Ayane's Innocent Thoughts

Asahina Ayane was a first year student of Nango-Kuren Highschool, she had another name, the seat of the Ryū for the first years had been taken by none other than her. Dubbed as the Senseiryū, she was the Dragon of Speed, no one was faster than her and was hailed as the fastest Ryū in history, she held high prestige in the school.

Last Monday after the end of her class, she was strolling around the school, looking around at the scenery and the bustling of the students, admiring the architecture and of course trying to find people that she can fight.

Thinking that she was finished with her inspection she decided to go back to her dorm, on her way back however she was subjected to a strange situation.

A strange person had passed right where she was standing, it was a sudden occurrence, so sudden in fact that she couldn't even dodge or even see that person. Ayane was known for her speed, but she still couldn't move at the speed of light and more a speed that you can create a straight line when you pass by.

Consequently, Ayane wasn't able to react, she had also gone into a minor shock at the precipitance of the situation. She wants to look again to see that person but it's already too late. That person has already entered, not just some strange establishment or anything but at her own school she is attending.

She didn't expect to see someone as fast, maybe faster than her in her own school, it hid that even she and others maybe don't know that hidden expert.

More infuriating was the fact that she as known as Dragon of Speed actually can't even see the person face

The shame, the rage, the hatred, the embarrassment, too many emotions were stirring inside her in a complex storm of blistering sensations. She had never felt so many emotions simultaneously before. In actuality, if the said fellow was a girl she wouldn't have minded as much, she would've at most berated her a bit.

But surprisingly, it's a boy wearing the strange but same style as her uniform. She knows that the school is an all-girl school. She only heard that the school will be co-ed next month and not today.

This was also the first time a man she belittled actually surpassed her not just by a large but huge margin her rage was understandable.

Even if it were to be an accident, though her mind was in too much of a mess to even consider or believe that fact, she wasn't able to accept it, she just couldn't. She was a Ryū and she would never forgive this even if it's a petty reason that someone is actually stronger than her.

Her eyes were teary as she glared at him, directing all the pent-up emotions inside her as she shouted at the fleeing boy. "That's it!! I will find and beat you up!"

And just like that, she tried to find that mysterious boy, but to her surprise she did not even use all her force to find him, she was actually not hidden but an experimental student that was going to attend the school for a week.

After school, she try to find the boy but she heard that Kyōka challenge the boy knowing how powerful Kyōka is, Ayane hurry find them to stop, she don't want to beat someone who already beaten up but her view collapses again when she see the boy carrying Kyōka on his arms.

It's clear to see the result, Kyōka the Gleaming Hard Dragon actually loses to some unknown boy and is embarrassed by the boy easily by caring about her showing off his own supremacy.

Ayane plan suddenly changes, she is a fighter but not idiotic enough to challenge someone that she cant beat at all, fighting someone like that boy is just a suicide mission, there's no good outcome if she try to fight him, only embarrassment waiting for her.

Then days pass until yesterday, she heard another Dragon undefeated by that mysterious boy from fear her view to him become adoration, she want to become as strong as him and defeat the other dragon, but the problem is, she inevitable the weakest of all dragon, after all, she is just a first-year student and just got her own title not too long ago.

Night passes and a strange idea pops out inside of her head.

'Why not try to be that boy apprentice, then she will train until she defeats that boy and starts conquering the other dragon and becoming the leader of the school.'

A simple plan, a simple goal, it's pretty simple as she thinks, but she doesn't know that everything she thinks is not as simple as she thought.

So just like that, she came early and went to that boy's classroom to ask for the boy's guidance, but everything did not come as she expected, Kyōka challenged her and was defeated in the end.

She then realizes Kyōka is strong, she can't even defend or block those strong punches, but surprisingly, the boy she saw that day is pretty clean, he doesn't have any wound or any dirt when he fights Kyōka.

This truth made Ayane even more convinced to take that boy as her master, learn from him, and then defeat him and other dragons.

She even thought offering her first time, being a maid, bed warmer, or even full-time maid just to be accepted as an apprentice, but who thought that she only needed to fight him as a test, and if she is lucky enough, maybe he will teach her something strong to defeat other dragons.


Same place, same time, and one of the three dragons.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

Hearing his uninterested, downright bored tone annoyed Ayane. She was riled up by the fact that this boy in front of her was underestimating her. She was aware that she was the weakest of all the current Ryūs, but she was still stronger than all the other students in the school, that's why she could even gain the title of a Dragon.

"You..! You're underestimating me, aren't you?!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? When did I do that? Your imagination is pretty wild, you know that?"

"Master…. Can you at least show a serious face? You're hurting my pride as a Dragon , you know?"

"Well, fine then."

"Let's start!:


Lou vanished from his stance, a sight that made Ayane's eyes widen in disbelief before she could even register the thought and search for him; he reappeared in front of her, with a punching stance ready to blow the air out of her lungs.

"What?! Whe-" Ayane couldn't finish her shocked monologue, Lou had no mercy and no reason to listen to it. He hurled a punch precisely to her solar plexus, where he was sure that she would faint if registered properly, and it did.

Ayane's eyes rolled in her skull, her vision going black only the whites of her eyes visible, she immediately went unconscious, slight foam can be seen leaking out of her mouth. She was literally knocked out to oblivion in a single punch.

Kyōka walks closer to check if Ayane is fine.

"What's the matter?"

"Can you at least hold back? I think you really don't want to accept her but to hurt her."

"Ah? I hold back you know, and i also hit her lightly,"

"Lightly? She passed out from just one punch you said you hit her lightly?"