2nd Fiancee Appear

Lou is eating right now, he doesn't know why but he feels that their family will become bigger again before there are only 3 people eating at the table.

He look at her mother feeding Lemon, Yuu who eating silently, Hanbei whos taking with Goemon,

Megumin, Inochi, Koneko, and Haruna who eat like they are competing who can eat more.

Mikan passing food to Kanna, Lou feels that his home suddenly becomes big, it's so big that they already upgrade the rice cooker 3 times from small to super large capacity.

Lou helplessly sighs, he did not expect that his family upgrades fast, Sairenji, Onodera, and Mafuyu still not counted because they are not staying here.

"What's wrong Lou?" Mikan, who notices Lou sighing, asks.

"No nothing, take Megumin and apply her in your school," Lou said.

"Okay, I already got all the documents that Megumin needs, I will pass it later so that she can start schooling with me," Mikan said.

"What about you Kanna, how is your time at school?" Lou asked.

"It's good Lou-sama, I did not know that human school is fun, the teacher teaching us how to draw and sing at school," Kanna said while eating.

"Hey Lou-chan~ I have good news for you ~," Mirano jolly said.

"What good news?" Lou asks while the girls look at Mirano's good news.

"Ano ~ your fiance will be going to visit today ~," Mirano excitedly said.



Lou coughs hard after hearing the good news, but he suddenly shivers after Mirano tells them the good news.

He looks around and sees the girls looking at him as if they are waiting for his reaction, Lou now scared, he can't smile because they will butcher him for sure.

Even Yuu who is silent eating attentively looking at him right now as if she is waiting for Lou's reaction too.

Mikan, Hanbei look gloomy, they did not expect that another rival, they already know that Lou already has 2 girlfriends and 2 known fiancees, and here another fiancee appears.

But they don't know that Lou has another girlfriend ( Moka ), 1 wife ( Mafuyu ), and one unknown status ( Shigure ) if they know Lou sure that they will be going to strangle this debauchee.

"W-Well-," Lou who is about to explain suddenly heard the doorbell suddenly ring, he hurriedly stood up, and ran to open the door.

"I will open it first maybe it's important"

The girls look at Lou who just escapes from them, they feel that their teeth feel itchy for some reason.


Meanwhile, Lou who just escaped from judgment day feels relief, thank goodness that someone came or else he doesn't know how he will explain to the girls.

*Ding~ Dong~

"Coming," Lou shouted," Did we have a delivery today?"

Lou walks in front of the gate and opens it, then he sees a beautiful girl standing outside.

"You are?" Lou asked.

"Good morning, im Seto Sun, nice to meet you ~" Sun graceful bow.

Sun is a beautiful fair-skinned girl with waist-length tan hair that has square bangs, light brown eyes, an above-average figure, and a relatively large bust. She is also wearing the same uniform as him.

Lou thought,' Seto Sun? Where did i hear that name-'

Lou's eyes suddenly became big. He looked at the Sun and thought something absurd. If he is not wrong, Sun is the daughter of Gozaburo Seto, his teacher.

Then he notices a small doll hanging in her bag and his suspicion is right, she is really Gozaburo Seto's daughter. And that small doll is, Maki, very small merfolk resembling a crab. She has long purple hair and gray eyes. She wears a white robe that is red inside and ties it up with a red belt. She has short black pants and black shoes with yellow socks. She has a helmet she wears and carries her shell on her back.

"Hello, im Lou Takasu, nice to meet you, Sun-chan," Lou said.," Umm… can i ask you why are you here?"

"I'm here to fulfill the agreement of my father and your grandfather," Sun said.

"Agreement?" Lou is confused, he doesn't know what kind of agreement his mysterious grandfather and Seto-sensei is.

"As the original agreement, because you successfully awakened your ability, I present myself to you as a fiancee," Sun said.

Lou's lips twitch, he doesn't know if this is a joke or what, he never knows this, and not only that his fiancee is actually his teacher's daughter.

If he is not wrong Seto-sensei is overprotected when it comes to her daughter, in anime, Seto-sensei always hunts the mc and that is Sun's husband to kill, that's how overprotective he is.

And not only that, he felt the killing intent coming from a small doll in Sun's bag.

Lou thought,' Shit, now I have another fiancee, an overprotective father-in-law, an overprotective guard'

"Umm…. can we go inside first, let's talk about it, after all, there's still time before the morning class starts," Lou asked.

"Well sorry for bothering you," Sun said.

"No, it's fine, please," Lou asked.


"And that's why Sun-chan is here," Lou said and looked at the girls, he could see a different expression from them, after all, he just came out and when he went back another fiancee appeared.

Kanna walks closer to the Sun while constantly sniffing.

"A merfolk!" Kanan said while pointing to Sun and Maki in doll mode.

Koneko suddenly stand up and looks attentively at Sun and Maki, while the two unfortunate newcomers feel danger from Koneko as if they encounter their mortal enemy, a cat.