It's a +++

Lou suddenly jumps out of the bed like first inside of the net hurry look at his cloth to see if there is something inappropriate.

He then looks around and pretend sleepy

" Wait~"

Lou looks around to see where he can hide Iris, this will be a huge disaster if Nobuna found her inside of her room at this kind of time.

And unlucky enough, there's only an open cabinet without a door, a small table and a large bed in his room, the window is closed with glass, it's impossible to open it.

"What's the matter?" Iris softly said.

"A problem!?" Lou whispered.

"What kind of problem? And who is outside?"

"My fiance, and a tigress of all."

"Then let her come in,"

"Come in your face,! You don't know how brutal my Fiance is! Heshe will skin me alive if she sees you here."

"Really fierce?"

Lou nervously nodded.

"Then I will do this," Iris grabbed the large blanket and covered herself, she then peeked at Lou and said," Don't worry, maybe she will ask you something, she will not go inside for sure."

"Knock! Knock!"

"Are still sleeping!"

Lou hurry ran in the door slowly, opened it just to peek outside and saw Nobuna wearing a pink thin Kimono flustered looking around like a thief.

"What are you doing here?" Lou asked.

Nobuna looked at him and said." I want to talk to you."

"Let's do it tomorrow."


"Why?" Lou confusedly asked.

"I'm already here, do you mind letting me go back?!" Nobuna displeasedly said.

'Yes' Lou inward said, but he did not say it because he will surely get hurt if he ever said that to her.

"So, what do you want to talk to?"

"C-Can you let me go in first? It's embarrassing to let others see me here in this kind of time." Nobuna flustered.

She is scared that someone sees her at midnight in front of her student room, that's inappropriate and bad for her, who is the Principal in school.

"No, just tell me so that we can sleep both," Lou said.

What inside? Iris is still inside, for sure they will meet if she comes in, and for sure, blood baths will commence.


They both then heard a walking sound coming to their direction, they also heard the voices of girls talking to each other and they coming closer.

Nobuna hurriedly pushed the door before he could even react and tightly closed it down while leaning on it.


"Stop complaining," Nobuna said.

They then heard the voice talking outside, and it seemed they stopped moving. What a big problem.

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" Lou helplessly asks.

Nobuna flustered, looked at Lou and murmured,"... I just want to talk to you about... today's incident…"

"Don't worry about it, it's an incident, isn't it your fault?"

Nobuna hurriedly grabbed Lou's shirt and excitedly said,'' But it's my fault! If I did not notice you and the girls being held by that fist, you should not get inside of the Dimensional Gap!."





Lou hurry grabbed her and hugged her tightly, he can feel the distress and pain from her voice from what she did today.

Lou knows that she is blaming herself on what happens today, but everyone knows that it's an accident, and that it is not her fault.

Maybe Nobuna only felt this for the first time having someone important to you to disappear, this kind of pain is too much for her for sure.

"Don't worry, everything is fine." Lou calmly said, trying to calm her down.

"But.. but … woooo!!"

She then cries in his arms, she knows why she felt sensitive today, she can't sleep even in her bed, the only thing she sees if she closes her eyes is Lou's face being pulled to that door that she made.

After a few minutes, Nobuna finally calms down, but still, she hugs Lou tightly while stopping him from moving.

Nobuna suddenly looked at Lou and said," Let's go."


"I said let's do it!"

"What do you do?"

Nobuna felt irritated talking to Lou who look stupid even he know what she trying to say.

She then grabs Lou, pulls him in the bed, then throws him and slowly removes his Yukata.

"W-What are you doing!" Lou then understands what she is trying to say, if this is a normal situation, Lou will gladly take initiative, but it's not.

Iris is hiding beside him and for sure Nobuna eventually finds her and by that time, Lou sure will be dead.

Nobuna then pushes Lou in the bed and then starts to remove his clothing from shirt to pants and underwear making both of them naked.

"C-Can we talk about this! I'm sure you're just dizzy right now." Lou nervously said.

"No! And i want to do it now, i can't wait for you to something happen again," Nobuna then slowly slide lean and take his lips and deeply kiss it.
