
"Okay, let's do round two," Lou then dash straight to Cecilia who is still on the ground trying to catch her before she even flies.

Cecilia seems to know what to do, she did not let Lou catch her on the ground, she hurriedly used her Unit boots to propel herself up in the air.

Lou who is about to successfully grab her miss it just a couple of inches, he then stamps his feet then uses all her raw strength to follow her up in the air.

"You're a big idiot, you actually follow me up here, do you think you can fly in the sky freely like my IS UNIT?" Cecilia said.

"So what, if I grab you I will never release you forever," Lou said.

"As if, then try to turn in the mid-air," Cecilia turned left to escape from Lou who flew straight to her like a torpedo.

Lou who flies up really can't turn in any direction because he doesn't have any flying ability but it's different this time.

He come up with an absurd idea while ago to use as air maneuver, his problem is actually a simple problem, what he actually needs is force

A force that can help him change in a different direction and the solution is pretty simple.

Lou condenses a heavenly flame in under his feet then he kicks to the right side and then detonates the heaven flame to explode.

While his body suddenly turns left to where Cecilia is fleeing, he is happy that his plan is actually useful, not only that, his speed suddenly improves.

It seems that the force of the explosion is not only able to change direction but also to improve his overall speed.

Chifuyu and Mafuyu do not know what to say, he actually dazed seeing what he did and it actually worked.

Not only them the girls also dazed seeing Lou sing fireball as food hold and an extra boost for his speed.

"He's really flying," Saber amazed.

"Wonderful…. " Rin said.

"Lou-sama... can really fly.." Goemon said.

"If he can only awake our vampire ability, he will get the vampire wing and se dotn need to do that stupid stunt," Sarasvati said.

Moka nodded and replied," But, my vampire blood is too thin for him to awaken some special feature of our races."

Sarasvati looked at her and said," So you really gave your blood to her?"

moka 's face blushed, she hurriedly said," N-No not like that, he is the one who asked for my fang so…. I gave it to him because he asks for it."

"Tsk, life winner," Sarasvati murmur.

Cecilia who is ready to fire a long-range attack again turns around to look back but she hurries away again when she sees Lou getting closer to her.

Lou uses 2 wing type Kagune as a wing and glides straight to Cecilia, he also uses the flame to boost his speed to catch her.

Cecilia who turns in a different direction is being followed by Lou, their distance is not that far and it seems that Lou is starting to get closer to her.

Cecilia grips her sniper gun and fires at Lou to take him down but Lou easily waves his hand and cuts the laser beam into two.

And the chase continues, Cecilia indiscriminately fires laser beam to take down Lou, while Lou waves his weapon to destroy the attack that is coming to him.

She tries to turn left, turn right and even tries a different maneuver to escape from Lou but it's useless Lou who is near her not even letting her take more distance.

She can only helplessly fire all her weapons in her arsenal to take him down or at least slow her down to take distance to escape.

The chase continues up in the air, then fly to the pacific ocean, but even though they are both already out of the stadium, Chifuyu can still monitor them from the academy.

Cecilia who already starts to get irritated then she shouts," What are you, why are you following me!"

"Idiot, as if I let you have to take distance to shoot me," Xin said.

"Then I will take you to death," Cecilia then shot 2 rocket from his skirt as part of her IS UNIT.

"Brilliant Clearance"

Cecilia's speed suddenly boosts to 500km/hr. She then fires a laser beam at Lou, but this time it's different, she shoots Lou's wing.

Lou waves his weapon to try to smack the beam to different directions but he is surprised that he actually pushes back and decreases his flying speed.

Cecilia then fires a concentrated beam to finally take Lou down, seeing the gigantic beam of light.

Lou knew that it's pretty impossible to escape from the gigantic beam of light but he still gambled, he condenses a gigantic green flame and fires it straight to the light beam.

Lou and Cecilia throw to separate directions, Lou throws to the sea while Cecilia throws up in the air while spinning around because of the force of the explosion.

"I win! "Cecilia said.

She tries to maneuver and balance herself after that she scans around to see if she successfully eliminates Lou.

Seeing that there's no reaction or movement, she felt relief, she almost lost it if not for her desperate attack.

Then slowly her IS UNIT suddenly starts to fall, she then checks and realizes that the energy of the IS UNIT is already empty.

And the most dangerous is that she is up in the sky, her IS UNITY is not that heavy but still, it falls pretty fast.

When she tried to activate the protective shield for an emergency, she was horrified seeing the system error on her screen.

She try and try to activate but its not working she starting to get nervous and panic, in her height, she was sure that if she hit on the ocean floor, her IS UNITand also herself will going to crush into a pulp.

Not only her, the command center where Chifuyu and Mafuyu were starting to panic they did not expect that an accident would happen to a practice match.

The bracelet given to them has the ability to sustain damage for them in case of emergency, but it's useless if the force is too big like falling in height with the speed of a meteor.

Cecilia tries to remove her IS UNIT to at least slow down her fall but it's useless, she doesn't have any parachute or any gliding ability, she is still going to hit the ocean floor at fast speed.

She felt helpless for the first time, she looked at the clear sky, and murmured," Mother… help me.." She then remembers her mother's gentle caring face.

She then suddenly felt her speed start to slow down and feel that someone was caring for her, she opened her eyes and saw the green-colored full armor holding her in his arms.

For the first time, Cecilia felt that there was someone caring for her beside her late mother, she dazed looking at the person in front of her, but she didn't know that this incident would begin to impact her life.