
While Houki and Lou practiced their techniques Cecilia who was sitting alone felt bored and started looking around the Clubroom.

She then sees the large sign on the wall 'Ukiah Kamikaze Ryū Kenjutsu' , the art that the Club is trying to teach but for some reason, she can't see any technique from Houki's ability.

She then walks to the scroll rack where the technique and skill that the last generation wrote before passing down to Houki.

There are one technique description and 8 scroll technique where different technique is written base on the nature of 'Ukiah Kamikaze Ryū Kenjutsu'

First Stance: Gale ( Hayate )

Second Stance: Blizzard ( Fubuki )

Third Stance: Falcon ( Hayabusa )

Fourth Stance: Storm ( Arashi )

Fifth Stance: Lull ( Nagi )

Sixth Stance: Chilling Wind ( Kogarashi )

Seventh Stance: Whirlwind ( Tatsumaki )

Eighth Stance: Squall ( Tsumuji )

8 unique styles that the Ukiah Kamikaze Ryū Kenjutsu each of their students, but some of them are impossible to use become of lack of explanation, and some of them are just only names left.

That's all the good from the dojo tyle Club Room, the other is just some blunt sword, some wooden sword, and a water dispenser.

It seems that he doesn't even have a budget for the maintenance of Cecilia's helpless sign, she starts to feel dejected taking him to this lousy club.

Lou, who notices that Cecilia is getting bored, stops and walks to her and asks," Are you feeling bored?"

Cecilia taken back and hurry shook her head," I'm fine,"

Lou smiled and walked to the weapon rack and took on the bamboo sword, the length and weight are good for girls, it is perfect for a beginner.

"Here take it, I will teach you swordsmanship so that at least you know what happens if you pinch," Lou said.

Cecilia looked at the bamboo sword in her hand and dazed-looking Lou who waved her to get closer.

She hurriedly ran beside Lou and held the bamboo sword with two hands.

Lou then starts to teach her what he knows about swordsmanship," Swordsmanship or sword fighting refers to the skills of a swordsman, a person versed in the art of the sword. The term is modern, and as such was mainly used to refer to smallsword fencing, but by extension, it can also be applied to any martial art involving the use of a sword."

"Sword was worn with the edge facing upwards. This facilitated a quicker draw. Entire systems have been based on this technique and are known as Iaido, Iaijutsu, Battodo or Battojutsu."

Cecilia holds the sword in front facing the edge upward just like Lou said, Lou then continues," Iaido, sword art that emphasizes being aware and capable of quickly drawing the sword and responding to a sudden attack."

"Iaido is associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard."

Xin then put the sword in his waist and possessed himself putting one of his feet in front holding the illusionary scabbard in one hand and the other in the sword handle.

And then with quick swing, he creates a beautiful arc then putting the wooden sword back to his waist.

"Sword draw technique, in short, the most deadly and quickest technique of swordsmanship system,"

"Iaijutsu is a combative quick-draw sword technique, but not necessarily an aggressive art because Iaijutsu is also a counterattack-oriented art. Iaijutsu technique may be used aggressively to wage a premeditated surprise attack against an unsuspecting enemy."

Lou then faced Cecilia and said," Attack me in any direction you want, I will show you Iaijutsu."

Cecilia nodded and quickly slash at Lou's ribcage, but Lou is quicker, before she can even swing it Lou already stops her using a fast drawing art and then performs a quick slash in her neck then stops.

"As you can see, i combine quick-draw sword technique and a fast counter in process, actually Iaijutsu is just a way of countering your opponent in fat and most efficient way, and quick-draw sword technique is the most appropriate technique for that,"

Cecilia nodded, she can see that the attack stops before she can even swing and he counters before she can even react.

"Battojutsu "The craft of drawing out the sword" is an old term for Iaijutsu. Battōjutsu is often used interchangeably with the terms Iaijutsu and battō."

Cecilia then asks," Then sword ar is all about the speed of your attack than the power you have?"

"Yes, that's what i believed, because with speed you can defeat even the most powerful men, with the speed you can outrun, outsmart and counter anyone who stringer that you,"

"But sometimes speed is not everything, some people who already strong enough that even your faster than them is useless, but speed still useful on that situation"

"How?" Cecilia and Houki who hearing Lou's explanation about swordsmanship ask.

"Idiot, of course, with speed you can escape, what's the use of power if you ain't even catch your opponent?" Lou said.

The girls suddenly realize the usefulness of speed, they thought that Lou is right, speed everything, even if you don't have the power you can still win just speed alone.

Lou then grinned at them and said," And even if you only have speed, you can still have power just using speed."

"How?" They asked.

"I feel that you both did not learn anything from your teacher at all, do you even attend your subject?"

"The laws of physics determine that the force of impact increases with the square of the increase in speed. So, if you double the speed of a car, you increase its force of impact four times."

"Meaning, the faster you get, the larger the force you can create," Lou proudly said.

( Isaac Newton "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" )

Then both realize how stupid they are, of cour they learn it from thier teacher, after all, even elementary students start to learn in.

"Ok, let's continue the training," Lou then continued to teach Cecilia how to swing the sword properly.

But for some reason, Cecilia looked awkward swimming the sword, Lou helplessly walked benign her and held her hand while hugging her behind.

"Swing it like this," Lou said while Cecilia's pure brain suddenly short-circuited from Lou's ambiguous move.