Slimy and Wet

After a couple of seconds, an army of Fly Drome arrive indie of the room, Shiina hurrys look around to trace how the first drone destroys but they can't see anything even the missing drone.

"Did you discover anything?" Lou asked.

Shiina shook her head, even though she didn't know what happened to the first drone, it was a mystery how that small drone suddenly disappeared while monitoring the room.

"Hmm…" Goemon meticulously look around the monitor and notice that another drone suddenly disappear.

"Something is not right, right now, how can a drone suddenly disappear like that.." Lou said while looking for the trace of the culprit and another drone disappeared again.

Where did that drone disappear?" Lou suddenly asked.

"Near the last footprint of that spy," Goemon said.

"Can you control one drone near that footprint again Shiina?"


She then controls another drone slowly to that footprint, she lets it fly around and then, something comes out from the dark and the screen becomes blank again.

"Did you see it?" Lou asked.

"I think i see a slimy and wet thing." Goemon vaguely said.

"It looks like… a snake?" Shiina said.

"I also notice that its color is a purple slimy thing before the drone disappears," Lou said, clearly seeing it but he dont know if it is a kind of snake or something like that.

"Take another drone and go that that place again,"

Shiina nodded and controlled the drone again, but before the drone even got near it disappeared again, then one by one, the drone inside of the room started to miss.

"Hurry!! Take 4 drones and put them in 4 corners of the wall to see clearly what's attacking us," Lou hurry said.

Shiina meticulously controls the four drones and puts them in the four corners of the room.

From the dark, they can see a long thing taking the drone one by one, it's fast and accurately hitting the flying drone around that even Shiina controls it, it's still useless.

"Use Night Vision fast,"

Shiina use night vision and see that the long thing appear and disappear in their view, Lou said," That pervert have the invisibility ability,"

Goemon and Shiina nodded.

"And based on what we see, we have a reptile pervert here, that thing is a tongue i think," Lou said.

"It's pretty long tongue and fast too, what kind of reptile do you think that alien is?" Goemon asks.

"Maybe a frog or chameleon," Lou said.

"..... horse?" Shiina clueless said.

"Nevermind," Lou said," Try to trace that pervert, I'm going to Houki's room right now."

"Wait! Lou-sama," Goemon suddenly shouts, she then points at the monitor and nervously says," Look at this."

Lou and Shiina look closer and scared seeing a bunch of tentacles suddenly paper out of nowhere, the tentacles like thing stick on the ceiling and slowly creep into Houki's body.

They can also see something coming from the tentacle, it seems a halogen that diffuses in the air.

"It seems like sleeping gas Lou-sama," Goemon said.

Then they see the tentacles slowly lift Houki from her bed, while her undergarment starts to remove slowly.

Lou then runs outside without any second thought leaving Goemon and Shiina blushing seeing Houki's charming figure.

"Call me if you see that pervert," Lou left those words and then left.

They don't know what will happen next, but they know that it's too much for them to watch it but they still keep to monitor if something bad happens again.

Lou who uses his Strength Amplification is currently riding in the wind, he is like a silver ghost running inside of the forest at fast speed.

A couple of seconds later he arrives where the girl dorm is, then stops below the window of Houki's room, with one leap he then arrives in the window silently and keeps looking around to trace the culprit.

"Appraiser" Lou inward command.

He kept looking around until a status window paper in front of him.


Name: Ghi Bree

Age: 42

Level: 382

Gender: Male

Race: Balke

Strength: 4

Agility: 5

Endurance: 283

Intelligent: 55

Luck: 83


Shapeshifting S+

Enhanced Smell A+

Psychic Beam F-


Bluff S+

Run S+

Sprint S+

Hide S+

Play Dead A+

Remark: Too weak like a bug


Lou slowly walks on the invincible being in front of Houki's bed, he can see those gross liquid keep dropping on the floor but Lou doesn't have time to check it.

With one hand, he grabs the invincible Alien and squeezes his head, with one he throws it out of the window.

He then grabs those tentacles and removes it from Houki, he carefully puts her down and throws the tentacles outside.

Houki who flustered slowly opened her eyes and whispered." Lou?"

"Get some rest, i need to clean something outside first, i will come back fast." Lou gently said.

Hearing Lou's voice, Houki's eyes slowly close, seeing her fall asleep, Lou walks in the window and jumps outside to clean the pervert alien.