Civil Registry

Ding! You receive Quest: Red Colored Paper

Red Colored Paper

Your Grandmother gives you a task that you need to accomplish, this task is not easy to do because of some unfortunate thing that happened to you, but still, the System is here to cheer you up. So be brave and complete it swiftly and easily, show what you got boy, boldly open the door of the future.

Requirement: Register as many Red Form as you can

Duration: 1 Day

Reward: Base on how many forms you register

1 Special Reward for the corresponding girl who you register

2 Special Reward for the corresponding girl who you register

4 Special Reward for the corresponding girl who you register

8 Special Reward for the corresponding girl who you register

All Special Reward for the corresponding girl who you register + System Reward

Fail: Thunder Wrath

Note: The more the better, don't give up, give your all, after all, they are yours.

'So that means that they can get a reward after this quest?' Lou asked.

System,' That's right, and you need to complete all the forms to get the special reward that I prepared for you, Host.'

'What kind of Reward?'

System,'I can't do that, but you don't need to worry, the Rewards will be useful for you and your family.'

'Well that's good,' Lou replied.


Looking at the stack of paper on his hand, and the civil registry office in front while Amane, Goto and Ikaros behind makes Lou wonder if this is a punishment.

He doesn't know when and how this thing all happened, just now he is sitting while listening to them like a good kid and now he is standing while being pushed by his own Grandmother to bring the registration form and compile the process.

"You can go now Lou-sama, we will wait for you here outside," Amane politely said.

"You're not going to come with me?"

Amane shook her head and said," It's a Clan Head decision so we can follow you inside, you need to do all the procedures on your own."

"Okay," Lou only helplessly walks alone inside, without any guardian or any servant at all, he opens the door and walks inside like normal.

When Lou finally came in, the girls who watched from afar felt excited and funny at the same time.

It seems Lou doesn't realize the problem here at all.

"Is he really going to be alright?" Onodera asked nervously.

"Na~, its fine, see, he calmly walk inside like a professional,"

"I'm not worried about Lou, what I'm worried about is that he forgot something important." Onodera helps said.

"Don't worry, i assure you that Lou has all the things needed to register so everything is fine," Origami proudly said.

"That's not what I'm worried about, what I'm worried about is that Lou seems to forget that he is in a child's body, how can he register if his age is not appropriate at all."

"And not only that, Lou is holding a stack of paper, for sure the people inside will laugh and tease him from being a womanizer while still young."

"He is a womanizer."

"A pervert."

"That's for sure."

"Well, we all know that Lou is a huge pervert. That's why we already have dozens of girls here right?"

"That's right, this thing is not a huge problem, I'm sure Lou can handle it easily."

"I hope so," Onodera said.

Nanko looks at her daughter who is already acting like a little wife. She is happy inside that she found her other half early but worries that she seems overprotective to her partner.

'It seems I need to give a good lecture to her later,' She said.


Meanwhile, Lou who just opened the door felt everybody was looking at him. Well, he can't help it. After all, he is no idiot enough not knowing what kind of office he enters right now.

He then sees the vacant line in the information desk so he walks on it to ask.

While he is walking in the information desk, the people around look confused and think maybe he is going to ask something.

The gorgeous woman sitting in the receptionist's desk looked confused to the child that walked towards her. She thought maybe a lost child who wanted to ask for help.

"How can i help you?" She gently smiled toward Lou and asked.

"I want to register this," Lou put the stack of papers in front of her.

"This?" The receptionist girl took the stack of paper and carefully looked at it.

"Is this for your brother? I think you should call him to personally register this."

"No, it's mine."


The woman looks at Lou and the stack of paper.

"Are you sure?"


"1… 8 …..13… 18, 19,20? 20 girls want to register? Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. They even pushed me to go alone to register it, but don't worry, I got all the requirements for the procedure."

Lou took all the requirements and put them in front of her.

"This is all the requirement and this is for the registration fee." Lou then took the money and paid the registration fee, the woman dazed-looking at the requirements and the payment for the procedure, she even forgot the things she wanted to say.