Unknown Alien

The afternoon that day, Kinue reluctantly leaves Lou again to attend the Ancient Summit Meeting, she almost takes Lou with her but she stops herself because the place she is going to is not a place for Lou.

Lou can't help but to pamper her at full level until she is finally satisfied and left so that she will not get late for that meeting.

As for the Meteor Flying Fish, Lou finally sees her pet, a gigantic blue flying fish floating in the air 20 meters wide, 80 meters from the tip of the other pectoral fin to the other tip of pectoral fins.

With horn on his head that releases electric statistics for time to time, a tail that looks like a boat said and the mysterious cloud formation below its belly.

This is the second time Lou sees a gigantic Monster like the one in Forbidden Field, but this time, it's a gentle monster, not an aggressive one.

After Knue leaves, Lou forgets that Aqua is still sleeping in the other room, he only discovers it when they eat dinner on that night.

Lou asks her to leave and follow his grandma but Aqua is a useless Goddess, she can't do anything except healing and hunting Undead like Lou and Yuu from time to time.

That night too, Kanna and Lala arrive with a surprisingly additional visitor, Sun with Maki as her bodyguard.

Right now, Lou's forces are complete, he doesn't know how powerful the assassin is, but he knows that Lancer will help them if ever Lou and others can't win against them.

And that midnight Lou recessive a special Quest from the System.


Ding! You recessive Special Quest: First Wave of Assassin

Special Quest: First Wave of Assassin

The first wave of assassins successfully infiltrates the school ground, waiting in the dark to strike when Host is not aware. Try to find that Alien captures or eliminates it before it brings harm to others.

Requirement: Capture or Eliminate the Unknown Alien

Reward: Random

Fail: -1 Harem Member

Note: This one is pretty good in hiding, and also a huge pervert so try to find it before he get your Harem Member


Seeing the quest, Lou hurries to Shiina and enters her room in the middle of the night without even thinking.

Goemon, who was wearing her nightwear, asked," Lou-sama, what are you doing in the Shiina-san room?"

"I need Shiina right now," Lou hurry said.

Goemon's sleepy face suddenly becomes shocked, she looks at Lou and nervously asks," L-Lou-sama, you can't do that, even though Shiina-san is beautiful, you can't force yourself on others like this."

"What force, your mind is dirty you need to wash it with soap later," Lou angry said leaving Goemon sitting on the ground making an encircle in the ground.

Lou carefully walk closer to Shiin and gently wake her up, Shiina slowly ope nehr eyes and look at Lou in confused manner.


"Wake up, we have work to do." Lou whispered.

Shiina nodded and sat up, then the blanket slid down to her body and an enchanting figure revealed in front of Lou, Lou's nose suddenly felt hot then his vision suddenly turned dark.

"You can't," Goemon said while covering his eyes.

"You too, Shiina-san, you need to proper wear your pajama,"

".... i can't…. To hot.." Siina replied.

"Then at least cover your chest, i almost turn Lou-sama into a wolf."

".... i don't care... at all."

"Really?" Lou asked.


Then he crouches down on the floor while hugging his head, Goemon who is holding a wooden bat angry looks at Lou," Pervert!"

"I'm joking."

"As if, I know you, your joke will not pass for me," Goemon said.

"Okay, no joke this time, Shiina, wear your clothes first and see me in the living room, we have a problem here," Lou said, gazing at Shiina again then running while Goemon chased him with a wooden bat.

After Shiina properly fixes her clothing she arrives at the living room, surprisingly she sees Goemon sitting at Lou's lap like a kitten while being petted by him.

"You're finally here, help me find some spy inside of the academy," Lou said.

"Spy?" X2

"That's right, a spy from outer space hiding inside of the academy, I don't know what he looks like and what kind of being he is but I know he's hidden somewhere."

Shiina nodded and started to create a bunch of surveillance flies.

Surveillance Fly is a creature that looks like an ordinary fly, it can fly at a speed of 23k/h and can monitor up to 180° without any difficulty.

After creating hundreds of them, Shiina then starts to create a monitor and connect what the fly sees so that they can see it clearly.

"So where do you think this Alien spy is hiding?"

"Abse on the report, this alien is a huge pervert."

"Like you?" Goemon said.

Lou pinches her cheek and continues," A huge pervert, for sure this thing will go loiter around near where the female is."

Shiina nodded and started to command the flys but suddenly stopped and looked at Lou again.

Goemon swat Lou's hand and said," Your idiot, Lou-sama, did you forget that this place is a place where no man is allowed? It's hard to find a pervert in a place where all are female."

Lou suddenly thought that, they are right, this academy only trains females, his the only men here and his case is pretty special that's why he can train here.

Now that hers no clue where this stupid alien is, he need now to find a new way to track this alien before this thing hold on oh his girls.