Avrora Florestina

It's unknown how much time Lou spent lying on the ground but slowly he regained consciousness after fainting.

His eyes slowly open, he is confused at first but sensing the cold sensation on his neck he finally snaps out, looking at his arms is a beautiful little girl.

The girl's aura finally calms down, she is now sleeping in Lou's embrace like a good kid without doing anything bad.

Using his ability, Lou checks what kind of trouble comes this time.


Title: The 12th Kaleid Blood, The Original Fourth Primogenitor, The Sleeping Princess

Name: Avrora Florestina

Age: ?????-

Rank: Archon Lvl 3

Gender: Female

Species: Primogenitor

Class: Fourth Primogenitor

Debuff: Hibernate ( All Stat Seal/ All Ability/Skill Seal )

Strength: ( Seal )

Agility: ( Seal )

Endurance: ( Seal )

Mental Strength: ( Seal )

Intelligent: 182

Luck: 777


Indestructible Body ( 100% )


Legacy: ( Imperial Rank 2 ) The Original Fourth Primogenitor

Racial Ability:

Shinso Bloodline


( Seal )

( Seal )

( Seal )


( Seal )

( Seal )

( Seal )

No. of Servant: 11 ( 12 )

1st Familiar Brote - Mesarthim-Adamas

The Adamant of God's Sheep

2nd Familiar - Taurus Deutera - Cor Tauri-Succinum

The Ox Headed King Of Amber

3rd Familiar Tritos - Al-Meissa-Mercury

The Serpent Dragon of Mercury

4th Familiar Tetartos - Natra-Cinereus

The Carapace of Silver Mist

5th Familiar Pemptos - Regulus-Aurum

The Golden of Lion

6th Familiar - Virgo Hektor - Minerva Iris

Rainbow Flames of the Dark Princess

7th Familiar Evdomos - Kiffa-Ahtel

The Black Sword of Abraded Night ( Seal )

8th Familiar - Scorpio Ogdoo - Shaula - Viola

Purple Scorpion-Tiger

9th Familiar Enatos - Al-Nasl-Minium

The Crimson of Bicorn

10th Familiar - Capricornus Dekatos - Dabih-Crystallus

The Goat of Glinting Eyes

11th Familiar Endekatos - Sadalmelik-Albus

The Water Spirit of White Steel

12th Familiar Dodekatos / Alrescha-Glacies

The Demon Princess of Blue Ice

Affinity: Lukedonia


'T-This- a Primogenitor? How the heck this kind of being appears here?!'

Lou did not expect that the girl who tried to eat him was actually a higher being, higher than his own Race.

A Primogenitor of all things.

Primogenitors are the oldest and first vampires who received the curse of immortality from now-dead gods. They are considered the strongest vampires to exist, with powers that rival the strength of national armies.

Primogenitors cannot be killed by normal means. Any lethal blow to their body can be healed rapidly, and even the most fatal injuries (such as decapitation) are unable to end them.

They are also one of the best Summon Class having a number of servants at their disposal, getting one servant is also easy.

They possess supernatural strength, speed, reflexes, and durability; they are much more powerful than normal vampires.

"So you're here, thank goodness i finally found you, and it seems you caught a pretty big fish here Lou," Eva who just appeared said.

"What is she doing here?"

"She? I don't know, i only get some information just now,"

"So how did she appear here?"

"I heard that she is being excavated from her original place, her casket seems to be transferred here to hide before the Dark Organization takes her with them to study."

"Who thought that she woke up from slumber? That's all I know about her."

Lou looked at her and helplessly said," I encountered her when he was super hungry. I thought i'm dead after being pinned down but who thought that our Primogenitor here eats little."

"Maybe she smell your unique smell,"

Lou curious smells his body and feels like he smells the same as he always smells.

"You can't smell it on yourself, only those Blood Clan can smell your delicious essence."

"So that's why you always bite me after the training?"

"I'm only taking a small bite thats all,"

"Small bite? I don't know how many cc of blood you already drain from me."

"Shut up," Eva embarrassingly shouted, she pointed the girl on Lou's arm and commanded.

"Bring her, we need to leave from here fast, i sense a bunch of people coming here."

"Okay." Lou carries Avrora leaving the palace with Eva.

After a couple of minutes, different ethnic people arrive and a huge war happens.