Nobless Power

"Hey, Karin, can you take the woman for me?" Lou ask/


"I just don't want to fight her, you can do what the best you can do for her."

Karin slightly grinned and said,'' Thai is not like you, are you perhaps hesitant to kill them? Or are you perhaps trying to act like a gentleman?"

"Can you?"

"Okay, I will clean her up."

"Oi, can't you be me? What are you muttering about kids these days that don't do as they are told to do?"

"Well, let me educate you even your just a small monster~"

Jake, who is standing in front of Lou, doesn't know that he is standing in front of one of the most dangerous beings in the world.

"Ummm…. You make me irritated for some reason, especially your face and expression, I don't like them at all."

"You are pretty handsome… however benign handsome and pretty boy is no advantage, a pretty boy like you is a enemy to all men"

"I think i'll have to get rid of you, lets cut your face and make it a mask, or cut your body piece by piece and feed it to shark"

"hmm>? What are you not looking at me? Are you perhaps afraid? That you can't even look me in the eyes?"

Lou finally looked at him and said," Your mouth stinks, and you're too tall, know your place bug."

"What? What the hell have you been talking about?"

"I said bug, you're too high."


Jake suddenly feels a pressure pressing him down making him kneel in the ground, his whole instinct is screaming this time.

This kid in front of him is dangerous, super dangerous that his leg wants to run away from him but he is being held to kneel.


Lou looked down at him and coldly said" This is the difference between you and my level so know your place bug."



Jake sees Mary getting slashed in two by the woman, she cuts Mary so easily and fast that she does not even have a chance to show her true form.

"-You! What kind of monster are you?!"

"I'm a being and nt oa monster, i think you don't even know this basic thing."

"Well, never mind, I don't care if you can make me kneel but I'm pretty sure that I'll make you pay for doing this to me!"

"I'm sure I'm stronger than you if I transform into battle mode!"

"Go on, start you, performance clown."


Jake's arms transform becoming purple with multiple pink blades coming out of his arms.

When he transforms completely, his whole body turns to purple, his teeth transform to huge fangs and his hair becomes bald.

Jake slowly stands up, the pressure that he experienced just now disappears, it seems his guts are right, his full transformation is stronger than this little monster.


"You are better than I expected , what with making me surprised just now, but that is the end of your insolence."

"In return, I'll use my newly acquired power on you first and pulverize your white face."

"I don't know what you did before, but it doesn't work on me anymore, not on me, who has gone through final evolution, kukukuku~"

"I've accomplished the evolution that no one else can do, think of it as an honor to have been present at this historical moment."

"You…. talk too much."

"You!! You bastard!! It seems you don't know what kind of situation you have right now"

Jake then throws a punch, a punch bigger than Lou.

Seeing the punch, Lou slowly raises his hand and gently catches his fist easily making Jake break in sweat sensing his power punch easily neutralized.

"Kuu!! Wh-What the hell are you!!"

"I've definitely evolved!! how!!"

"So? What about it?" Lou said.

"I'm more powerful!! I'm god!! You're just a monster!!"

"Enough, if this is all you got, then disappear

Lou wave his hand and Jake's huge body twisted like a twig and slowly, blood start to come out from him like wet cloth that being squeezed

"No!! Mercy!!"

"I don't want to die!!"


Lou waves his hand then throws Jake and Mari's body back to the worship in the distance.

Couple of minutes later, the warships start to turn around leaving Lukedonia finally.

He then waves his hand, using his power as Noblesse, he shrouds the whole island with an invisible barrier making the Lukedonia disappear in the map again.

"So what's next?"

"Let's stay for a day then leave, I still need to teach those idiots."
