The easiest thing to cook

Ding! You recessive Sub-Quest: The Sharp-Tongued Judge

Sub-Quest: The Sharp-Tongued Judge

The Tōtsuki Culinary Academy will go to held the 43rd Annual Tōtsuki Autumn Election and Senzaemon Nakiri want you to be one of the judges but because your idiotic enough not to use the god-given talent you have, the System cant help but to help the host.


You need to judge all the food based on what you feel, every time you misjudge the food, a consequence will happen.


You can only use the following.

Heavenly Flames

Hell Fire

Ice Manipulation

Blood Manipulation

Cosmetic Ability:

Alchemy Cooking S+

Medicinal Cooking S+

Literacy Cooking S+

Hospitality S+

Kōji S+

Wild Game S+

Molecular Gastronomy S+

Italian Cuisine S+

Chinese Cuisine S+

French Cuisine S+

Japanese Cuisine S+

Donburi S+

Spice Mastery S+

Ferociously Aggressive Japanese Cuisine S+

Confectionery S+


Culinary Creativity

Culinary Logic


Ingredient Knowledge


Special Item: The Legendary Utensils


Coiled Dragon Pot

Holy Copperware

Spirit Storehouse

Master Chef Uniform

Reward: Hidden

Fail: Confiscate God's Tongue

Note: Every wrong judgement will make you wear something girly for the whole day.


A huge amount of knowledge starts to power inside of Lou's head, it's too much that he starts rolling around Nakiri's bed while holding his head that is about to explode.

Nakiri who saw Lou rolling around nonyl thought this pervert just wanted to lie on her bed but she didn't have time for him right now, she needed to hide everything before he discovered even more from her.

Meanwhile, our mc is suffering, knowledge and different skills are too vast, it's too much that he even learns science, math and even astronomy just for the knowledge that he got.

Thank goodness, he only suffers for a couple of minutes. The pain finally stops, but still, he soils Nakiri's bed, it's now wet from his sweat.

Nakrii finally hides everything, she grabs some book and drags a chair in front of Lou, she then asks," What do you know about cooking?"

"Cooking? Its skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients."

Nakiri nodded, at least he knew what cooking was even though he didn't study culinary.

"What about the element? Do you know the element of cooking?"

Lou curious asked," What you ask?"

"I want to know the extent of your knowledge about cooking, it's embarrassing if you just eat as a judge and only tell what is delicious and not."

"Well… you're right… "

That's really embarrassing, a judge only knows how to eat, for sure everyone will laugh until their teeth fall in the ground if they heard that.

"Answer me, we need to revise some books for you to at least have knowledge about culinary."

"Salt, fat, acid and heat - the four elements of good cooking"

"Basic cooking skills a chef should know."

"Basic Cooking Skills Every Budding Chef Must Know"

"Knife Skills. ... Making the Perfect Stock. ... Mastering the Five Mother Sauces. ... Becoming an Egg Expert. ... Meat, Poultry & Fish. ... Vegetable Sanitation. ... Kneading the Dough. ... Staying Safe in the Kitchen."

Erina surprised Lou seems to know a lot of things about cooking, even though he looks like a wannabe cook who only knows how to cook delicious egg dishes, his knowledge is good enough to be a new chef.

"What is the easiest thing to cook?"

".... Instant noodle and fried egg."

Erina's lisp twitch, of course, those are easy to cook, noodles only need hot water while fried eggs only need to fry.

"Am I wrong?" Seeing Erina's twitching lips, Lou thought and changed his answer.

"Noodle and boil egg"

"Hayz~ Pasta. Steamed Rice. Omelet. Scrambled Eggs. Guacamole. Grilled Chicken Avocado Salad. Pesto Sauce. Tomato Sauce. These things are easy to cook except for Instant noodles and boiled or fried eggs."

Lou answer cant even consider cooking, if yes then all people who know how to boil eggs can already be called chefs.

"Let's continue, let's talk about spice."

Erina's one on one lesson continues until midnight, after drilling all the knowledge and confirming Lou is already semi qualified to be a judge she finally kicks him out of her house and slam the door to prevent him from entering again.

She even heartlessly calls the guards to throw Lou outside but Lou did not wait for them to throw him, he walks and goes back home, their next meeting will be Monday, the start of the 43rd Annual Tōtsuki Autumn Election.

He is pretty sure he will see something cool and new on Monday, he can't even wait for time to pass by.

And then Monday came...… just like that.