Most Beautiful Boy in Town

And the party starts, Lou who is sitting outside of the mansion while observing around still fails to find his opponent today.

Looking at the invitation on his hand, Lou thought that maybe he could eat first some delicacy of the Demon World before coming back so that his time would not go to waste.

But there's a problem, he is wearing a training uniform, and the people who come inside are wearing formal dress.

Even though he has the invitation, it's improper to attend a party with casual clothing on a formal occasion.

System,' It seems you're having a hard time, Host, do you want my help?

'Do you sell formal dress?' Lou asked.

System,' Of course…. Do you think I'm a clothing shop? I'm a Summon System Host, but don't worry, I have a better remedy to your problem,'


Ding! You recessive a Quest: Most Beautiful Boy in Town

Quest: Most Beautiful Boy in Town

You will attend a party but you don't have anything at all? Don't worry, this Fairy Grandmother System will give you a special gift, but beware magic will be undone at the stroke of midnight


Monster Pumpkin Coach

Mouse Nightmare Horse

Dullahan the Couchaman

Wrath the Footman

Tailored Made Suit

Sparkling Black Leather Shoes

Glass Eyeglasses

Skill Props:

Dancing Proficiency EX+

Singing Proficiency EX+

Etiquette EX+

Full Charm EX+

Requirement: Show what you got boy, tell them who's the most beautiful boy in town!

Duration: Until Midnight

Reward: Some Random Staff

Fail: Transform to Cinderella for real and work into an evil Stepmom for 1 Day


Lou's face looks weird looking at the quest he got, he feels that he is not going to help him at all but going to create a huge trouble.

'System, do you think I don't know what you got from my thesis?' Lou angry said.

System,' What?'

'All the thing I got is from the Story Cinderella, you unjustly change some of it to your convenience?!'

System,' So what.

'You?! Do you know you're destroying the classic fairy tale story!?'

Lou wants to get angry but si SYstem is too shameless to admit it, he wants to scold him but it's useless, everything is already delivered.

He is now wearing a black noble-looking Suit with long iron black slacks and black shoes, there is also a platinum watch appearing in his wrist and an eye glass that.

A mirror appears in front of him making Lou see what he looks like right now.

The boy in the mirror looks like an outstanding noble man with a slightly wild look, cold temper, but an approachable aura.

Lou don't look 17 at all, he looks like a man in his twenties with mysterious vibes because of the glass he is wearing.

Not far away from him is a monster Pumpkin coach with 4 lamps on 4 sides, the wheel is made from the vine but it's not touching the ground because it's floating centimeters from the ground.

The horse is an undead horse with fire on its hoops, blazing red eyes, and burning cress and tail, its muscular and big giving an intimidating aura to everyone.

Dullahan, a headless undead knight clad in dark grey armor, a gigantic sword is sitting beside him to protect the master.

As for the footman, well, they are just wrath who are holding a scythe floating around the coach, keeping vigilant all the time.

The System also did not forget the Family Cress on the Pupkin Door, engraved using a mysterious liquid that made the whole Coach even nobler.

Lou walked to them and said." Lets go,"

The Wrath near him politely bowed, then opened the door while the other Wrath kennel in front of him created a stair for him.

Lou's lips twitch seeing their action, now the infamous tale really destroyed by this shameless System.

Then, the coach starts to move, it's slow, the road is uneven, but the inside of the coach is pretty cozy and comfortable.

Lou, leaning in the widow, looks outside and sees the number of carriages and coaches coming in and out of the castle.

When Lou's turn, everyone looks at his couch, after all, no one ever used a monster as a couch, a coach driver, a footman, and a horse in Demon World in the years.

In the past, only those who are high-ranking Demons use this kind of thing but as time goes by, demons start to change until they follow like humans.

They only use a couch inlaid with gold and gems, a normal handsome-looking horse, and a handsome coach.

And besides, it's embarrassing to use this if you are not even a high ranking noble in this world. That's why Lou's couch is already noticed by everyone when he appears outside of the gate.

"Who do you think will come?"

"Maybe the Demon Lord comes, after all, some of them come for this special occasion."

"Maybe an Old gentleman who wants to build a bridge for the younger generation."

"I heard all the Demon Lord come today."



While everyone is whispering to each other, Dullahan finally walks down the couch, he politely bows while the wrath falls in line outside of the couch.

Then the door opens, all of the Demon gaze to see whose noble demon comes when they see Lou.

As if the earth stops, the time pauses, the wind suddenly blows gently, while the birds and small fairies start to sing beautifully with the hump of price.

From old to young even children were petrified seeing Lou's appearance, half of the women around fainted, half got nosebleeds, while some became restless while their legs were tightly closed..

They now realize what beauty is, Lou in front of them with the unique charm and air is the most perfect image of beauty.


With the slack of the Ladys and Douches, it's the signal of Lou's performance.