Vs Yuno

Lou firmly holds his weapon while expressionless looking at Aster, while Aster on the other hand felt the tremendous pressure coming from Lou.

Even though he did not get any proper training, he can easily feel the pressure from Lou.

But even in this kind of pressure, Aster did not feel any fear but the opposite, he felt excitement all over his muscles, he grips his weapon and suddenly raises it after seeing Lou suddenly appear in front of him.

Lou looks at him and brandishes his weapon and chop downward, Aster hurry holds his broadsword in the handle and on the flat surface of it.

But it's not easy to block Lou's attack, Aster's feet easily crumble forcing him to kneel down while holding his weapon over his head stopping Lou's attack, he doesn't look stable, he is trembling while trying to push Lou's weapon upward.

But it is useless, even the vein in his arm pops out, he can't stop the weapon that is slowly pressing him on the floor.

Lou looked at him and asked," What's the matter? Is that all? Are you going to kneel down like that?"

Aster, taken back from Lou's voice, he grins and excitedly shouts," NOT YET!!"

He knows that he can force push Lou's weapon upward because of the gap of their own straight, so he releases his hand from the flat surface of the blade letting the Naginata slide to the other side successfully deflecting Lou's attack.

Lou's Naginata hit the ground creating a huge cut in the stage straight to the end of the stage, from the aftermath of the slash, they know that Lou is not holding back.

He is using his current straight without amplifying fighting Aster, Nobuna, and Aster's Teacher Yami can easily see it.

Aster hurriedly took the tool in the floor to take distance when he looked at Lou, he was confused that he suddenly disappeared, then he heard a playful voice behind.

"What are you looking for? I'm already behind you."

Lou grip his fist and deliver a punch in his head but Aster responds faster, he uses his weapon to block Lou's fist, then he waits to counterattack.

But he was wrong, he suddenly felt the tremendous force from the punch and actually he can see the sky ignorant of him.

He actually flies away from Lou after receiving the punch head-on, he can feel that his hand numb from the tingling force from the blade that he is holding.

He then lands on the floor back first and rolls for a couple of times then hurriedly stands up, then he side steps away from his current position, then a cut appears.

Lou who uses horse stance while holding his Naginata is now serious-looking at him as if he's trying to strike anytime he sees Aster stop.

Seeing Aster's speed suddenly become slower, Lou made his move, from his hand the Nagitam transformed into a beam of light flying straight to Aster.

Meanwhile Aster hurry dodge the stab and roll in the floor, he then raises his sword and another stab hits the face of his blade pushing him to the end of the stage.


In Aster's team, Yami, who is watching the fight, can't help but scratch his head. He feels irritated seeing his student running around like a monkey.

He knows Aster doing what he can but he felt uncomfortable seeing him being beaten easily by the opponent.

If he knows that this is going to happen, he should not let him come with Stoehr student on a mission, even his new Magic-Sword is useless fighting a pure weapon master.

He should take Aster and train him more about swordsmanship, after all, he can learn easily and is also hardworking.

Yami then look at the calm boy beside him and said," Get ready, your going to fight that boy next,"

"Yes." The boy calmly said while keeping looking at Aster who can't even get near to his opponent.


After dodging 5 more stabs, Aster finally did a wrong move, he actually jumped upward making him more easily to hit.

Lou brandishes his weapon stab upward to finish the game, but Aster does not accept it, he brandishes his weapon wave creating thick sword energy to block Lou's attack but the power and speed is hugely different.

Lou easily penetrates the sword angry and pierce straight to Aster, Lou's naginata pierce Aster's clothing making Aster hang on his Naginata.

Lou looked at him and asked," Are you content?"

Aster excitedly nodded," Yes, i know the gap between us, but this gap will going-to be shortened if i train, just you wait, i will challenge you again after my training."

"Then I'm going to wait for that day."

"From now on, your one of my rival except Yuno, i will defeat you and that cool guy and become meth strongest Magic Knight of the mall,"

"Sure, I will wait, but for now, go down because your rival will try." Lou waves his Naginata making Aster spin on it then throws him back to his classmate.

Yami raises his hand, grabs Aster's head and puts him in front of him while benignly hanging.

"You did good kid, but that's not enough, you will get a pretty good punishment later, so better get ready." Yami emotionless said.

"Yes, Sir!" Aster idiotic answer.

"Yuno, go up, try to defeat that boy."


"Second round, winner, Lou Takasu!!"

Lou asks if he wants to change his badge but he chooses to decline it, after all, Aster Badge is plastic like him, it is much better to find a good one later.

Lou's next opponent is the Uncrowned King, Yuno from Higher Class, same as Aster, they both come from the orphanage and friend of Hanbei, but not like Aster, Yuno is a cool and handsome boy with an expressionless face.

"Third round! Lou Takasu vs Yuno,"


"Ready." Both of them said.

"The Third match of the High School Ranking, D Division, City D High School vs Clover Academy, first match!!"