I know, so don't worry about it, "Aoi said while playing with the battle of water.

Lou smiles and she is still thoughtful and considerate even though she is a hang leader.

Aoi asks," So you join in a Dojo?"

Lou nodded," Yes, i join because of a person who recommend me to that place"

"And you too, I did not expect that your family run a Dojo if I know I will apply to your Dojo"

Aoi said," My grandfather's Dojo is not really famous, only child who want to learn some self-protection come there to join"

"So what is the name of your Dojo, maybe I know it," Aoi said, but her intention is to find Lou there and watch him while training.

Lou sry smile and said," I'm currently training at Ryozanpaku"

"Ryozanpaku? I think I heard that Dojo to my grandpa, but I forgot what kind of Dojo is that" Aoi said while thinking where she heard that name.

"What about you? What kind of Dojo your Grandpa ran?" Lou asked.

"Shingetsu School, my grandfather teach weapon and barehanded Martial Art," Aoi said and shyly add," Y-You can come if you want to learn more things if you want"

"I will come if I have free time," Lou said. He really doesn't have free time right now, after training he still needs to walk in the town to hunt a Ghoul.

"What about you, you seem to change? Did something happen?" Lou notices that Aoi did not wear her gangster uniform today.

She actually wears a normal uniform and that's new.

"S-So you notice it," Aoi shyly said," I already retired in being the leader of Red Tail because of that blunder"

"I already pass the leadership to Nene whos my vice-captain"

"It's good," Lou said.

"What's good?" Aoi asks.

"It's good that you stop being a gangster, it's much better for you to wear normal uniforms like other girls," Lou said while observing him.

"Thank goodness," Aoi blurted out.

"What?" Lou asked.

"N-NO, nothing I said if you want some water?" Aoi then passed the water back to him.

Lou take it said," Of course i want some, I'm already thirsty"

Lou opened the cup bottle and chugged it directly.

Aoi who slightly dazed looking at Lou while drinking suddenly remembered,' Did I just drink that bottle? Then that means that we do an indirect kiss?!'

Aoi hurriedly said," W-Wait a minute, don't drink in that bottle!"

She hurriedly snatches the battle in Lou's hand, but Lou is really thirsty; he tries to defend it while drinking the last water remaining inside.

Aoi starts to panic. She tries to use force to snatch the water bottle while Lou tries to lean back to defend it.

Because Lou is already lying down while chugging the battle of water while Aoi is chasing him, they did not notice that they were already overlapping with each other.

Aoi made a final snatch but he slipped and her elbow hit Lou's belly, Lou who hit by her elbow almost went up to spur the water inside of him but an accident happened.

When he goes up, Aoi's face is already in front of him, he accidentally kisses her again and at the same time transfers some water in her mouth.

Aoi who shocked the subconscious opened her mouth and accidentally drank the water from Lou's mouth.

They both daze and Aoi stamp out and hurry to pick herself to stand, her whole face is beef red while wiping the excess water coming from her mouth.

She angrily kicked Lou and ran while holding her face back in the changing room.

He can easily avoid her but for some reason, he can't avoid it even he wants, which means that Lou's special ability is triggered again.

Lou snapped out an inward curse,' Damn you cursed ability!!!!!'