The Southern Island

The school vacation starts and it's about to end pretty fast too, the time is fast for someone as busy as Lou, except training in Dojo for the incoming Lou is also trying to find the remaining Goddess around the town.

But it's useless, he cant detect anyone, and about the last girl, he already finds the Shop location but he still has not met the girl.

The next day, the day of their Southern Island finally came, Lou who was looking at their ship asked." Is this really going to be fine?"

"Don't worry, everything is fine, the ship we made is based on the Ancient Viking Ship with the power of 3 Master Class Engine right engine-kun?"

"Yeah, no problem," Sakaki Engine No. 1

"Apa." Apache Engine No. 2

"See? We have the most powerful engine so you don't need to worry about this trip." Akisame Engine No. 3

"I'm not worried about the engine, I'm worried if the ship can take the power of the Master Class Engine." Lou helplessly said.

"If that is your problem, don't worry, we can walk if the boat is destroyed," Elder cheerfully said.

Lou helplessly looks at Miu but Miu only shrugs her shoulders, it seems that the money of the Dojo is still not enough for them to even buy a ticket for the Southern Island.

"Let's go." Elder shout.

"Roger, Captain," Akisame then shouted at the Engine Room.

"Charge full speed!!!"

"Let's go Apachai!"


The Viking ship shoots straight in the water like skipping stones, Miu and Lou almost fall in the water if not Shigure ties both of them in the boat.

With the speed of their ship, Lou is sure that they will arrive earlier and faster than the jet, well, after all, the ship is using 3 Master Class Engines.

Couple of hours later, an island slowly comes into view, Lou and Miu standing inside of the cavern can clearly see it.

"Southern Island, we arrive at last." Elder said.

Lou looks at the Armored Fort in the distance and feels that Southern Island is not a tourist vacation Island but a Military Base.

After looking around, they finally dock moving to that direction, they finally step on the island, it looks normal from outside except for the gigantic door in the entrance.

"Tch! No one is even here to greet us." Sakaki scorn said.

"Good fourth, the terrain is easy to defend but hard to attack," Akisame commented on the structure of the Island.

"This is the only place where the ship can dock, and it's also easy to surround the 3 sides if ever a fight breaks out."

"Apa will try the cliff!"

"Hey stop that, don't test it Apachai!"

Lou, Shigure and Miu who are standing in front of the huge gate marvel at the artwork of it. It seems the gate is also made from unknown materials that gives an ominous feeling.

"It's beautiful." Elder said.


"Like the Gate of Hell," Shigure said.

"Shigure-san!" Miu angrily shouts at Shigre but she only sticks her tongue and starts to look around.

"How can we open this?"

"Maybe we can punch it to open,"

"No, maybe we need to jump to go inside."

"Kensei, you forgot the laser in the top of it, you will burn to death if you try to jump inside."

Slowly, the gate opens only showing a blinding light from inside, Lou takes out a glass and uses it, he also takes some and passes to them.

"Cool, a tinted glass," Apachai said.

"You're pretty prepared," Miu said.

"Of course, I even bought sunscreen and new swimming trunks yesterday." Lou proudly said.

"That's not what i mean… ha~" Miu helplessly looks at him, it seems Lou's smart brain finally starts to cover itself with muscle.

When they walk inside, they see a luxurious mansion and a huge swimming pool full of people wearing two-piece and one-piece.

Kensei is the first one who jumps inside, disregarding even the guards that are holding weapons, he jumps in the sea of women.

"Well…. It looks really different from outside." Miu said.

"So this is Southern Island, it's pretty good."

"Your invitation please," One of the guards walked to them and asked.


The guard took the letter and read it," Looks like you guys are the team that will participate in the D of D, this way please."

They are then brought to the receptionist area where a bunch of women are waiting for them. One of them is a young woman with long blond hair down to her waist and a green headband up top. She usually wears white gloves and a light blue dress having a long side on her left leg and the other completely exposed with a blue band on the thigh.


"Yeah." Kensei nodded.

"Heh~ so you like those sorts of things huh~ Lou-kun." Miu angrily looks at him, before they come here, Lou's girlfriend asks Miu to watch over their husband to prevent taking another butterfly at home, because every one of them asks her, she obligates and willingly accepts their task.

But it seems it's hard for her to hold Lou and prevent him from seeing a butterfly this time.