Battle to Training Session

Name: Noelle Silva

Age: 15

Level: 11

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Magic Knight

Strength: 8

Agility: 9

Endurance: 28

Intelligent: 63

Luck: 38


Immense Magic Power S+

Grimoire Contract S+


Water Magic S+

Water Creation Magic A+

Reinforcement Magic D-

Affiliation: House Silva

Remark: Too powerful, at the same time weak


Looking at her status, Lou can say that she is one of those prodigies when it comes to magic, from the ability to skill, she is excellent.

What she lacks is straight, stamina, and agility that needed for the likes of her Magic Knight.

And the most important is, Lou helplessly said." You know, you can never hit me even if you use all your magic power."

"Shut up bug! I'm from a Noble Clan and I don't want any opinion from you peasants!" Noelle mocking said.

Even though she was already sweating a lot, she kept pushing and attacking Lou, her hit never hit the target, but she still showed off that she is powerful.

"Even if you're from the Noble Clan, you should at least know the difference between us, right? After all, it's pretty idiotic for someone who already knows the gap of the opponent while insisting to show off as powerful."

"I said shut up." Noelle creates a gigantic water ball and throws it back to Lou, and this time the water ball did not miraculously change direction and hit Lou.

"Too weak~" Lou raised his hand and touched the ball of water and froze it instantly.

Lou then crushed his hand and then the ball of ice turned into powder snow and slowly drifted by the wind.

"See? That's the gap between us, even if you use all your power, the gap will never shorten at all, maybe if you train more, you will defeat me, but for now." Lou shook his head." That's impossible."

Lou who is about to mock her sudden stop, seeing Noelle crying face makes Lou feel restless and nervous.

He never teases someone to the point that the girl cries, this is the first time he sees someone cry in front of him.

Slowly drops of tears start to drop from her eyes and like a dam, her tears gush out, but she is actually amazing.

She did not even release any single sound, she is like a well-behaved kid who felt wrong.

Lou hurriedly ran to her and said," Don't cry, Little Miss, don't worry I'm just teasing you, your power so you don't need to cry."

"I'm not crying," Noelle said while trying to wipe the tears from her eyes but for some reason, tears keep falling and falling even though she is constantly wiping it.

"You know, crying is not the solution to your problem, and your problem is pretty easy to solve," Lou said.

"R-Really?" Noelle looked at her with teary eyes, red cheeks while pouting.




Lou coughs and says," Your problem is pretty simple, I think you already know that you have terrible magic control right?"

Noelle nodded.

"What you need to do is to train to control your magic,"

"B-But… I cant… I try but I don't know why I fail every time."

"Why not try again this time," Lou waves his hand creating a wall of ice and then walks and picks a lump of mud to draw a circle in the middle of the wall.

"Try to hit this target."

Noelle nodded and condense a gigantic water ball and threw it to the ice wall, and just like what always happens, the water ball miraculously changed direction and hit the virtual three near the wall of ice.

"That tree happened to stand on that spot. I'm pretty sure that I will hit it this time," Noelle seriously said and tried to confident the water ball again.

"And stop!"

"Try to make it smaller, that's right, more, make it the size of your fist."

Noelle nodded and started to decrease the size of the water ball from human size to fist size.

"Then try to hit the target this time."

Noelle then throws the water ball and this time, she hits the target and it's a bullseye.

"I-I… I did it!!" Noelle starts jumping around as if she already wins the competition, when she looks at Lou she suddenly pounces on her while smiling happily.

"Cough~ let's continue,"

Noelle suddenly jumps away from her trying to look calm but her face is blushing so it is impossible she looks calm.

"As you can see, your problem is that you can't control your own immense magic power, resulting in failure to hit the target. You should make your attack more simple but at the same time effective."

"But, if I did that, my magic attack would be useless and less powerful."

"Why not try to add more magic power to a small water ball while keeping the ball shape in the minimum size?"

"Let me try," Noelle starts to condense magic power and create a small water ball, when she is about to throw it, Lou notices something.

"I-I miss…."

"I think i know what your problem really is."


"I see your eyes quiver when you are about to hit the target, and it seems that you are scared of using your own ability, I don't know why I felt you actually scared of using your own power while using it, am I wrong?"

Noelle looked at Lou in a dazed manner. She can't explain what she felt bright now. She felt that this boy that was one year older than her knew more about herself than him.