
"As the Principal said, I will be your Bodyguard from now on. I will guard you in the morning when you arrive, and in the evening after I deliver you back to your own home," Lu said.

"Okay," Both of them nodded.

Lou helpless said," And forget about Nobuna's words, she is just joking to you girls, and you, Fumino, don't just read storybooks, read some Science too, just like Ogata so that you know how babies are made."

"Yes…" Fumino shyly bowed her head, she did not expect to say those foolish and childish words.

"We'll…. Never mind, just try to gain some normal knowledge about those staff to prevent you guys from being fooled by someone."

"Like you?" Ogata asked.

"Yeah- ... no of course not."

"They said your a womanizer, a pervert, and a child eater."

"I can ealy accept being a pervert and a womanizer, but a Lolicon? I will never do that." Lou said.

"So you really are a pervert in the end." Fumino asked.

Lou starts to feel heartburn talking to these girls, now he doesn't know how he can open up to them for the quest, it seems he will have a hard time doing that.

He then uses identification to see these two ladies' status.


Title: Clockwork Thumbelina

Name: Rizu Ogata

Age: 17

Level: 49

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: scientist

Buff: Air-headed

Strength: 14

Agility: 11

Endurance: 10

Mental Strength: 500

Intelligent: 520


Genius-level Intelligence SSS+

Alchemy E-


Math Genius Primary S+

Math Genius Secondary S+

Math Genius Tertiary A-

Science Genius Elementary S+

Science Genius Secondary S+

Science Genius Tertiary A-

Cooking F+

Affinity: Ogata Udon, City D High

Remark: B91-W53-H85


Lou felt his nose become hot after seeing the remark, he did not expect that the System is also a huge pervert.

System,' Just a remark.'

'I know.'


Title: Sleeping Beauty of the Literary Forest

Name: Fumino Furuhashi

Age: 17

Level: 45

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Scholar

Buff: Sleep-deaded

Strength: 12

Agility: 12

Endurance: 11

Mental Strength: 500

Intelligent: 510


Genius-level Intelligence SSS+

Rune Carver E-

Star Caller ( Seal )


Literature and Arts Primary S+

Literature and Arts Secondary S+

Literature and Arts Tertiary A-

Affinity: City D High

Remark: B61-W51-H72 .... Flat…

For some reason, Fumino felt a malicious and pitiful gaze somewhere, but she didn't know who was looking at her.


"Taksu-san, can I ask you something," Ogata asked.

"Call me Lou just like my friends call me,"


"Good, what do you want to ask?"

"The Principal said that you're an Alchemy, can I ask you if you can teach me about it?" Ogata asked.

"Me too, i heard that you're a Rune Curver, i also want to enhance my ability, can you teach me too?" Fumino asked.

"Sure, ask me if I have free time."

"Good," 2x

When they arrived in the classroom, they felt something wrong in the air, it seemed every boy's around, even the other class looked intense.

"Did you hear? She is finally back?"


"It's true, we saw her just arrive a while ago."

Lou walk to his chair while look confused, he don't know why the boys look excited and tense at the same time.

"What happens?"

"She is back."
