Korone's Screening Test

Lou who touched the red hand mark on his face said," Next."

The referee snaps out then shouts," Winner, Lou Takasu!"

Lou helplessly took a towel from his inventory and threw it to Junko," Use it, at least you have cover on your body."

Junko subconsciously catches the pink towel and wraps it in her body. The angry walk back to her team, she murmurs," What a pervert, having a pink towel."

But still, she felt relief that Mao is not what she expected, the Mao she knows is a tyrannical and murderous one.

At least, she can see that Lou is not a murderer who kills indiscriminately, but still, she marks Lou as a Pervert Demon Lord for what he did to him.

"Next round! Lou Takasu vs Korone, student Korone please come up on the stage."

Korone has green hair and dark green eyes. She typically wears the female uniform of the academy with the addition of a light pink handbag with a darker pink strap on her right side.

She emotionlessly walks on the stage and looks at Lou with question eyes.

"Both of you, are ready?" The Referee asks.

Both of them nodded ready for battle.

"The Second match of the High School Ranking Quarterfinals, D Division, City D High School vs Constant Magick Academy, first match!!"


"Power Gauge Glass"

Korone took a glass from her pink handbag and wore it, she whispered," Just like what I expected, unmeasurable power."

"Monster Extermination Canon"

She then took a common from the bag and shot straight to Lou.

Lou only looks at them letting her hit by the beam of the cannon, but it's useless, Lou is hit by the beam but there's no explosion at all or even visible damage.

"Immune to energy?"

Korone fires a dozen times before she takes the cannon back, she now knows that Lou is immune to any kind of energy.

"Explosive Fruit"

She then took a green colorado grenade and two of it to Lou then took a bomb-proof shield to hide.

Lou catches the green grande and looks at her.


Korone peeked from the shield and said," Even explosion-proof, this is going to be interesting."

She then took a wire and threw it to You like a boomerang making the wire entangle in Lou's body.

"Energy Sucker"

Then Korone pushes a button and energy from Lou starts to suck to the device below her but seconds later, the box that stores the power explodes making her look like a beggar.

'This girl.' Lou feels that she is the girl version of Doraemon, having a special pocket with multiple devices inside of it.

"Bunny Pounder"

Korone then takes a large hammer-like toy and dash to Lou, she raises it and pounds it to Lou's head.


"This is unreliable, let me do it again."




After a couple of more tries she understands that Lou is physically immune.

"Physically immune? This is going to be difficult."

She then hides the hammer and starts to look at Lou in a different direction, she can't see any opening or visible weakness from him.

Lou helplessly looks at this girl, she dont so any emotion but her curiosity makes Lou believe that she at least has motion inside of her even if she is an android.

She then walks ignorant of Lou, removes the ribbon on her neck then opens her uniform and pounce Lou hugging his neck while looking at Lou.

"What about now?"


"Copycat!! That my Moe Moe Fire Attack!!" Roka angry said.

"That's right!"

"So envious." Furuichi


"Hmmm without any reaction are you perhaps...… eunuch," Korone calmly asked.

"Why not try to come to my room later to see if I'm a eunuch or not?" Lou whispered.

Korone looked at him and nodded, she took a note and wrote something and said," So the Demon Lord of this year is a huge pervert, dont perry i will come later."

She then took all her clothing and walked back to her teammate and said," I lose, next match please."

"W-Winner, Lou Takasu!"


Back to Korone's teammate, one of them asks," Why did you forfeit?"

"Too strong, I can't win by myself, but don't worry, I already weakened him for you guys."

All of them look at Lou who seems excited and nervous and asks," Are you sure? Why does he look more excited than weakened?"

"I don't know."
