Festival of Blood 4 End

Lou hit on the wall after trying to backstep to escape from that man's special technique, but still it's pretty useless.

He doesn't know how many cuts that man throws at him but Lou sure that he deflects unconsciously half of it.

But that's not enough, he still cuts him in different parts of his body, and the cut is not just cut, but a cut that is so deep that Lou can see his own bone.


Then like a miracle, all the open wounds around his body start to heal in the fast pace, it's like watching a fast forward video.

After a couple of seconds, all the wounds are already healed, but the blood around his body is still all over him.

He can heal but not the same as his blood, hsi skin can regenerate on its own but it will not take the blood that comes out from him.

Suddenly Lou feels heavier, he starts to breathe heavily while his body is like benign pressure down in the ground.

When he looked up he dazed seeing two visible aura clashing to each other, one is a pure white aura while the other one is a black-red aura that gives an indifferent feeling.

"That one is pretty fast, you almost cut me there…" The man said.

"Not even my auto slash could react in time…...as expected to the genius of sword and weapon…"

""... it seems that i don't need to use my scabbard this time... for you… i need to do my all or i will die for sure…"

Shigure only listens to him, from her face Lo sure that hse is 100% super angry this time, and from her pose, she is not joking to her opponent.

Shigure is ready to cut.


"Hiken - Usuba Kagero"

The man moves first using his special technique he tries to fool Shigure with numerous sword illusions nad one deadly one.

Shigure who stands suddenly becomes three and turns into a white wraith-like silhouette that Lou usually sees on tv.

She then passes to the man like a ghost and a blood gushing out from the man's shoulder blade.

"Fast!," Lou amaze seeing her movement, it's not just fast, it's deadly too.

She then steps on the ceiling and slyly straight to the man, the man tries to cut her numerous times but all his cuts only pass to her body.


"Too weak…" The man said and tried to cut Shigure again but this time, another white wraith-like silhouette appeared behind him and tried to cut his other arm.

The man moved and slash horizontally, this time he finally cut the white silhouette but it only passed to him.

From his arms to his hand blood strat to gush out, he only casually flicks his hand to remove the blood and starts to concentrate deeper.

"Your technique is pretty impressive…. But it's still slow ...."

"In a speed contest….. I'm sure i have the upper hand.."

Shigure appears again this time gathering momentum, it seems that she is going to fish him now with her next move.

"Little girl… your technique is pretty good…. I can clearly see your body fusing together with your own katana."

"The highest level of sword mastery consists of making the blade part of your body, and the final step it would be fusing yourself to your own blade."

System,' Let me explain it for you host, this final form of Kendo is like this.'

'Heart and Blade Become One, This technique is the epitome of your own philosophy that one must fight with their weapons as one.'

'This technique cannot be learned through pure skill but the user must have an intimate bond with their sword and there must be trust between the sword and user.'

'As Kii Kagerō puts it, you and the sword must love each other. The greater the bond, the greater the ease this technique can be performed and the greater the overall potency of the attack.'

'As a result, this technique is known as the highest level of sword mastery. It has been shown that this technique can be performed as long as the user has a blade of some kind in their possession, as the Hachiō Executioner Blade members who own a bladed weapon are all able to use this technique.'

Lou looks at his naginata, he just got this weapon so he can't be sure that his weapon already made the first step to that mastery.

"Lou… watch carefully... this is the last clash…. See and learn from what you see…" Shigure said.

"Don't be proud little girls…. you don't know that….. I and Setsuamarus can do it too…"

"Making the fusion is a piece of cake for us." The man obsesses over the sword in his hand, he looks like a pervert in Lou's vision.

"Then…. the one who can perfectly blend to his own weapon…. Wins."

Shigure then dash created 3 perfect copies of her running aligned with her, while the man made a perfect copy of him too.

Both techniques are equal, the only thing that will decide the match is the blend of the user and his weapon.

"Shinto Gōrenzan"


Both of them pass each other then stop, then SHifure's chainmail suddenly falls down on the floor. It seems the man cut it cleanly.

While the man looked behind and said," T-This…. Is impossible…. how can you fuse to your weapon better than me…"

"Simple…. because my katana is made for me by my father..... It is natural… that my fusion with my blade is the strongest.."

The man then falls down creating a pool of blood below him, Lou hurry walk to the man to check him, seeing that he just bled from a small wound. Lou felt relief.

At least , Shigure did not cut him in the end.

"How… rude…." And it seems that Shigure felt his doubt.