
Lou looks at the arrow embedded in the frozen wood, this is not a normal arrow because he can see that there's an ice element enchantment to the arrow.

Mafuyu's face became pale and nervous and said," Ice elf! We are done this time!!"

"What kind of monster are they!" Lou hurriedly asked.

"They are not monsters but beings," Mafuyu nervously said.

"Ice Elf the White Hunter, a group of A-Rank Being that lives in this field, a cunning race and powerful creature"

"They say that this kind of being like to hunt and butcher their prey as a form of entertainment"

Lou looks around and sees a white slender figure standing not far from them, they are all white from hair to their own clothing, carrying a bow and dagger looking at both of them in amusement.

Lou is pretty user that they are all expert hunter from their weapon to their clothing

He used the 'Identify' skill to see their stats.


Name: Ice Elve

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Elve

Strength: 482

Agility: 759

Endurance: 741

Mental Strength: 892

Intelligent: 592

Luck: 14


Genius Hunter A+

Immense Speed B+

Immense Agility B+

Immense Accuracy B+

Ice Manipulation A+


Dagger Mastery A+

Bow Mastery A+

Ice Magic A+


Lou inward curse,' Shit, what a luck, a genuine A-Rank Being, not only that they are all master hunter'

"Lou, put me down and escape, I will hold them," Mafuyu said while trying to get down from Lou.

Lou grabbed her legs tightly and said," No, don't go down, we will escape together!"

"No! Let me go, we can't escape from them, even though I have my original power I can still contend with even one of them. It is much better to let me hold them while giving you time to escape," Mafuyu said, trying to remove Lou's hand.

"Stupid woman, you are my woman now and i never give up my own woman," Lou angry shout.

"No you're not my man and I will never become your woman so let me go, escape from here, just come back after you become strong," Mafuyu said while pushing him hard.

"I advise you to stay put or else if we escape here I will pin you down and let you know why the flower is red!" Lou said.

"B-But… i can't let you die here with me… you are my student…" Mafuyu sobbing said.

"Idiot, i will not die here and you too, and I'm not only your student, i'm your man now," Lou selfishly said.

"You selfish… do you know that you can die here.." Mafuyu said while crying at his back.

"Don't cry, save your strength, we will escape from here, thrust me" Lou said while consoling her.

System,' That's cool, you almost capture her Host,'

'Shut up,' Lou angry said.

System,' Ok now it's my time to help you,'

Lou then heard a notification inside of his head.


Ding! You receive the Main Quest: Play Big, Win Big

Main Quest: Play Big, Win Big

You guys are being hunted by Rand A Being, and there's no escape from them because they can track you down anywhere, why not try to gamble and fight for big and win big. But still, the System will not push the quest if you don't want, so you have 2 choices to pick.


Run: You will get a special item to hide your trach for 30 mins.

Requirement: Escape from the hunt of this Being.

Reward: Summon Chance, Random Ability

Fight: You will get a special item to hide one person for 1 hour and Special help from the System.

Requirement: Fight and eliminate all of them.

Reward: Summon Change, Random Ability, Mystery Gift

Fail: Death


Lou wants to curse but not now, this quest is a special quest not like the force quest that he usually gets.

He can choose different routes this time, seeing the first choice, Lou almost accepts it to escape but he realizes that they can't escape far from them.

They are all A Rand Being, escaping at them is impossible, Lou don't even know how vast their hunting ground

That's why his only choice is the 2nd even if he dies, he can still hope that Mafuyu escapes from them, after all, he can hide for an hour and that's a lot of time.

'System, let me choose the 2nd route!' Lou said.

System,' Are you sure?'

'Of course,' Lou said.

System,' Then good luck'

Ding! You Choose to Fight! You receive 'Hide Talisman' 1x

System,' The help that I can give to you is actually a piece of advice, do you want to hear it?'

'Of course, I know that you will never let me die,' Lou said and add,' Even you want me to suffer'

System,' My advice to you is to take the previous reward that you got from me and receive it from your mailbox'

Lou thought,' The previous reward? Did I forget something?'

Lou then opens his mailbox and sees the only item that he fails to get.