"Load Magic: "Anthos Pagetoid Chillon Eton"
"Magia Erebea Armament"
"Krystallinē Basileia"
"Imperial Green Jade External Bone Armor"
"Death Knight's Elemental Armor"
"Pretty good armor, I feel that your armor is at the same level as my magic," Eva said.
Her abilities seem to be the ability to freeze everything surrounding Evangeline. Eva's Armatione allows her to fire any Ice Element spells below High-Class Levels, with no incantations and restrictions whatsoever, practically making her invincible.
Meaning, she is now a moving warhead with intelligent and personal thinking, she is more dangerous right now based on Lou's feelings.
But even though Lou is thinking that way, what he doesn't know is that Eva is also thinking that to him.
She felt tyrannical heat coming from Xin right now, her "Krystallinē Basileia" has the ability to freeze everything around her on passive but from the look on surroundings, the freezing seems to stop at the center of the room.
She raises her finger and points it at Lou.
"Nether World Icicle"
An ancient magic circle formed above Lou and a towering ice pillar drop gown towards him, seeing the attack, Lou only murmurs.
"Hell Fire"
The ice pillar instantly melts creating a steam of hot air around, it so fast that Eva did not even see the ice become water at all.
"Ice Saber Rondo"
Evangeline creates several high-quality curved ice swords, makes them rotate, and launches them towards Lou, the sword ice did not even emit any sound from its sharpness.
An invincible field appears around Lou again, he looks at the ice sword and catches it with his bare hand, utilizing the force from it he throws it back towards her with great speed.
Eva also creates a barrier destroying the sword, she then flicks her finger and multiple ancient magic circles appear behind her.
"Eiaculatio Grandinis"
With incoming attack, Lou passively uses his "Seikūken" again, blocking all attacks flying towards him.
"You're open." Eva, who appeared behind him, mischievous said.
"Not at all."
They first hit each other, then kick, and multiple palm thrust, exchanging melee combat to each other.
Eva seems proficient when it comes to melee combat even though she is a pretty skilled magician.
While Eva thought that Lou is also an excellent Martial Artist even though he is more like Mage than a fighter.
"You're good at this."
"Thank you."
"Where did you learn this? Do you have a Master's?"
Lou leans back dodging the kick and then throws a punch to counter.
"Yes, I have, they are excellent Masters."
"I see, what about Magic Teacher? I can see that your teacher teaches you pretty well."
"I don't have a Magic Teacher."
"Really?" She then jumps up, flicks his finger and summons numerous spears around them.
"Eiaculatio Grandinis"
Lou activates his "Seikūken" and crushes all the incoming attack, he then reaches out toward Eva who is floating not far from him.
"Psychic Restraint"
Green energy starts to come out from his hand while Eva suddenly stops in the mid-air, she feels something is holding her body preventing her from moving.
When she looks at Lou, she notices the familiar green energy from his hand making him snap out.
"So you're that pipsqueak disciple?"
"Quadruple Incarnation"
"Cantus Bellax"
"Melodia Bellax"
"Vis Maxima"
"Max Gelidus Capulus!!"
Gelidus Capulus is mid-rank capture spell of about the same rank as Crystallization Tellustris, Fulguration Albicans and Flagrantia Rubicans that creates a giant icicle from the ground. The pillar then completely encases and traps the target.
Not only that, using multiple enchantment abilities, the power of the seal multiplied by a hundredfold making it impossible to break.
"I change my mind, i will take you as Disciple, let's see that pipsqueak cry after seeing his disciple being snatched by me" Eva arrogant said.
"I'm sorry i cant follow you."
From the gigantic ice block, Lou calmly looks at him while everything is melting apart, using his unique fire and ability to absorb magic, he easily destroys Eva's seal.
"H-How did you?"