The Tablet, The Hertic God, and The Campione

"What are you doing, Oldman, grabbing something that you shouldn't have," Lou said while looking at the Oldman that appeared from the void.

A man in his later years with silver hair emerald-colored eyes wearing a grey business suit with a white shirt and black tie under and high-collared grey long coat. He's in extremely good health and has the air of a predator around him.

"You don't qualify to get this boy, only death awaits you," The man said.

Lou snaps his finger and the tablet in his hand suddenly appears in Lou's palm.


Prometheus' Grimoire

A Grimoire that has the power of Theft, granting it the ability to steal the divine right or Authorities of any God, or their powers, their abilities, to then be used by the Grimoire's wielder. However, if the stolen Authority is used by a mortal, the effect would be devastating, likely killing them.

This power is based on the myth of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods to grant it to humans. It requires that the user knows enough about the god whom they are trying to steal the power from.

Ability: Steal the Authorities of Gods

Steal Ability:

Authority of Victory "Ten Incarnations"


"So this tablet actually saved the previous Authority that he still is, you're pretty smart thinking about getting this without effort," Lou said.

"Kid, I'm warning you for the last time, give it to me and I will live your corpse whole."

"Tsk, this is amusing, someone actually got my tablet again, boy, did you win that tablet from the other one?'

Another enemy appears, he just appears in the right silently without everyone noticing him.

A 15-year-old boy with blue hair and a small tattoo on his forehead. He is wearing ancient-looking clothing while gazing at the tablet in Lou's hand.

"How delightful."

"Who are you?" Lou asked.

"You already saw us this morning and it seems that you know that we will be coming here, but I did not expect that you don't even know who we are."

"Very well, I am the Victorious One, the mightiest being who vanquishes his every enemy."

"The Victorious One…. interesting."

"As i have become a bit curious about the taste of defeat, i have started reviving the older kings of gods and challenge them to a match.:

"But sadly... i have yet to be overcome, do you want to use that tablet and try to defeat me, young warrior?"

"This tablet? No, I think my ability is enough for me."

"Hahahaha~ how amusing, it seems you're pretty confident in yourself , young warrior."

"And this gentleman, a Campione?" The boy looked at the old man.

"It seems that the tablet is also being eyed by the other Campione." The Oldman said.

"Name your self Unknown Campione."

"Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, the oldest Campione," Vodan said.

"What about you young warrior."

"Lou Takasu, a part time Campione….."

"Hey hey guys~ let me join too." Out of nowhere a carefree man walked inside of the ring after ripping the barrier around.

A young handsome man in his middle twenties with well-build, which has spiky short blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He's seen to wear an unbuttoned blue shirt, grey pants, and sunglasses. He also wears a necklace around his neck.

"Young man, do you need some help?"

A young woman with olive-brown skin with black hair, and has a large, well-formed chest. She prefers to wear loose, white robes and an overcoat, giving her an appearance reminiscent of a nun.

"Hey, seem that i'm not late"

A transcendent Chinese beauty, she has pale skin, black hair, a slender body with a full bosom and bottom, appearing to be in her late teens. She prefers to wear traditional Chinese clothes from the Han dynasty.

"You guys?"

"You can call me Sister Aisha or Madame Aisha," The Nun said.

"Luo Hao, Campione from China."

"Hey im Salvatore Doni!"

"It seems my item is pretty eye-catching, a group of Campione come one by one."

The boy looked up in the dark sky and said," It seems not only Campione but also a Heretic God wants to join, this is going to be more fun."

"So you guys come here for this Tablet?"

"Yes," The other Campione said.

"I came to help," Aisha said.

"I want to fight," The Boy said.

Lou snapped his finger open a dimensional hole and threw the Tablet inside.

"You can only get it if you win against me,"

"Good, let's start, the duel of the Campione,"

The boy then grabs a golden sword out of nowhere and attacks Vodon.

Lou on the other hand reaches and stops a sword that is coming to his chest, looking at the blond man grinning at him, Lou snaps out and crushes the sword that he throws.

He then raised his hand and cast.


A white long leg appears in his sight moving in slow motion.

"Eh? Eh? What's happening?!" Aisha clueless said.