Vs Yami Again

Lou looks weird seeing Yami in the championship, he can't help but to ask," What are you doing here?"

Yami whose hand transformed into a blade try to slice Lou but Lou easily dodge it, she coldly said," There's a mission, a mission for you"

"Don't tell me another assassination." Lou then waves his hand hitting Yami on her belly making her push away from Lou.

"That's right, the client wants the weapon you're using, and of course, some blood sample from you." She then looks at her belly and slowly pats it.

"Hmmm…. How much?"

"Five hundred million and a bunch of herbs that I need." Yami said.

"Pretty good offer, I can give you a sample of my blood but not my weapon, I'm still using it after all."

Yami looked at him and transformed her finger into claw and said," Not enough, I never miss my target once except for you, so you need to give it to me or I will take it forcibly."

"Well, then good luck." Lou raises his hand.

"Come! Seraphim " The Burning Ones"

From the sky, a 6 feet long Naginata falls in front of Lou. a colored black with a trial of green flame around the neck of the blade.

"Is that your weapon?"

"Yes, isn't it beautiful?"

".... Yes….. it's pretty."

Lou taken back from her answer, he did not expect her to reply to his silly question at all, this is the first time.

"I feel your thinking something rude?:

"Just your imagination?"


Yami teleports behind Lou brandishing her claw trying to tear her apart, from her expression she looks angry for an unknown reason.

Lou waves his weapon parrying her claw creating sparks around them, Yami's other hand transforms into the blade and tries to stab him multiple times but Lou easily parries it using the handle of his Naginata.

With a wave of his weapon, he hit Yami to her belly again, but this time, Yami's arm transforms into a shield blocking the attack easily, but still, her feet drag in the ground because of the force of the attack.

"You're fast, flexible and rich in combat experience, I can tell that I'm going to have a hard time fighting you if this continues," Yami said.

"Then give up, go home and rest earlier to grow up faster." Lou teasing said.

"Not so fast, the only difference between you and me is power, and speed. If I transform my body I can easily overcome the gap between us," Yami said.

"And besides, what's wrong with my body?" She then looks at her petite body confused and asks Lou, she felt that her current body is easy to use in any different situation but not now.

"Body Transformation"

Yami's body starts to change, she starts to grow up, her legs are growing longer, her arms are getting longer, her waist is getting thinner, her body is getting mature as she transforms and her breast is almost as big as Miu's chest.

"Partial Animal Transformation"

A white ear appears from her head and 8 gorgeous tails behind her back. She looks adorable and sexy from her new transformation, making Lou feel hot in his nose.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Legendary creature, Nine Tail Fox, one of the most flexible and fast lighting mink of the animal planet, this is my first time using this so i don't know if i can use this body properly." Yami tried to move around to check her body.

But from her simple movement, Lou can easily detect that she is using the Space System, she is almost traveling in Space while her steps are like a miniature blink.

"Let's start again," Yami brandished her fist and appeared in front of Lou's face.

It's so fast that Lou almost cant react to her attack, but still he managed to dodge the attack, but not the lighting force behind the attack that manages to unleash behind his head.


The energy from her fist hit the column behind them pulverising it easily, Lou shuddered to see how fast her attack with the power of lighting coated on it.

"Good, let's start again,"

And a kick appeared beside Lou, without any thinking Lou released his weapon and grabbed the incoming leg in one hand, after successfully grabbing it, he felt that an unstable power was about to be released from the leg so he pulled it upward making it to change the direction of the relay.

Yami's palm then touches his chest, Lou's face suddenly changes, it's too late, the attack has already hit him, the only thing he can do is braze himself.

"Sensen Body"



Lou's uniform pulverized by the attack that comes from her palm, Lou's upper body is now showing off to everyone.

A piece of cloth starts to slide down revealing a well-proportioned body, his muscles don't show any kind of explosive power but each of them is graceful.

His body is almost a perfect piece of art that all the women around can't help but to grasp. Lu, who looks like a tin on his clothing, is actually hiding a body that can be described as a piece of art.

Miu who's watching on the side felt hard to breathe, her eyes cant get away from mLou's body as if he is being hypnotized.

Yami on the other hand looks at her hand then at Lou's body, she is slightly interested in his body but she is more interested in the feeling when she touches him.

It's not hard as she thinks, not as rough as her imagination, but actually, she feels smooth and bouncy like her skin making her feel weird somehow.

Meanwhile, Shigure want to jump down to cover Lou, but she can't, she can only helpless and nervous watch outside while looking around,

Lou remove some of the broken cloth and slightly stretch his body, he said," Let's do it again, this time, i will do it seriously."
