
While sitting playing chess, Lou suddenly asks.

"What is this, wi=hich closes when passing through, and which opens when blocked?"

"A question? Riddle?"

Lou took the first move and nodded.

Chikage looks at his move and moves one of her pawns then starts thinking about Lou's riddle but Lou already takes his move so her thinking stops momentarily.

"Any answer?"

"It's easy, is it an elevator?"

"Wrong." Lou takes a move again, this time he moves the horse to another position.


"You're wrong again, the answer is Railroad Crossing."

Chikage momentarily stopped and made her move," ..... I see."

Lou made another move and looked at her and asked," Haven't you played riddles before?"

"..... Riddles? No."

"Really? Like when you were in kindergarten? Or elementary school?"

Chikage shook her head.


Shake shake

"I don't remember attending kindergarten….."

'Oh, I forgot that this girl is a genius, what kind of genius will attend a kindergarten.' Lou inward thought.

"Then what kind of game do you usually play?"

"Making a thesis... trying to prove that there's aliens on mars?"

Lou felt that htsi kid is super advanced, he only made a thesis when he was in college in his last life and making one is super hard but this girl uses the thesis as plaything.

Something compared to others will make you angry not to the opposite person but to yourself.

".... What about you? Have you played a riddle before?" Chikage made her move to put his paw in the way of Lou's pawn.

"Well….. I play to some extent, yes." Lou answers while looking at the board game.

Putting another piece then looking at her, he asks," Then, how about a game of riddle while playing chess to make everything more exciting?"

Chikage, who was about to put down the chess piece, suddenly paused and then slowly nodded.

Lou look at the board game and absentminded starts his riddle.

"Father Frog cries vigorously,"Croak Croak" and Mother Frog cries beautifully "Chirp Chirp" then, how would Baby Frog cry?"

"....Creep… Creep?"

Chikage shook her head and answered again,".... Chop? ….. No, the vocal organ is different.... In case of species…. Then…"

"Did you finally figure it out?"

Chikage hurriedly nodded an answer." 1 2 4"

'How did you end up with a number!' Lou inwardly shouted, he did not expect her to answer using numbers for a pretty simple riddle.

"Your wrong, the answer is Mew~ Mew~" Fumin excitedly answer

"And how does the Frog suddenly sound like a Cat?"

"Because the Frog you talking is a Cat Frog a Rare specimens Frog."

"..... Wrong, the answer is "A tadpole doesn't cry."

Fumino and Chikage were petrified hearing the answer, their brain can't process it and accept Lou's answer but after a couple of minutes, they eventually accepted his answer.

For some reason, Fumino walks beside Lou and punch him from behind, her punch is not strong, Lou only felt benign massage by a soft hand.

"..... One more time," Chakage said while looking at the board game.

'Maybe i should give him a well one next, i feel embarrassed for her,'

"What will a car always lose when cornering?"

".... Chikage wh about to take a move suddenly stop and start pondering, she look at Lou and said.

"..... Gasoline?" Chikage

"A Car can't lose gasoline."

"..... Parts?" Fumino

"That's pretty scary."

"... A man?" Chikage

"You're scaring me…"

Looking at the gloomy face of these two genius, Lou cant help but to said," The answer is-"

"Stop, not yet." Both of them said,

Lou helpless look at the mand start paying attention on the chess game, Lou also notices that the two of them are trembling and fidget while thinking for the answer.

".... Already found?"

Chikage and Fumino both look at Lou.

"Worn tire molecules?"


"They will probably fall even when the car moves straight…"

Looking at their silent faces, Lou finally answered them.

"Speed, the answer is speed."

Lou then put on a chess piece and announced," Checkmate."

".... How…" Chikage only realised that she lost after hearing Lou answer, she forgot that she is also playing a chess game while thinking the answer for the riddle making her fail both of the games.

"I'm going now, if you want to play again, come at me anytime."

5 minutes later, Chikage took her phone and called someone. She said," The lower world is filled with things I don't understand."

"Hmph, that part of your training as well..."
