Side Effect

"What's the matter," Mafuyu walked closer to him with a concerned face, seeing Lou who backed out from him, she knew that something serious would happen.

"Ha…. Ha... Ha... Sensei, stay there… don't move… " Lou said.

He starts to feel the heat from below start to spread true out his body, he feels that his body is burning.

Not only that, his mouth feels thirsty like last time when he felt the effect of Vampirism, a thirst like hell.

The sweet essence coming from her body starts to attract him too, even Lou stopping himself because he knows that this is going to become out of control, not like last time.

Mafuyu sees that Lou starts to sit hard while his pale face starts to become red, when she successfully walks closer to him, she hurry to grab Lou and feel the hot air coming from him.

"What happened to you, you're burning hot!," Mafuyu nervously asked, they are in a cold cave but Lou is burning hot.

This is not normal, it's fine if he has a fever but from his condition, he doesn't look like a sick person but a healthy one.

"Ha….. Ha…. Ha….. Ha..." Lou starts to breathe heavily, he is trying to control his desire. If not he will cross a taboo line this time.

Mafuyu observes him carefully, even though she is not a professional doctor she can still judge what happens to him.

Seeing his breathing heavily and that dangerous glint on his eyes Mafuyu who looks concerned about Lou suddenly shudders.

She knows that dangerous eyes, that is the eyes of a predator and hungry monster, this is like the last time when Lou bites him.

"Did the effect of your race start to appear again?" Mafuyu nervously asks.

Lou, who's breathing heavily, slowly nodded.

Mafuyu removes the scarf and shows her neck to him.

"Here, take a bite to quench your thirst," Mafuyu said while showing her white jade neck.

Lou inward curse,' Shit, not this time, this air-head teacher'

He can smell that sweet essence that is unique to a pure girl like him, Lou almost pounces on her but he successfully holds himself.

He knows that if he really accepts his offer Mafuyu will not only get second blood in her neck but also the first blood below.

"Sensei, hurry to take distance, my condition is pretty serious right now," Lou said white trying to push him.

But he was shocked that he actually felt weak, he was too weak to even push Mafuyu from him.

System,' Temporary weakness, this is also the side effect so even you become beast it will depends on Mafuyu itself'

Lou inward shaken, if he really do something stupid this time, he were sure that Mafuyu can easily butcher him.

Mafuyu also feels that Lou is in a weak state, so she grabs him and pulls him back to the nearby campfire.

"So this is the side effect of your strength you showed a while ago?" Mafuyu said.

"Sensei… please kill me…" Lou already felt his hot rod trembling from excitement, but not Lou.

Lou felt nervous and scared inside, he still did not experience being castrated by others but maybe this time he really experienced it.

"What really happened to you-" Before she can even finish what she was going to say, Lou suddenly pinned her down under her.

Mafuyu felt the hot breath coming from him hitting her face. She asks," What's the matter?"

"Sensei, you really an idiot, do you know that side effect of what I did last time is not normal?" Lou said while coming closer to him.

Lou finally snapped out of her neck and whispered," Can you feel the heat?"

"My inside is burning not from fever or whatsoever but from lust"

Lou then bites her neck and starts to suck blood from him, this is the solution that he came up with.

It is much better to remove the Vampirism effect before he becomes a bloodthirsty monster, at least he doesn't need to ravage Mafuyu while he's in beast mode.

And also enough time to explain what happened to him.

Mafuyu's body trembles, she did not expect that Lou's condition is much severe than she expected.

From the body heat that comes from below and all over his body she really knows that Lou is telling the truth.

"You can still stop me Sensei," Lou whispered.

"I'm weak like chicken right now, so you can seal me somewhere until the effect is gone"

"No! You can't do that," Mafuyu suddenly shouts.

"Do you know that there's a famous Ranker who became sterile because of this problem?"

"Yes he became strong but because he tried to hold back his own body became sterile, do you know what happened to him?"

"He commits suicide from loneliness having no kin in this world, so don't ever hold back," Mafuyu said as if she educating Lou.

"Sensei, you really an Idiot, do you know what i mean here?" Lou stopped sucking blood and looked at her eyes.

"You are a girl and I'm a boy, and if that really happens, your reputation will be ruined!"

Mafuyu suddenly remembers what Lou is going to do for the side effect but she forgot that they are in the middle….. No, they are inside of an unknown cave.

So where the hell Lou finds a girl in this place, maybe there is some female being around her but all of them are bloodthirst killing machines.

Mafuyu looks at Lou's red face and remembers something embarrassing, she remembers that the two of them already share a passionate kiss, sharing a bed while naked, seen naked, Lou even helps him to change clothing.

The two of them can do what every couple can do but they never step to the line where they will never come back to their original teacher and student status.

Then she suddenly remembers when she is hiding behind that invisible shield, the last fight of Lou today.

She still remembers when Lou suddenly changes as if he became a different person, that heartless aura and emotionless face of him.

Mafuyu doesn't know why she feels hurt and sad seeing Lou in that form, she wants to grab and take Lou back, but she is powerless, she can only helplessly look at Lou being hacked by the monster and then she faints.