A Meteor? For Real?

"So your new S-Class Hero, Org, and it seems you are also a martial art master. If I'm not wrong." Bang said.

"I train my master to become a master, but I still can't call myself a master while still defeating all of them."

"Yes~ Yes~ defeating your master is also one of the other master's grand wishes, seeing no student walking the right path makes us more proud of what we did."

"I think i can't imagine defeating Sensei," Genos said.

"That's for sure, even if you change all your parts to a higher quality, you will never defeat Saitama at all."

"Saitama who?" Bang asked.

"Genos' Master."

"What about you, who is your master?"

"I have 6 Master, all of them are Grand Masters in their own league, maybe you don't know any of them because they never become a celebrity like you."

"Well, some Master choose to hide from the eyes of the public, because of different things, but i chose differently,"

"I choose to become a Hero so that i can find the right disciple that i can teach to pass my legacy."

"I think my masters did not choose to hide, but they can't attract the public because of their past deeds." Lou said.

"So who's your Master really is?"

"I train at Ryozanpaku."

"Zanpakuto…. What a strange Dojo, I feel I heard it somewhere…" Bang thought, his face suddenly became weird saying," You mean the Dojo known as the den of Masters and Grand Master?"

"Nope, what I know is that Dojo is the home of different Masters in Martial Arts."

Bang felt scared looking at this kid, he knew that legendary Dojo, after all, his own Dojo visit by the Elder of that dojo centuries ago to challenge him.

Not only him, there's also a bunch of people who's that man, and not a single one of them wins against that man.

"Yoru good kid, keep it up, I'm sure you will exceed even my current achievement," Bang said.

Lou politely smiled at him.

"So why are we called here?" Genos suddenly asked.

"This branch office is already empty, everyone is in hurry to evacuate, and maybe we are the only three S Class Hero that come here"

"They evacuate? Why? Why did they summon us? Why did the other not come?" Genos asked.

"I supposed the others were too far away or busy, some probably just couldn't be bothered, summons only go out for biggest, most impossible tasks"

"And maybe for the number of people here, this mission will be impossible to accomplish." bang helpless said.

"A crisis of the worst kind, threat level Dragon is upon us, the association wants nearby Class S Heroes to do something about a giant meteor that will hit City Z in 30 minutes."

"If it strikes, it will destroy the City, if we successfully stop it…. The Hero Association's status will arise and donation will pour in, I supposed that's what they wanted." Genos said after calculating the basic principle of human nature.

"But it's impossible," Bang said," This time, the problem is too big, too big."

Then they heard the warning call outside, and next the hero Association warning, and after that, Chaos strikes humans.

People running everywhere, from male, female, old or young, everyone is nervous, trying to get a distance away from this City.

But it's hard.

It's too hard.

The road is too small for everyone to pass, roadblocks are everywhere, cars can't even pass, while others choose to run barefoot with their things.

Up in the air, Lou can see a gigantic sun slowly increasing in size, it is so huge that it can easily crush the whole City for sure.

Thank goodness, City D is far from here, this backwater City is a million miles away from his home, or else he already ran to take his family away from here.

"Yoru back? And what is that suitcase?" Lou asked Genos who was carrying the suitcase.

"This is my weapon that was just created, it was still a test subject so i don't know if i can destroy that meteor, what about you? Why are you still here? Why not go home, after all, Human power can be used in this kind of disaster."

"Don't worry, I'm just casually watching,"

"Then I'm going,"

Genos took his new weapons, an arm weapon adding to his cool robotic body making him cooler.

"Should i add a cool looking gauntlet to my armor later?" Lou murmurs looking at his arm.


A gigantic beam of fire shoots straight up in the City Z that is easily seen by every person near it.

Lou who is near him can feel the power of his attack, but it's not enough, he only makes the Meteor become hotter.

"Oh~ good poorer there, but i think you're not stopping it all," Bang said.

"If you want to stop it and preserving the whole City, you first need to stop the momentum, then slowly put it down in the ground, it's fine destroying a couple of building,"

"That's easy for you to say, how can I stop this meteor on myself?" Genos angry said.

"No, the meteor suddenly became slow…" Bang said.


"Nope, just my imagination,"

"Darn you, old man!"


"You overheated, you need to cool down first Genos," Lou said.

"Damn, I'm almost there," Genos said.

"No, not at all," Bang and Lou said.

"Hey Gramps, take care of Genos for me, and you kid? Are you still here?"

"Well, Hero always shows at the end of the fighting scene, and it seems I'm right," Lou said.

"Who are you?" Bang asked.

"It's just a passerby, a Hero for sure."

"What a crappy entrance," Lou commented.