Nakiri's Family Son-in-Law

When Lou arrived at the judging area, he was surprised to see Senzaemon Nakiri sitting with the other judge.

He did not expect that the judge for the Quarterfinals is the Head Master already and not some rich and powerful person in the culinary world.

"You are finally here, sit here Lou-kun." Senzaemon waved at him while patting the vacant chair beside him.

Lou politely nodded and walked beside Senzaemon.

"Head Nakiri, who is this Young Man?" a bald judge asked.

"This is my Son in Law, Lo Takasu, grandson of Mis Nana."

"Miss Nana?"

"Miss. Nana Shimura is All Might's former mentor and a close friend of Gran Torino, also a retired Supre Class Hero."

"You mean that Nana from the last War? The one who can destroy a battleship with one hand!?" The bald man was surprised.

"That's right,"

The bald man looked at Lou and reached out his hand," Nice to meet you, Lou-sama, I'm Mansam, IGO Development Bureau Director and Gourmet Research Facility Chief and also a gourmet."

Mansam is a middle-aged man with chiseled features, a flat nose and is completely bald. He has two vertical scars on the left side of his head and three metal piercings on the top of it. He wears a white and gray sleeveless camo shirt and a pair of beige shorts.

His body is shown to be very muscular, maybe even more so than Senzaemon Nakiri.

Mansam is also the IGO Development Bureau Director and Gourmet Research Facility

"Hello, nice to meet you, Mansam-san."

"Do call me HANsome?"

"No…. I didn't…"

"Don't bother this bald man Lou, he is just narcissistic about his name and always misses hearing his name as "Handsome"."

"Hey, I thought someone would call me Handsome." Mansam depresses said while looking at Lou.

"What's the matter?"

"You have a pretty good baby on you kid, it's well hidden by another treasure, is this given by Nana-sama from last war as a souvenir?"

Lou can easily tell that Mansam feels his unique Fire inside of his body, thank goodness the System removes everything except for the Unique Fire or else he will faint in shock.

"This comes from my adventure last time, I'm lucky enough to find it in Frozen Domain."

"Oh~ what a brave kid, you actually chose the Forbidden Field for your first adventure ground, i recommended you to try the one of the IGO ground, i pretty sure you will like it."

"You mean the Biotope 1? Is that palace already open?"

"Of course not, but you can go there using my name, here take my card if you want to come." Mausam gives Lou a pass card so that he can enter and exit on Biotope 1.

"Biotope 1, is the largest and most productive of all the IGO's Biotopes. Located on a continent to the south of the Country, it encompasses the Regal Plateau, the current habitat of the Regal Mammoth, one of the hardest and most luxurious meats in the world."

"It also houses the IGO Research Lab, where nearly 30% of the world's ingredients are produced. The 1st Biotope is presided over by Mansam, the IGO's third-highest-ranked official, after the President and the Vice-President. The island spans 500,000 square kilometers, and with 5000 meter tall mountains enclosing it in its entirety." Senzaemon said.


"The International Gourmet Organization, or simply IGO, is the global organization responsible for maintaining order in the Gourmet Age, and defending civilians from dangerous animals and gourmet criminals. It administers the Eight Gourmet Laws, and possibly other food-related laws, in the territories under its jurisdiction."

"I can see a great potential in you, if you want you can try to take the exam to become a certified member of the IGO."

"I'm sure he will not," Senzaemon said." I think Lou-kun will follow in the footsteps of his Great Grandfather Nana."

".... We will see.."

Lou still doesn't know what he wants to do in the future, but for sure being a Hero is not included on his list because he doesn't want a messy life.

"Hello, I'm Kakunoshin Ōizumi the President of the Japanese Food Industry Council and a frequent culinary judge for Tōtsuki Culinary Academy."

Ōizumi is an old man with a short stature. He has a bald head with light-colored side hair, which juts in every direction and noticeably thick eyebrows. In his youth, he had a full head of dark-colored hair.

He is currently wearing a dark-colored yukata with a flower pattern haori over it.

"Hello, I'm Seishū Saotome, the Director of Japan Gourmet Society and also a frequent culinary judge for Tōtsuki Culinary Academy.

One by one, the judges around them start introducing themselves to Lou. They know that his Youngman will be a big figure in the future just based on his 2 backers right now.


The Quarterfinals finally start.

Yukihira Soma vs Nakiri Alice

Sōma was introduced first, followed by Alice, much to the shock of many of Sōma's supporters. As she entered the arena, she waved at her grandfather with a smile as he smiled back while she glared at Lou making Lou feel funny at her. As she unveiled her vast array of Molecular Gastronomy cooking machines.

As the match started, Alice quickly set out to work, bringing out numerous cooking devices which made the audience think that her station was more of a laboratory rather than a kitchen.

While Yukihira is cooking in a traditional way and in an easy manner, but from two contestants, Lou already sees the result.

Alice finished cooking her dish first and walked up to the judges, holding trays with transparent domes. However, inside the domes, nothing could be seen except for a mysterious mist.

She put it in front of them and smiled.

"Well then….. Let's have a lunch~ Lou-kun~"

Lou only looks at her once then at her dish, he helplessly sees what is inside, he can already see the result but still, he eats it all.